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May 15th (Afternoon)

The other groups were cracking on with proposals for the temporary interventions. Before the final meeting with our clients, we’re planning on having developed those ideas into collages, sketches and models. Our plan is to include a variety of potential designs that can be considered for physical interventions around Chorlton in the future.
Posted 15 May 2023 14:53
May 15th (Morning)

Can't believe we're starting WEEK 2 already! We’ve picked up where we left off on Friday and headed off to B.15 to finish our context model of Chorlton. Using reclaimed pieces and bits of materials, we’ve now got a base for our ideas and interventions to go on top of. We’ll be modelling our concepts and designs during the next couple of days for the final presentation of Thursday!
Posted 15 May 2023 14:36
Chorlton Arts Festival: 19-28th May!

We were looking at the Chorlton Arts Festival, which is a community arts festival run entirely by volunteers and featuring artists from South Manchester. Their aim is to involve artists from all backgrounds irrespective of their capabilities or their income. Any form of art is welcome: music, singing, visual arts, creative writing, poetry and more. This happens in cafes, bars, shops, open public spaces, churches and schools. This year the event will take place between the 19th and 28th of May. Potentially, the framework of our project involves the people and work that's already being contributed around Chorlton.

Image source:
Posted 15 May 2023 14:27
Day 5

The group was split into groups of two. One for the reception design and another for the exterior landscaping. Based on the feedback received from the initial client meeting on Friday, the students were able to refine their ideas in order to achieve a common design.
Posted 15 May 2023 14:06
Day Five – Design Competition

The 5th day started with a design challenge which tasked the students to produce a design idea for the publication's front cover. Each student presented their ideas using sketches or collages.
Posted 15 May 2023 12:50
Day 4

Initial presentation of the design proposals to the Love Withington Baths team. The team loved the proposals and gave feedback for further improvement and development. The feedback was noted by the group to be implemented in the following session.
Posted 15 May 2023 12:29
Day 4

Excerpts from the PowerPoint presentation showcasing two interior (reception) concepts and an exterior (entrance) proposal.
Posted 15 May 2023 12:29
Day 4

The two Withington Baths groups met up for a mock presentation to discuss their respective ideas, concepts and strategies. The groups shared feedback and suggestions with each other.
Posted 15 May 2023 12:28
We set up a Miro board for everyone to collate ideas and information of our site.
Posted 15 May 2023 12:07
Day 04- Drawing activity by the locals of Tyldesly

The lively spirit of Tyldesley!

The activity booth received warm engagements from the Tyldesley community. Many were critical of what they would like in Ponky's park, as the space has a lot of sentimental value. Numerous responses were collected on the engagement day, aiding the development of our design for Ponky's park.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:40
Day One - Brainstorming
In the afternoon, we brainstormed all the possibilities of what the moat and buildings could be.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:17
Day One - Introduction
In the morning, March students gave a quick presentation of the project and introduced themselves. Then, undergraduate students introduced themselves and explained why they chose this project. Then, we started to research precedents and brainstormed our ideas regarding all the possibilities we could do with the moats and buildings. And all students were divided into two groups for discussion. Finally, we gathered and presented our ideas. It was great to learn more about our colleagues’ ideas and thoughts. This activity was a good opportunity to welcome and create an inclusive atmosphere. It was also a great way to work in teams and have interaction with each other.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:17
Day 5: Proposal

On Day 5, after taking notes from our discussion with the collaborator on the previous day, we collectively decided on the final concept for the exterior and interior teams. We moved ahead with the proposal and discussed the best way to visualize and document our proposal.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:14
Day 2: initial sketches and ideas
Posted 15 May 2023 11:13
Day 2: initial sketches and ideas
Posted 15 May 2023 11:09
Day Four - Massing Development and Model Making
In the morning, students began sketching initial ideas for the layout, massing and exterior of the event space. Beforehand we showed the students some precedent images as well as our own initial sketches to give an idea of the direction which the design was going in. We then grouped together to share ideas, through this activity we decided on the massing and layout of the new building. We also had a number of ideas for the exterior materiality which we would develop further the following week. Simultaneously, a number of students worked on an initial model of the site.

In the afternoon, March students held another tutorial of Rhino, creating a file which was to be laser cut, creating a second site model. This one depicted a section of the moat in higher detail. Students also developed the drawings from earlier that day, to combine ideas, producing a final floorplan.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:04
Day Three - Site Analysis
In the morning, students developed the site maps to create a more engaging depiction of the existing site. Clayton Hall is an exciting location, and we wanted the site maps to convey this. Students also created new maps which analysed the current use of the surrounding buildings, methods of transport and vegetation of the surrounding area of the site. Students then shared their maps with the class and what they learnt about the site and how this changed their opinion of the project.

In the afternoon, March students gave a tutorial to the class on how to use the software Rhino. In the tutorial we created a model of the existing site, this was an informal tutorial where students collectively gave input, sharing ideas and methods of how to model a landscape.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:03
Day 04-Group chit chat session

Summarizing and Reviewing the Day

After the activity, the Year 5 students summarize and reviewed the activity outputs. We discussed the feedback received from the residents that day on subsequent operations. We also evaluated the activities of BA students, and adjusted our next actions according to the feedback of this week's actions.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:02
Day 04 - Members of Group 7: Ponky’s Park

Meet the Team!

After the engagement activities with the stakeholders, before the students headed home, a group photo session was held in front of the Astley and Tyldesley Methodist Church, ready for documentation and publication.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:01
Day 04 - Engagement with The Stakeholders

1, 2, 3 .. Action!

At around 12 noon, the people of Tyldesley started coming in to contribute their ideas and visions for Ponky’s Park. There were a few different fun activities for engagements with the public including drawing, playing around with models, and making a word cloud.

The session lasted for about three hours and overall it was a successful and eventful  day.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:00
Posted 15 May 2023 10:39
Day Two - Site Visit
In the morning, we met at Piccadilly Gardens and travelled together by bus to Clayton Hall. We were met by two of the trustees who gave us a tour of the inside of the building and explained the issues they currently had. With some further questions, we clarified that they would like this building to fit in with the Tudor/Victorian Clayton Hall and to celebrate the moat, which they hope to restore by filling it with water again. The site visit not only gives us a preliminary understanding of the site, but the given information from the clients is also instructive for our design.
Posted 15 May 2023 10:36
Day Two - Idea Development
In the afternoon, we discussed our initial concept ideas by drawing the plans and sections to explore the spatial organizations.
Posted 15 May 2023 10:32
Today, we took the next step in our design development for Castlefield by moving from sketches to digitalized versions. We brainstormed ideas and collaborated to create a unique and functional space for the community.
We started the day with a breakfast spread to fuel our creativity. We enjoyed orange juice, delicious croissants, and other treats that gave us the energy to tackle the day's work.
Throughout the day, we worked on creating digital sketches, floor plans, and 3D models of the Castlefield development. We challenged each other's assumptions and refined our ideas to create a design we were all proud of.
Overall, it was an exciting day filled with creativity and collaboration. We can't wait to continue working on Castlefield and see our ideas come to life.
Posted 15 May 2023 02:18
Two-group design on Day 3! The third day was divided into two groups, and each group designed Woodley's plan for the next 50 years in one direction (including traffic system, greening system, flow analysis, building function utilization, etc.). And in the afternoon of the third day, the two groups exchanged design ideas to achieve design complementarity.
Posted 15 May 2023 00:50
Brainstorm on Day 2! Based on the understanding of the venue on the first day, a workshop was organized to imagine the future changes of Woodley. Students expounded their vision for Woodley through masterplan/perspective hand drawings/text, etc.
Posted 15 May 2023 00:35
Brainstorm on Day 2! Based on the understanding of the venue on the first day, a workshop was organized to imagine the future changes of Woodley. Students expounded their vision for Woodley through masterplan/perspective hand drawings/text, etc.
Posted 15 May 2023 00:34
We commence day 4 by everyone taking part in assembling the site model. Once we had finished assembling the model by mid-afternoon we encouraged the students in their groups to carry on developing their design ideas. We discussed with each group what they were most interested in incorporating in their designs and suggested precedent studies to look at.
Posted 14 May 2023 23:40
The students began by discussing and developing design ideas in small groups following on from day 2 activities. A few students went to the B.15 model workshop to laser cut pieces for the site model. In the afternoon we ran a Rhino workshop, where we 3D modelled the existing swimming pool building, demonstrating how Rhino can be used. We finished the day by having a group discussion about the preliminary design ideas the BA students had began preparing in groups.
Posted 14 May 2023 23:39
Day 4 comprised a consolidation and brainstorming session from the site visit on the previous day. We split into two groups and developed two masterplan proposals as per the brief. After a brief presentation and discussion of ideas, likes and dislikes of the proposals, we carefully curated a single masterplan proposal that everyone was content with.

After this, we split the masterplan into parts, having two or three members working on their designated part of the proposal. This was inclusive of schematic designs through sketching and digital modelling.

Before the end of the day, the MArch 1 students met with the individual groups and discussed their thought processes as well as outcomes of their brief design session, this was done so to ensure a more cohesive output for the proposal.
Posted 14 May 2023 23:35
Day 4: On-Site Concept Chat

On Day 4, we went back to the site to discuss our initial concept ideas with the client (collaborator), exchange ideas, and develop the design proposal with them.
Posted 14 May 2023 22:43
Day 3: Concept Development

On Day 3, we divided ourselves into two groups. The first group worked on the Exterior Concept and the second group worked on the Interior Concept of the Community Centre. After a lot of creative discussions we cross collaborated between the two groups to decide on the best output. At the same time we aimed on conceptually starting the publication works and well and blogging for the day.
By the end of the day we geared up for the client presentation that would take place on Day 4.
Posted 14 May 2023 20:13
Day 4: We continued the development of our site strategy proposals for our presentations to Kingdom Life on Monday. This included creating concept sketches, "blocking" plans to scale, precedent analysis, and creating vignettes of key spaces, highlighting how the design proposal creates a pleasant and functional space for the community.
Posted 14 May 2023 19:55
Second half of Day 4 was pre-planned to be a meeting with the collaborators on site. All the students and team members after lunch travelled to the Withington Baths with the presentation sheets and physical models to discuss the best ideas with the collaborator team. Various design aspects were appreciated by the collaborators as the students took on a role of looking at the Baths and the way it functions for a completely different perspective. A few missed insights also came to light after the discussions that would help in improving the designs. Overall, all three proposals were appreciated and the students were encouraged to come up with a combined and improved design solution taking in the best aspects from all three for the next week's final design presentation meeting.
Posted 14 May 2023 19:28
Day 3: Research/ Mushroom team
We spend the day with Ladislav (Lad), the ‘Mushroom and Mycelium expert’ at the Boiler House, getting our hands dirty creating our very own Mushroom grow bags!! Lad taught us about the controlled and sterile conditions required to grow the mushrooms and showed us some mycelium insulation panels he had produced for our build project; it was so interesting to see the final formed Mycelium panels and to take part in the different stages involved in producing Mycelium- Also it was nice to get away from the computer screens and get stuck in! (We couldn’t leave all the fun to the build team!)
Posted 14 May 2023 17:15
First half of Day 4 was dedicated to final project proposal presentations by teams across the two MSA Live Groups: 4 & 11 working collaboratively on Withington Baths. This was to identify clashing ideas and improve the respective designs. These presentations ended with enlightening discussions within the MSA Live groups and the teams within these groups. This was followed by an on-site meet with the collaborators.
Posted 14 May 2023 13:15
"Resolving the difficulty of navigating the narrow labyrinth of corridors that form the basement of the Bath House was our focus as a group. Adding a new public entrance point on the North side allowed us to create a clear route to the café and the rest of the new facilities. The café extends outdoors into the courtyard on the South of the building, allowing for a sheltered yet sunny (hopefully) coffee break. The office/meeting space runs along the North facing exterior wall of the building. Unbricking the original windows will allow a gentle, indirect source of natural light into the workspace. This space will also be privately accessible from the street. The old clean water tank has been redesigned to form a double-height space with a mezzanine level. This will be an open and naturally lit space used for a range of community activities, such as lifeguard training; artistic activities like painting sessions; general discussion space and possibly an extra room for exercise such as yoga. In terms of practical facilities, the toilets run down the middle corridor between the two baths, leaving an open corridor for circulation as well as being easily accessible – being equally close to the café, office, and community space. Storage has been positioned in the Southern corridor as well as a smaller storage room adjacent to the toilets. Lastly, a staff room has been added at the end of the central corridor – allowing staff to wind down for a break."
Posted 14 May 2023 11:08
"Our group focused on creating a connection between the ground floor level and the foundation. To achieve this goal, we chose the strategy of expanding the existing café area towards the exit on the northern façade. Filling the space between the pylons made it possible to divide the café into cooking and serving areas. Freeing up the original bricked windows allowed us to create a seating area along the north wall, with the possibility of expanding the outdoor café when climatic conditions permit. Another important element of our design is the replacement of the wall of the fitness room, bordering the area of the proposed café, with a transparent partition, which will not only let in natural light from the fitness room, but also involve the visitors of the gym and the café in the visual interaction. Thus, visitors to the fitness room will be aware of the opportunity to visit the café before or after classes, and café visitors will not be isolated from other sauna spaces. The clean water tank area will be used by us as an office space with flexible filling. The passage will also be carried out through the café area, which will increase its permeability. At the same time, an isolated passage to the office space is possible in case of conferences or unwillingness to interact with other functions of the baths. We assume the possibility of access to this space from the street for faster access of employees, as well as the possibility of independent functioning of this space."
Posted 14 May 2023 11:06
"Our group was focusing on improving existing community facilities through an additional café area and multifunctional exhibition space throughout extending the northern façade of the building. The crucial point for our team was to make narrow corridors between two existing pool volumes more efficient. To achieve this task, it was decided to dismantle the existing wall, which divides the space into two narrow rectangles. To distribute the load intended for the existing wall, our team proposes installing structural arches, which will also set a certain rhythm and diversify the elongated space. In the middle of this zone, there will be a bar counter being a continuation of the serving zone of the café, which is located closer to the entrance. The stand is made of frosted acrylic with internal lighting, which will make the room not so dark, giving indirect diffused lighting. We also set as our task the regulation of the flow of people entering the basement level, so we fenced off part of the space around the walls of the existing pool to create storage areas and control access to office premises. In our scheme plan, the movement of people is encouraged towards the café and further to the exit to the annex of the exhibition space. In the exhibition space's architecture, we tried to follow the motifs of the existing façade: first of all, we propose to return the original bricked windows and use the same pattern in the new stained glass wall. The extension is made of a steel frame and filled with glass to create the lightest space and the greatest transmission of natural light into the baths. We believe this space can be used by different age groups as well as local artists. The tank supposed to store clean water will be used by us as an office space with a meeting room. The location of these spaces at the back of the baths will also encourage people to pass through the space next to the café or exhibition."
Posted 14 May 2023 11:05
Week 01, Day 2
After the Site visit, BA students studied and analyzed the site and its context and they were able to explore a range of ideas through different techniques for the project design activity.
Posted 13 May 2023 23:48

While some group members continued to work on the site model, the remainder of the group focused on further developing schemes for the Wellness Garden. Individual discussions were then carried on in order to develop proposals which could be presented to the collaborators.
Posted 13 May 2023 14:11
Site visit on Day 1!
Posted 13 May 2023 13:14
Site visit on Day 1! As we explored the Woodley Precinct, we conducted interviews with residents in groups and collected site factors such as images, sounds, and materials. Based on the information obtained from the interviews, members of each group contacted the site and considered the possibility of Woodley in the next 50 years.
Posted 13 May 2023 13:14
Lloyd Hamilton's home was visited for the case study, which went smoothly. He describes his experience of renovating his home from its initial state of disrepair upon purchase to its present state of beauty and comfort. He is a really kind host and has all of his presentation slides from his research on retrofit renovation process. Stay tuned for the outcomes, which we will disclose later, as we genuinely appreciate the visit.
Posted 13 May 2023 11:50
The students were really engaged in the activities throughout our Day 2 session. To get students ready for the days of the case study visit, we practice some active listening and interview techniques. Additionally, there is a photography class to ensure that students capture quality images of the homes for the case study report.
Posted 13 May 2023 11:43
Day 4 - Interim Presentation

Today the group was organised by the Masters students to give a presentation to our client from Trinity House about the work done by the students from BA1/BA2/MLA over the week, including site analysis, design intention, site model, plant selection and other elements. The client was very pleased with the initial design we had worked on and gave us some further suggestions.
Posted 13 May 2023 02:47
This day marked the end of the first week of MSA live and we were able to make a lot of progress in terms of producing the necessary outputs for the exhibition event that is going to take place by the end of week 2. From day 4 onwards, it was mostly a matter of execution and implementation.
Posted 13 May 2023 02:03
On day 4, we started making the final decisions based on our design process discussions and work, as well as our site analysis and considerations for the client’s needs. We split up into two groups, where one group worked on the digital model and another group worked on the physical model. Our design decisions were starting to be implemented in both digital and physical form.
Posted 13 May 2023 02:02
Day 4 marked an important milestone in the AcouSkate project, as the team successfully concluded the design phase . With the design now locked down, the project is primed to move forward to the next stages of manual making, model making, and construction sequence.
Posted 13 May 2023 00:42
The finalized module design embodies the project's objectives of enhancing sound quality and preventing sound leakage while seamlessly integrating with the skatepark's architecture and layout. The size and shape of the modules were chosen to strike the perfect balance between functionality, visual appeal, and practicality. Fixings were carefully selected to ensure secure and durable installation, while the chosen materials were optimized for both acoustic performance and environmental sustainability.
Posted 13 May 2023 00:40
Day 4
We divided the members into four groups to work on the detailed design of the theatre. This grouping was done according to the interests of the members. We exchanged ideas and presented our ideas in the form of sketches.
Posted 13 May 2023 00:11
Day 4
After yesterday's site visit we started working on the stage concept. This design will take into account the client's requirements and the specificities of the venue
Posted 13 May 2023 00:08

the outcomes of the sketching workshop allowed us all to come together and create a final design for the site!
Posted 12 May 2023 23:52

we followed with a sketching workshop, where we all created individual site plans with the information gathered from the last few days.
Posted 12 May 2023 23:52

our morning started off with group presentations and conversations, we all shared our findings from the consultations and what the required output for the site needs to be. this was followed by presentations on inspirational precedent studies which could influence the design of the site.
Posted 12 May 2023 23:51
Day 04- Setting up for the big day

The Tyldesley public consultation day has come!

The day started off with hall setting up for us to welcome the members of Tyldesley community. Tables, chairs, models, projector, drawing & refreshment area were arranged around the hall according to desired layout that ensures a smooth flow.
Posted 12 May 2023 23:17
TEAMS for WEEK 2!!

next week we are splitting into 3 teams: model making, instruction manual and construction sequence
Posted 12 May 2023 23:12
following the group discussion the students engaged in another design workshop: sketching, model making, prototyping various iterations of our modular shape all whilst considering our requirements! the students were able to use the site model made on DAY 3! as a tool for their thinking
Posted 12 May 2023 23:11
DAY 4!! - the day started with a presentation rounding up our thoughts and ideas from the first 3 days...

our group discussion allowed us to talk through different ideas/iterations and answer any questions about the project so far
Posted 12 May 2023 23:08
Developing plans involved a more technical and precise approach, as they had to consider the dimensions of the furniture and spaces in order to create detailed and accurate plans.

In order to facilitate this process, the students participated in a session where furniture and human figures to a 1:100 scale were printed out. They were then able to experiment with different configurations of the furniture and figures within their plans, allowing them to test and refine their designs.
Posted 12 May 2023 21:25
Here are some of the collages produced by the Burnside community! Some really exciting ideas here that we can’t wait to incorporate in the design…
Posted 12 May 2023 21:21
Check out the next post to see what Burnside had to say about the design!
Posted 12 May 2023 21:19
The use of the 1:100 scale figures and furniture provided a tangible representation of the space, enabling the students to see how the furniture would fit in the space and how people would interact with it. This allowed the students to make more informed decisions about the placement and layout of the furniture, ensuring that it would be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Additionally, the students were provided with a website that contained dimensions for furniture and fixtures commonly used in design projects. This resource allowed the students to have a quick and easy reference for the dimensions of the furniture they were working with, saving them time and ensuring that their plans were accurate.
Posted 12 May 2023 21:09
Day 4: Developing Plans

Today, the students shifted their focus to developing their design ideas into concrete plans. This involved taking the abstract concepts and ideas generated in the previous days and translating them into detailed and specific drawings, diagrams, and models. The students worked at a steady pace throughout the day, with one group continuing their model-making while another group focused on finalizing visuals for the A1 board.
Posted 12 May 2023 21:04
12.05.23 - DAY 4: Community Presentation Event Poster
Posted 12 May 2023 20:39
DAY 4 – 3D & 2D Exploration

Today, the group continued to translate their ideas on the spatial organization of the bus into a 3D model. The group was divided into two main teams; 3D team and 2D team. The 3D team focused mainly in modelling the interventions for the bus while the 2D team worked on annotating the plan, section, and elevation drawings for the bus. The workshop was guided by the MArch team in terms of software handling and architectural drawing conventions. New ideas on added components for the bus was developed further throughout the workshop.
Posted 12 May 2023 19:45
Day 4

Another Model-Making Session!!

This time is our “Growing Pavilion” team‘s turn to visit the B12 workshop and explore the design of the growing pavilion for the Mothershippon playground. Similar to what the “Play Structures” team did yesterday, we reused leftover materials from our previous projects and offcuts found in the workshop to make a sketch model in order for us to visualise the design idea from the design section yesterday.

Now that we have both the “Play Structures” and “Growing Pavilion” models, we can put them together in the site model and see how it all fits. Exciting things are happening, and we can’t wait to see what’s next. Stay tuned!
Posted 12 May 2023 19:37
Some of the ideas from our community design workshop!
Posted 12 May 2023 19:34
12.05.23 - DAY 4: Poster Development
Posted 12 May 2023 18:13
Day four:
After the break, we kicked off a workshop where we got to build some pods in Sketchup and play with their forms. This was a good opportunity for the undergrads to learn some new software skills and flex their creativity.
By the end of the day, we had some good planning drawings for each pod. We're going to take these drawings to the next level with some Photoshop magic and continue working with the 3Ds next week.
Overall, it was a productive and enjoyable week filled with learning and collaboration.
Posted 12 May 2023 18:13
12.05.23 - DAY 4: The first action week ended on a really productive note. Everything went according to plan as we managed to finish both the 3D digital model of the existing building, and the poster for next week's community presentation. The poster was sent to the collaborators in the afternoon and will be printed and put up at The Castle prior to the event next week.
Posted 12 May 2023 18:12
Following on from our presentation, we held a design workshop with the Burnside community! We asked questions like: ‘What would you ideal space be? What would you personally want to change about the site?’ To help inform our design decisions next week! We also brought precedent examples and asked them to collage what they liked onto the site elevations to work as a catalyst for our design ideas…
Posted 12 May 2023 17:21
Preparations in progress for the big day progresses as we have reached the end of the first week of MSA Live with fulfillment.
Posted 12 May 2023 17:03
WEEK 1 // DAY FOUR: Today we talked to Pete about the production process and material selectional, this allowed us to explore and conduct cost analysis and a timescale of manufacturing of panels for the exhibition space. The team also explored different iterations of the hinge design process to create an exhibition where its form could be manipulated to maximise the space it is in and discussed structure stability to withstand the load of exhibition boards.
Posted 12 May 2023 16:48
A productive Friday spent working on the site model followed by preparations for the big day i.e. Monday for the special workshop organised within the campus with the community members to benefit from their experiences that could be useful design inputs for our project.
Posted 12 May 2023 16:47
WEEK 1 // DAY THREE: We all returned to one big group today, the morning was designated to curating and we ran through portfolios looking for 5 key drawings from each which can be taken to the exhibition. In the afternoon, we physically modelled our design within the Florence Art Centre exhibition space. We used the model to experiment with different iterations of how the exhibition stands could be used and their flexibility in the gallery space. A smaller group of us visited B-15 to speak about our designs and materiality with the workshop team – this really helped us develop the design and assess its feasibility. We went away and redesigned some of the hinges between the exhibition panels.
Posted 12 May 2023 16:43
This afternoon, we presented to the Burnside Community Wellbeing group. Our presentation was about how biodiverse architecture can be used to support community wellbeing!
Posted 12 May 2023 16:39
Concept 3

This design concept was to form a square of seating around a green space, adding a canopy to provide shelter during the winter. The upright pillars are complex shapes to give the crowd more space to enter and exit the seating freely. The idea for the seating came from the keys of a piano, which fits in with the function of the building and is a theme that we have used throughout the design.
Posted 12 May 2023 16:19
Concept 2

A small communal area that houses both tiered seating and benches with planters, they have a blocky design to match the more industrial feel or the site (built with brick and timber), protected overhead by a canopy for rainwater collection. We wanted to be able to hold a large number of people in a comfortable community space, hence the stair style seating areas with communal tables rather than just singular chairs
Posted 12 May 2023 16:11
May 12th (Afternoon)

A productive close to the week! The B.15 team have used scrap materials and low-cost mdf to create a really smart model. We are so excited to create sketch interventions to fill the model with...roll on next week!

Presentation slides are coming together nicely and the survey is now complete, ready to be used as a location for our interventions. Our vacant sites map is also taking shape, illustrating just how pressing meanwhile use is for Chorlton where many high-street stores are shuttered in the day or closed altogether.

Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend and refuel ready for our second action week!
Posted 12 May 2023 16:10