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7th May – DAY ONE

Afternoon discussion led by Mariam, Mi and Pranali. We encouraged feedback and discussion rather than strictly presenting our own ideas and findings.

We discussed what we had learned earlier in the day regarding Bradfords rich heritage, student perceptions of Bradford, Bradford’s status as a young city. We talked to them about our site visit conducted in February and walked them through Google street views to familiarise them with the site and the city.

We also answered student questions and provided information about Thursdays’ site visit, as well as loosely assigning roles based on skill, interest, and potential development.
Posted 14 May 2024 11:49
7th May

Morning presentation by Fraser, taking the students through an introduction to Bradford and our original MSA Live brief as well as our own interpretation and goal.
We explained that Bradford is undergoing regeneration through a variety of schemes and that our work would involve understanding these schemes and what we might do differently.
In addition, we brought with us examples of past publications from previous MSA Live projects to show younger students what kind of work is expected from an MSA Live team.
Posted 14 May 2024 11:48
A new week has begun!
During the first two days of this week, members of our group continued to refine the design feasibility and created new structural models. They drew technical floor plans and promptly summarized and optimized any issues that arose during the process.
Posted 14 May 2024 11:34
Day 4


On this day, we delved deeper into the existing proposals from the previous session. Utilizing the knowledge gained about plants, we incorporated them into the project and arranged the design details logically. Many students achieved excellent results in their projects. After uploading all the documents to Google Drive, we organized them in preparation for the next presentation to Dawn.
Posted 14 May 2024 10:40
Day 5 was spent planning and preparing for the exhibition which is going to be held at the second floor gallery space in MTC. We were able to show our collaborator what the next few days were looking like, and discussed the future of the exhibition material after MSA Live.

Deep Dive is currently planning on transferring all of the work, both digitally and physically, to Alex and Robert for them to exhibit it in Crewe, either at Flag Lane Baths upon completion or at the local Market Hall in Crewe. We are thrilled to have our work utilised and showcased beyond MSA Live, and hope it leaves plenty of happy residents for Crewe residents.
Posted 14 May 2024 10:27

It was lovely catching up with one of our collaborators today as we got to show all the lovely work Deep Dive have been doing. The Research team has been steadily moving forward with the collection of research along with the creation of poster templates towards our final output.

On the other hand, we had the Design team working on 3D visualisations of our proposed exhibition in Flag Lane Baths. With the exhibition drawing near, we were happy to get some valuable insight from Alex, and are looking forward to the final outcome!
Posted 14 May 2024 10:25
Day 4

Turning Our Ideas into Reality!

Everyone had the opportunity to bring their ideas to life through drawings, collages, and 3D modelling. The team experimented with different designs, textures, and materialities, pushing the boundaries of their creativity. During lunch, participants had the chance to network and exchange ideas, with many sharing their visions and aspirations. The break was filled with vibrant discussions, inspiring everyone to refine and expand their approach. After lunch, the excitement continued as participants approached the project by creating 2D and 3D designs that reflected real-world applications. We delved into more advanced 3D modelling techniques, exploring new ways to bring concepts to life. We wrapped up the day with a showcase of the day's work. The variety and quality of the designs were truly impressive, reflecting the hard work and dedication of all involved.

Stay tuned for Day 5 of MSA Live Action Week as we continue to turn our ideas into reality!
Posted 14 May 2024 04:21

The day started off with laser cutting and puzzling the model together as well as discussing the details and objectives to be achieved for each site model 🧩

The team was incredibly productive as we focused on creativity and skills to design and build the prototypes. Although there were three model concepts for the three sites, the collaboration was impressive as we presented our ideas to the whole group!

Can't wait to see the finalized model !!!🗽

Posted 14 May 2024 00:04
Day 4, Collaborator meeting-
We had a brief discussion with the collaborators about the designs and the marketing schemes. They were really happy with the work produced by the students. They were impressed by the Installation designs as both had unique story and identity. With all the posters designed, they decided to merge them all into one and create a well-organized marketing pamphlet showing graphical bee story and the factual data of the cups.
Posted 13 May 2024 23:34
Installation- Framing structure
Posted 13 May 2024 23:01
Installation- Street furniture
Posted 13 May 2024 23:00

All members of the student team quickly got into the swing of talking with passersby and we collected lots of inspiring feedback and ideas, which we recorded for analysis tomorrow, to inform the development of the initial concepts from last week.

We then split into two groups, with the MArch students continuing the community engagement at the stall, while the undergraduate students, who hadn’t seen the sites before, were taken on a walking tour by Greg and Phil. At the end of the day, we had a de-brief with our collaborators, where the student teams had the opportunity to ask some final questions to the Marple Civic Society members, and reflected on an engaging and inspiring site visit!
Posted 13 May 2024 22:47
Day 5

On May 13, members from all three groups collaborated to merge designs and add more specifics about feasibility. We made some sketches together and built the digital model.
Posted 13 May 2024 22:44

This morning we met at the station to get the train together to Marple for our community engagement day. Thankfully all of our models made it to the train in one piece and we’d lucked out with a sunny day for our site visit!

Phil from Marple Civic Society met us from the train and walked with us through the park to where he and Greg had very kindly set up a gazebo stand for us in the town centre. Here, we set up tables to display our models and the ‘community feedback board’, with post-it notes for Marple residents to add their ideas.

We had put up posters around Marple the week before to publicise our visit, and these seemed to have done the trick - within half an hour there was quite a crowd of people around the stall despite it being a Monday morning!
Posted 13 May 2024 22:42
DAY 5 - Progressing with technical drawings

During a productive morning we developed technical drawings specified in the output list. Students made a good start on elevation and plan drawings, in which we provided feedback. These require minor adjustments like line weights, adding scale bars, north points and annotations.

Tomorrow we aim to have these completed and continue working towards the final drawings. Despite the rocky start, we now have a clear goal and everyone knows what their contribution is and what they are responsible for. So far we are very happy with the turnout and engagement from everyone on the team.
Posted 13 May 2024 22:28
Posted 13 May 2024 22:27
DAY 4 - Finalising The Design & Clarifying Final Outcomes

Today we refined our list of final outputs, further integrating the groundwork laid during yesterday's session. The student pairs have consolidated into two main groups to focus on specific elements of the shopping centre: one group on the facade, and another on the walkway.
This reorganisation not only invigorated our studio space but also significantly enhanced collaboration, producing more substantial outputs.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of what each group is working on:

Facade Group:

• Elevation Drawings: Detailed at a scale of 1:200
• Perspective Views: These will provide a visual representation of how the facade integrates with the landscape and users.
• Structural and Materiality Details: Focusing on sustainable and cost-effective materials that align with the project goals.

Walkway Group:

• Plan: Detailed at a scale of 1:200, this includes callouts to highlight interaction points within the space.
• Section: Also scaled at 1:200, showing vertical relationships and connectivity.
• Perspective View: Illustrates how different users interact with the space, emphasising accessibility and user engagement.
• Circulation Details: At a scale of 1:50, with callouts where necessary, including improvements to the existing central stair to enhance flow.

These outputs have grown more ambitious compared to our initial goals. Initially aiming to generate broad ideas, we now have a more consolidated and elaborate project that considers a wider array of factors such as stakeholder needs, programmatic requirements, landscaping, circulation patterns, material choices, and assembly methods. This comprehensive approach was made possible by the exceptional engagement and high skill levels of the team members.

Today's progress, considerably more pronounced than yesterday's, has us confident that the final results will be ready for presentation by Thursday evening. As we prepare for the final push, our focus will remain on ensuring that these detailed plans are fully realised and that all elements work cohesively. The energy and creativity observed today are exactly what we need to see this project through to a successful completion.

(Posted 10 May 2024 15:51)
Posted 13 May 2024 22:27
Poster design for different marketing strategies. We tried various options to suffice the needs for the scheme.
Posted 13 May 2024 22:07
Day 5 - Develop the Concepts and Proposals

Concept Idea of one of the BA2 students (Anishka) on how one of the spaces of the old library can be adapted to be converted into a theater space for the children of the community
Posted 13 May 2024 21:54
Day 5 - Develop the Concepts and Proposals

BA1 and BA2 students working in groups with the help of Master students to develop their ideas on the concepts of how the spaces of the old library will be transformed to suit the needs of the community.
Posted 13 May 2024 21:48
Day 5 - Develop the Concepts and Proposals

Today, the students delved deeper into analysing the interior layout of the old library through collages. Among the collaborators outputs emerged a proposal to transform a section of the building into a theater, dedicated for children attending theater classes to showcase their performances.
Posted 13 May 2024 21:32
Action Week: Day 5

Today, we had a passionate meeting with Mr. Tony, who has been with us since the inception of the MSA LIVE project at the end of last year. It was a moment for M.Arch, MA AR leaders, and BA & Foundation course students to present the new future facade design of Hulme Hippodrome we've been diligently preparing. From Tony, we were able to receive very constructive feedback. Following the meeting, students had time to refine the specifics of the building's new facade design based on Tony's feedback and to visualize it in appropriate ways.
Posted 13 May 2024 20:59
May 13, 2024: Design Development

We started the day by reviewing the feedback provided by our collaborator last week and outlining the main points to consider. Following this, we individually began developing the concept. Later, we had a brief discussion to share our progress, evaluate the proposed ideas and determine the direction for the final design—whether to select one idea or combine elements from various concepts.

After lunch, we split into two groups to create a set of proper architectural drawings for the developed design.
Posted 13 May 2024 20:07
Day 3 was all about learning software tricks and helping students in developing their posters and installation model. Students creativity helped us understand the various design perspectives. It was a well-communicated and unique brainstorming session for the design activity.
Posted 13 May 2024 19:57
Action week: Day 5!

Hello, here is Keming. This is a blog for the new week.

After a weekend break, we went back to work on our project.

Some students are working on the set of drawings. They basically finished and are working on the post production. There’s a plan drawn up, needs lineweights adjusting and some furniture thrown in.

Now, we are supposed to think about visuals to send.
Posted 13 May 2024 19:07
Day 05: Back At It!

Rolling into Week 02 and the students began to set off with their application of the design guide, combining all efforts to ensure the pamphlet for onsite use can allow users to appropriately navigate the park and be equally aware of areas that may have been hidden from them due to existing park conditions

Up next - Fine tuning those nodes!
Posted 13 May 2024 18:49
Day 3 of Action Week
Planning, planning, planning! The day was spent gathering data and introspecting the possibilities between the possible and the impossible. Eventually the team made some head way into a plan for the upcoming days and worked towards putting the ideas on paper.
Posted 13 May 2024 17:52
Day 4
Today, students worked independently. They had self-directed tasks, working on concepts and sketches of alternate uses, reimagining spaces, and understanding how new life will be brought to the street through our interventions. The work produced represents their assigned facade itself—a step closer to our final output!
For week 2, we prepare for intensive days of model-making!
Posted 13 May 2024 17:42
After this morning, the team sat down and discussed the best way to tackle the tasks at hand. The teams devised a plan of attack for the rest of the afternoon to complete the 3D modelling of the site to ensure that diagrams of program, use and interaction could be produced for the client drawing pack.

The teams carried on the development and modelling of the site using the insights that Kingsley and Chris had given them this morning. It was rewarding seeing the use of new modelling techniques shown earlier in the day! It certainly had an impact on the workflow and the outcomes starting to pop out of the models were astonishing!

We look forward to giving you an update of where both teams are in due course! For now though, we hope you have a lovely evening and we will see you all again tomorrow for another action-packed day!
Posted 13 May 2024 17:31
Day 5 - Today our advertising team printed the flyers for the Sale community boards and to hand out for the event on Friday! Growing closer, we are honing in on the website, completing the maps and getting in touch with local businesses and radio stations to advertise the event. Our collaboration with Emporium M33 was also published in the LifeInSale newspaper today, with more on the way!
Posted 13 May 2024 17:17
Week 02 Day 01

We continued to develop our proposals based on the feedback from the Carlton Club participants. In groups, students delved into the intricate dimensions of accessibility, learning how to work according to building standards using the regulations checklist we provided. In addition, we delivered an informative presentation showcasing planning resolved application drawings and engaged in thoughtful discussions regarding our experiences in architectural practice.
Posted 13 May 2024 16:52
Day 5: Instruction Manual

Following an illustrator workshop with Alina, everyone worked up some Ikea-style assembly visualisations of the final design for an instruction manual we are creating to go alongside the 1:1 prototype.
Posted 13 May 2024 16:50
DAY 5: Final Model + Detailed Design

After masterplanning the site last week, we attempted to go further into detail by choosing three sites that we would focus on. These three sites would highlight three different designs: Signage to the front roadside; solutions to the cycle container; and landscaping to the allotments.

Alongside this, a separate group formed to begin work at B15 workshop on the final model. The base has been constructed with plans to start work on the landscaping and existing context tomorrow.
Posted 13 May 2024 16:45
Day 5
Physical Models

Today was all about hands-on work with physical models! BA1 and BA2 students delved into exploring their designs by creating models, refining the interior layouts, and experimenting with various furnishings. It was an exciting day filled with creativity and iterative design processes.
Posted 13 May 2024 16:34
Day 5
We have continued development of our site map and proposed plans for the pavilion building. We have continuously been in contact with our collaborators during the design development process, using their feedback to improve our designs.
Posted 13 May 2024 16:17
Day 5

After the brainstorming sessions, our team was able to come up with a final design and our digital group was working hard today on our 3D model. Thank you to everyone for attending this session and for your amazing work!
Posted 13 May 2024 16:16
Development of the Site Map
The team has started to develop the design of a new map to better connect different areas of the park. This map will be visual and easy for visitors to follow, highlighting key areas and points of interest with the use of icons we have made. This map will encourage community and visitor engagement across Heaton Mersey Park.
Posted 13 May 2024 15:53
Day 3


For landscape design, acquiring basic knowledge about plants is crucial. Understanding the characteristics of different plants and their suitability for various settings is essential for designing a courtyard effectively. Our project primarily aims to provide a space for relaxation, and based on survey responses, there is significant anticipation for the inclusion of plants. With the assistance of our collaborators, we visited Platt Fields Market Garden to learn about plants. During this learning experience, we gained insights into the creation of restful spaces and identified plants that best suit our courtyard design requirements. Additionally, we learned about the story behind this community garden. Not only did we find mental relaxation through our interaction with plants, but we also acquired fundamental botanical knowledge. We believe that the experiences, insights, and knowledge gained here will inform our project design moving forward.
Posted 13 May 2024 15:33

We split into two groups and continued to focus on the Installation+poster and Signage+paths designs separately. We adjusted the initial concepts and proposals based on client feedback, and further developed the design narrative through collages, sketches, and drawings.
Posted 13 May 2024 15:29
Day 4
Introduction to LookX AI

BA1 and BA2 students spent the day working on their ideas using AI. The SketchUp model served as a foundation in LookX AI, where students experimented with various prompts, drawing inspiration, and refining their design concepts.
Posted 13 May 2024 15:15
Day 3
Introduction to SketchUp

In the afternoon, BA1 and BA2 students followed a SketchUp tutorial led by Jovan Jankovic. During this session, students learned the basics of SketchUp and modeled the space required for the project. The final 3D model is essential for the development and final drawings of the project.
Posted 13 May 2024 14:59
After the weekend, the team came back with fresh minds and are ready to tackle today's task!

The day started by translating the sketches and concepts from the previous week into AutoCAD and SketchUp. As some of the team were unfamiliar with these tools, an impromptu masterclass was held for both of the programs to improve workflow and increase the understanding of how such tools are used within a practical setting!

The latter part of the session was spent studying the previous landscape architect's proposal for the site in 3D to try to understand the levels of the site, and the solutions proposed. After this analysis, it ensured the team now fully understood how to deal with the levels and ensure that any requirements needed to meet Part M were factored in!

This afternoon, the team will take a deeper dive into the proposals and start to look at completing a drawing pack for the client to review for both solutions!
Posted 13 May 2024 14:37
MSA Live Action Week Day 4


We began our designing and brainstorming session later that day on how we could design the street signs.
We also discussed the ideal dimensions and font for the sign.
When speaking to Ross from life leisure he informed us that there is an issue of vandalism of signs, they attempted to fix this issue by raising the signs higher to avoid people from vandalizing the signs. We have decided that the new proposed signs can be painted on site by the local community to allow them to feel that they had an input in the design and discourage this act.
Posted 13 May 2024 14:20
Day 5 - Group A

This morning we continued to discuss and modify the CAD model. The content is still about the combination of the previously selected ground layer and 1st floor. We plan to perform laser cutting at B15 tomorrow.
Posted 13 May 2024 14:17
MSA Live Action Week Day 4

We spent the day finding and testing what would be the best locations for the audio walk. One we had finalized the best locations we then conducted some research into the ideal time and distance a walk should be to encourage the residents of Brinnington to get their weekly steps in. The aim is for each sign post to encourage people to walk further to meet the next sign. We also included an additional walk for those who feel they want a longer walk.
Posted 13 May 2024 14:14
Day 5: Full scale prototype

This morning we split into teams, working on assembly instructions for the final piece of furniture and creating templates to work from in the workshop this week.
Posted 13 May 2024 13:36
Day Five!

Having a few days left out, we geared up our workflow and a group of us started trailing out a couple of 3d models for printing in B.12 by playing out with two different colors to make children understand their school and the context of the school better which helped them understand what the workshop is and where are they going to design as well. Also, the same group went ahead to laser cut the elevations for the workshops in B.15 while the other started to work on the presentations and required illustrations. We end the day with briefing for the next sessions.
Posted 13 May 2024 13:08
Day 3
Adaptive Reuse Development

Thursday morning was dedicated to the significance of Adaptive Reuse architecture projects. The day began with Mahdiar Nezam delivering a presentation on the Haft Paykar Boutique Hotel in Iran, explaining the project's Adaptive Reuse planning process. Following this, Jovan Jankovic shared his MArch 1 final adaptive reuse project, providing a student's perspective on the process. Later in the day, BA1 and BA2 students presented their progress and engaged in working on the strategies they learned from the morning presentations.
Posted 13 May 2024 12:52
Action Week: Day 4!

24. Friday morning we began with a masterplan sketching exercise, with everyone drawing on ideas on a site plan from what we remember from engaging with community members. This was a quick exercise to make sure we have addressed all ideas mentioned to us and start to prioritise and create our masterplan.

25. We thought this was a good opportunity for the MArch and MLA students to present their portfolios from 2nd and 3rd year work, as well as portfolios to apply for masters and jobs. As there was not as much work to do this day, we though this could be a chance to show our work and give tips and tricks to the younger students. We offered informal tutorials or any help, as we have all been there too with a first design submission and we know how stress filled it can be!
Posted 13 May 2024 12:48
Action Week: Day 3! 3 of 3

To wrap it all up after a few hours of chatting with volunteers, builders, coffee drinkers, nature lovers and community members, we finished it all off with a few games of croquet! Some our team members had never even heard of the game before the day started and by the end of the day had played it and loved it. This was a fun ( and competitive) way to finish this sunny community engagement day.
Posted 13 May 2024 12:30

Starting second week with a leaflet design workshop!
Students are working groupwise on their design space, creating a folded leaflet to present the project to the client!

Posted 13 May 2024 12:25

Reflecting on the collage workshop and discussing each topic in detail with the students trying to develop concept for their leaflet.

Posted 13 May 2024 12:25
Action Week: Day 3! 2 of 3

In the afternoon we set up for our community consultation. For this, we had created two parts to it. Firstly we had modelled two canopy options, along side the pavilion at 1.50, so we could gain opinions and share our ideas with the pavilion users. Secondly, we created an interactive site plan at 1.200, which included the area surrounding the site as well as the croquet pitch so that people could pin on memories, or ideas they would like to see develop around the site. This was a great way for us to see where shelter and benches were desired around the site for the croquet players, who wanted additional furniture to enable them to keep playing all year round.
Posted 13 May 2024 12:13
Week 01: Time for a Review!

So, the first week of MSA Live has been and gone, with a swell of great design ideas, smiles and sunny days! Over the last week the students have combined to draft 3 distinct segments of design development and have prepared the foundations for next week's design realisation.

Here at Group 19 we're excited with the trajectory of our group members and the work they've brought forward. We can't wait to get started with Week 02, Stay tuned!
Posted 13 May 2024 12:03
Day 5 - Group B

Today we have spent the morning looking and researching precedents to help improve the existing fabric of the Moss Side Powerhouse. Looking into new ways to be creative and express what the community of Moss Side means.
Later, we will look to start to create the new proposed details in CAD then move it to illustrator.
Posted 13 May 2024 12:01
Welcome to our Action Week 1!

DAY 3 and 4 - Intensive Studio Days : Concept Development, Programs Generation and Renders

Since the entire group was divided into 2 teams - they each approached the brief with a different perspective.

Team A went ahead with a pragmatic approach delving into the historical and structural analysis of the church followed by relevant precedent analysis and translating this data into ideas, sketches and zonings for interventions.

Team B opted for a conceptual approach focusing on program development, inspired by the Dutch architects MVRDV's idea of a 'Roof Catalogue' such that different programs could be retrofitted into the church and replicated the world around.

Posted 13 May 2024 11:58
Action Week: Day 3! 1 of 3

To kick off the day in the morning Mark led us round a site visit, explaining the history and cultural significance of the site and the wider context of Buile Hill Park too. A walk through the allotments, which is run by another charity group Incredible Edibles, we were able to witness the hard work that has produced such a lovely community space that many use and work hard to maintain.

We experienced first hand their current shelter provisions, as we put up the four temporary gazebos that they use during the summer. Quite a task needing four people per gazebo, and some had to climb into the planter to place it to make them all fit. We could all see and understand from the multiple users on site, from the cafe to the croquet pitch, this outdoor space is in demand and could definitely use some permanent coverage.
Posted 13 May 2024 11:55
Day 2


Firstly, we organized and prepared existing materials in advance, including the production of floor plans, compilation of survey questionnaire results, basic research findings, and requirements for the courtyard, as well as sourcing relevant case studies. These integrated materials were then presented to students from BA.1, BA.2, and MLA1. Throughout this process, we gained a clearer understanding of the site's conditions and requirements compared to before, which served as the basis for preliminary design. Secondly, we purchased and prepared various materials for students to draw and craft, including tracing paper, colored pens, colored cardstock, and rulers, for everyone to use, aiming to provide conditions for diverse expression. By the end of the day, we collected numerous conceptual designs for the courtyard, each of which was logical and addressed certain issues. However, we look forward to more in-depth design outcomes in the next session.
Posted 13 May 2024 11:47
Action Plan for Week 2

During the second week, we will focus on producing the three outputs - A) the physical model, B) the CAD details and C) architectural visualisations. We have planned a rendering and inDesign workshop throughout the week but have smaller studio/portfolio tutorials for any students who want additional support or help. On the last day, we will present everything we have done to the client and the architect, before having a wider discussion on portfolios and CVs and ending the two action weeks with pizza and food.
Posted 13 May 2024 11:27
Day 4 - Collage #2 from the collaging workshop

The second collage was done by Yumiko, Ishmeen and Regine. Their ambition was to create a collage and mural which was colourful and inviting to the community as it would be placed on the facade of the Powerhouse. The bright colours and patterns were used to celebrate the culture and diversity of the community.
Posted 13 May 2024 11:21
Day 4 - Collage #1 from the collaging workshop

This first collage was done by Freya and Rafiqah. They took a more lighthearted and whimsical approach in order to create a more energetic and playful collage. Their collage focuses on depicting both the history and the contemporary context of the area, whilst still portraying the character of Moss Side.
Posted 13 May 2024 11:10
On Friday we continued to delve deeper into the design portion of the project and explored the adaptive reuse portion of the building, examining the meta and structures that can be preserved around the site.
Posted 13 May 2024 11:10
Day 04
Design Development

On the first introductory day of MSA Live, we collated a list of the software and skills that the students wanted to learn or improve upon.

Today was a perfect day to provide some tutorials and we started the morning with a brief introduction to Revit, Adobe Illustrator, and the use of Adobe Suite to edit and export PDFs.
We provided some suggestions and examples to show how simple line drawings can be elevated using appropriate line weights.

After the tutorials, today’s task included utilising the skills learnt in ‘The Big Draw’ and combining them with these new skills to create digital concepts. We continued to develop these digital drawings for the rest of the day.
Posted 13 May 2024 11:06
In the afternoon we completed a 1:20 scale model of the storage room, studied the dimensions of the various musical instruments, and generated a preliminary plan for the renovation of the storage space.
Posted 13 May 2024 10:51
Day 4 - Collaging workshop

In the afternoon, Meg held a creative artwork workshop where the students created collages that encapsulated the spirit of the Powerhouse and the Moss Side community in groups of 2-3. We introduced this workshop to potentially come up with ideas that we could present to the client and architect as a starting point for a community mural. This mural would be placed on the facade of the building to mark the arrival to the Powerhouse and express the culture and community of Moss Side.

Despite giving them the same set of images to work from, we got two very diverse yet intricate collages that had their own charms!
Posted 13 May 2024 10:49
Posted 13 May 2024 10:48
DAY 3 - Concept Developments

Today we developed sketch floor plans and elevation details. Students began to think about assembly of the facade structure and tested the choice of material, balancing cost with environmental impacts became a crucial part of the conversation.

Naturally each pair chose different locations of the site, the entrance or the façade circulation to the walkway and walkway use. These choices prompted us to consider about integrating these elements together to create one succinct strategy proposal for the shopping centre.

However, today’s progress was met with a challenge: Our inability to establish communication with our collaborator. From someone who works for Stockport Council, and specifically on this project, his insights would’ve been crucial to defining the projects broader outputs. This absence has therefore left a gap in our planning.

Understandably, this led to some confusion among the students about the expected final outcomes but also led us, the project leaders, to realise we were somewhat uncertain about the specifics we should aim for.

Recognising the need for clarity and direction, we decided to create and communicate a new set of feasible outputs. This adaptation was crucial in keeping the project on track and ensuring that all team members remained on the same page and productive.

Reflecting on this, it’s evident that collaboration is both dynamic and at times, challenging. Our tutor advised us to view this difficulty as a learning opportunity. This situation has taught us the importance of flexibility and ability to adapt in managing a project.

Tomorrow, we plan to specify a detailed list of outcomes to meet by end of next week, hoping to establish a clear path forward and continuing to adapt our strategies to meet the project goals.

(Posted 9 May 2024 15:51)
Posted 13 May 2024 10:37
DAY 04

Collages and drawings to demonstrate in 3D how our designs fit into the site and may be used by the community.
Posted 12 May 2024 19:39
DAY 04

More explanatory sketches for our site and concepts.
Posted 12 May 2024 19:29
DAY 04

On Day 4, our collaborator from the Studio Lab visited to provide additional explanations about the project. The team showcased our progress on concept development and received positive feedback from the collaborator. Additionally, we finalized details for Monday's presentation to Alsager's community members and created presentable materials for the event, including posters, presentation and models.
Posted 12 May 2024 19:29
DAY 03

Sketch model in site model to explore the relationship between each concept and the site.
Posted 12 May 2024 18:01
DAY 03

Sketch model making.
Posted 12 May 2024 18:01
DAY 03

site model at the scale of 1:250. The 3D printed area (site boundary) can be removed for the purpose of fitting new designs into the area.

Posted 12 May 2024 18:01
DAY 03

Today we focused on developing individual concepts through sketch model making. A site model at the scale of 1:250 was built by the MArch students, so that the we can fit our sketch models into context.
Posted 12 May 2024 18:00

A selection of the models produced this week ahead of our community engagement day on Monday!
Posted 12 May 2024 10:58

Today marked the final stages of preparations for our community engagement day on site on Monday.

We started the morning with a brainstorming session to come up with discussion prompts, questions and ice breakers to help the student team to extract useful feedback from passers-by on our engagement day. After touching base with our collaborators to discuss the logistics for Monday, we began finalising the engagement day materials.

We ended the first 'Action Week' of MSA Live 2024 on a high, with five great models ready to take to site, and some engaging posters to help explain the concepts!
Posted 12 May 2024 10:57
Some of the great work BArch students have produced following Alima's presentation on designing museums on the basis of visitor engagement. It is lovely seeing the gallery space take shape as it draws on the rich history of Flag Lane Baths and the residents of Crewe.
Posted 11 May 2024 23:05

Today we put the spotlight on the fifth years with presentations from Alima and Mallika. Alima presented her dissertation topic on, 'Visitors and the physical envirnoment of museums: How can designers impact engagement?', which was incredibly insightful and beneficial as we move towards designing our gallery space at Flag Lane Baths.

Later in the day, Mallika led a workshop on Sketchup and V-Ray and its many uses demonstrated through her PS2 portfolio. We hope both presentations were helpful for the BArch students as they approach their studio submissions!
Posted 11 May 2024 21:53
Site Visit

During the site visit, everyone had an opportunity to fully experience the vibrant community of the Carlton Club and its unique challenges of accessibility and inclusivity. This encounter allowed us to understand the users' day-to-day realities and the dynamics of the club operations. By observing the club’s members in action and engaging with the surrounding environment, we gained a better understanding of the Carton Club’s circulation journeys and reflected on their initial proposals.
Posted 11 May 2024 19:35
Week 01 Day 04

Today was Presentations Day with our collaborators! It was an exciting opportunity for us to share their initial accessibility proposals and receive valuable feedback for improvement. Throughout the process, we and the participants engaged in dialogues on accessibility and inclusivity, highlighting a collective dedication to innovation and equitable design principles.
Posted 11 May 2024 19:34