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The action plan outlines brief objectives for the next two weeks which provide an all-round design development experience to the participants of being part of a collaborative environment while working on a live project.

Week 1 is packed with site visit and discussions to collective brainstorming sessions in 2D and 3D (physical and digital) spaces.

Week 2 is packed with healthy competitive project pitches in groups to skill development and application workshops.
Posted 9 May 2023 00:23
The action plan outlines brief objectives for the next two weeks which provide an all-round design development experience to the participants of being part of a collaborative environment while working on a live project.

Week 1 is packed with site visit and discussions to collective brainstorming sessions in 2D and 3D (physical and digital) spaces.

Week 2 is packed with healthy competitive project pitches in groups to skill development and application workshops.
Posted 9 May 2023 00:23
Questions to get you thinking!

How can we bring this approach to Chorlton, in Manchester?

Who will this benefit?

What materials are most suitable for sustainable structures?

How does it increase the social, environmental, economic value of the re-used space?

Those are just a few questions, extremely relevant to contemporary architecture, which we want to answer during this mini- project.

Images are the curtesy of Assemble Studio and the project is The Cineroleum, taken from

Posted 8 May 2023 17:21
Some background information!

Temporary architecture is the topic we’re going to be tacking for the next couple of weeks starting tomorrow. Recently, we’ve been experiencing more and more ephemeral examples of structures that show permanency isn’t the power of architecture. Community and collective identity of an area can be reinforced by action, reclaiming and redefining! The initiatives often seek to really understand the local needs and regional expressions of inclusivity and unique potential. To have a bit of a head start we recommend this article which features amazing pieces of community architecture that popped up just in 2022: . The approach we will be taking is adaptive reuse of existing spaces, but it’s good practice to get inspired by a range of examples!

Images taken from the link source above overlayed over own photograph of Chorlton.
Posted 8 May 2023 17:20
Join our project and you will learn various representation and experimentation techniques, including sketching, physical and digital model making, as well as post-production and presentation, and apply them to create a welcoming, friendly, and vibrant community center. Let's work together to create a brighter future and a special place for Witton Baths in everyone's heart.
We aim to involve and teach in the process, various representation and experimentation techniques ranging from sketching, physical & digital model making as well as postproduction and representation.
Posted 8 May 2023 16:24
Our project is located at the Withington Baths in Manchester and aims to transform it into a more comprehensive community facility to meet various needs. We plan to repurpose the basement to provide a shared gathering space for community members of all ages, promoting social interaction and communication.
Our design is capable of meeting the diverse needs and aspirations of the community by providing engaging spaces that offer unique visual and spatial experiences. Through promoting social interaction, communication, and a sense of belonging, our design enhances community cohesion, fosters personal growth and development of community members, and ultimately creates a better future for community members.
The basement of the Withington Baths is filled with a complex network of irregular passages or pathways, where it is difficult to find paths to existing walls and partitions, which inspired us. We plan to view the basement as a group of maze-like alleys and further design the space prototype based on it to provide a unique spatial experience for the community.
Posted 8 May 2023 16:24
Hello everyone! We are looking forward to meeting everyone. To get started we have outlined an action plan for the next two weeks ahead. This will comprise of multiple design interventions and conversations on ways to understand a safer street for females. The task will include designing and constructing, as well as discussions on this topic.

Week 1 will focus on discussing ideas and methods and engagement with the clients.

Week 2 will consist of conducting these methods in place by producing sample typologies and physical structures.
Posted 8 May 2023 16:22
Pre-project information!

We’re kicking off Tuesday morning, 9th of May, at 10am in Geoffrey Monton Building on the MMU campus, room GM306. We’ll be starting with some introductions about us, the topic of temporary use and area we’re working in! That will be followed by a 1-2h walk around Chorlton to immerse yourself in the site’s atmosphere. To get there, we’ll be taking the tram together. Please bring your laptops for some initial research, sketchbooks and pens/ pencils. You might want to bring a camera (phones are okay as well!) to gather some pics from the walk. We’re going to finish off at a local pub to get to know each other a bit better and chat about the following activities this week. See you tomorrow 😉
Posted 8 May 2023 15:12
Heads up! We're presenting on Thursday 18th May!

This week we’re starting our MSA Live project and can’t wait to meet you all! At the end of the second action week are planning a final wrap up session at the Chorlton Central Church. We’d like to invite you all to join us there, to meet and engage in conversation with our collaborator from Chorlton Traders and a few other friendly faces from different community groups. It will take place on Thursday 18th May 4:30- 6:30pm in the meeting room ( Now, let’s get started with prep for Action Week 1!!
Posted 8 May 2023 14:57
Week 2 will focus on design development and resolution, finishing off the week with presenting our proposal to the collaborator at the Burnside Centre.

We're really looking forward to getting started in the action weeks... see you next Tuesday!
Posted 1 May 2023 10:35
We're really looking forward to the action weeks getting started, so we wanted to share a glimpse of the agenda!

Week 1 will focus on skills to develop and dissecting the brief for the Burnside Centre, aiming to fully understand the needs of the collaborator to form the basis for our design.
Posted 1 May 2023 10:30
Here are some of the software skills we are keen to develop with you! You will have to opportunity to go through tutorials with us and put these skills into practice while creating designs for our collaborators!
Posted 11 Apr 2023 13:40
You will learn the process of involving and collaborating with individuals, organizations, and groups within a community to work together. We will focus on developing your skills in teamwork , problem solving, collage & diagramming, SWOT analysis, Ecological design, which are essential skills in both personal and professional contexts. Let's work together to improve and grow!
Posted 11 Apr 2023 13:00
We visited Burnside Centre for the first time on 6 Feb 2023! We walked around the center and discussed more specifically about the site with the collaborator. We took detail shots and collected data necessary for our initial research!
Posted 5 Apr 2023 22:12
On 7 Dec 2022, we met our collaborator, Kerry for the first time! She gave us a warm welcome and introduced us to the site at Burnside Centre. We understood that greening at our given site is essential to the users of the center and the Middleton community. We are all excited about the project!
Posted 5 Apr 2023 22:07
For Tyldesley is a community-led scheme funded by Historic England to revitalise and transform Tyldesley. They focus on projects that will bring physical improvements and cultural activities to regenerate and restore local historic character. Their team includes;

Ian Tomlinson, Community Engagement Manager
Kate Mitchell, Building Project Manager
Vicky Tyrrell, Heritage & Culture lead
Posted 1 Apr 2023 13:20
Moss Side is an area in the South of Manchester. Historically it was a rural area, after the Industrial Revolution it rapidly increased, resulting in a densely populated area.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries a large number of red brick terraced houses were built, and soon attracted numerous immigrants and workers.
Moss Side has benefited from several redevelopment and regeneration projects, thanks also to the different local communities.
Today the neighbourhood is affected by the numerous cars that use the residential streets as a shortcut to go from a main road to another, occupying and making unsafe the space that should be dedicated to residents, communities and kids.
Posted 31 Mar 2023 13:21
Kerry Edwards is a manager at the at Burnside Centre Manchester, an award-winning community facility that offers exceptional child-care services and support to the community. As a manager at Burnside Manchester, Kerry is committed to delivering the highest standards of care and support to the community, and her expertise and experience are invaluable in ensuring that the facility remains an outstanding child-care provider.
Posted 28 Mar 2023 22:50
Name: Maria-Catrinel Bosoi
Atelier: Continuity in Architecture
Undergraduate University: Manchester School of Architecture
Hometown: Bucharest, Romania
Software Skill: SketchUp, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Enscape
Posted 28 Mar 2023 20:34
Highway Hope Charity is a non-profit social enterprise established in 2014. They are a social enterprise that transforms, empowers and support local residents within Levenshulme, Longsight and Gorton through a range of multipurpose cultural, social and learning activities .

They currently offer a wide range of services and activities that support over 300 local residents monthly including Food bank initiative and discount food shop, free community cafe, charity shop, supplementary education for all age groups and mental health support services amongst others.

They would like us to help transform their small cafe space and adjacent charity shop into a well-functioning, inclusive, revenue-generating, welcoming community space, through a total makeover and re-branding strategy that will help them to continue spreading their message of hope in the local community and beyond!

"At Highway Hope our mission is to transform lives through diligently serving our community."

Find out more about Highway Hope:
Posted 28 Mar 2023 20:32

The Cup of Hope team aims to explore a range of skills from model-making to graphic design, branding strategies, and everything in between, to successfully re-brand, re-design, and re-fresh the identity of the existing Highway Hope Charity cafe and gift shop spaces. Some of the softwares we would like to use to bring our design to life include, but are not limited to: AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, and Photoshop.
Posted 28 Mar 2023 19:11
Meet our collaborator from the Highway Hope Charity!

Oje is a true science babe with a background in cell biology and an in Biomedical science. She moonlights as project manager for Highway Hope and loves it!
Posted 28 Mar 2023 18:58
The Cup of hope project is located in an old building in Levenshulme, Manchester. The building is furnished with old furniture and is quite cramped. A new design for these spaces is something that is needed.
Posted 22 Mar 2023 11:49
Name: James Rule
Atelier: Making
Undergraduate University: University of Liverpool
Hometown: Falmouth, United Kingdom
Software Skill: Rhino, Grasshopper, Auto CAD, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator
Posted 21 Mar 2023 22:31
Name: Yifan Si
Atelier: Flux
Undergraduate University: Jilin Jianzhu University
Hometown: Jiangsu, China
Software Skill: Rhino,Maya, Auto CAD, Photoshop, Indesign,Keyshot
Posted 21 Mar 2023 22:05
Name: Zihao Huang
Atelier: Making
Undergraduate University: University of San Francisco
Hometown: Guangzhou, China
Software Skill: SU, Auto CAD, Photoshop, Indesign,Enscape
Posted 19 Mar 2023 21:56
Name: Ahmed Ali
Atelier: MAKING
Undergraduate university: Robert Gordon University
Software skill: Sketchup, 3DMax, Revit, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Indesign, Lumion
Posted 19 Mar 2023 21:12
Name: Ya Fu
Atelier: Some Kind Of Nature
Undergraduate University: Beijing University of Technology
Hometown: Beijing,China
Software Skill: Rhino, Sketch Up, Auto CAD, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator
Posted 19 Mar 2023 20:33
The site is Marple's very own swimming baths, which was opened in 1931 and is located along Stockport Road's high street. Now, an out of use building, the swimming baths served a vital community aspect, and invokes fond memories in its residents, who had gone their as children and had taken their own children swimming there years later. The aim of the project is to restore the nostalgia bought upon by the building.
Posted 17 Mar 2023 20:17
The second week will focus primarily on consolidating the final chosen design and visually expressing these through 2D drawings and 3D renderings, for which we will be more than happy to help guide you and give you software tips. The workshops from the first week will also be helpful for giving you a headstart on software you may not be the most familiar with. Finally, all the outputs completed in the first and second week will be collated into the final publication.
Posted 17 Mar 2023 19:18
The first week of Action Week will focus on a variety of outputs, which will contribute to the final publication, namely site analysis research and design development of the existing building. A site visit to Marple will help inform students' understanding of the context, which will be integrated into their design. Optional workshops centered around 2D and 3D software will be provided, in order to guide students in the right direction of the desired design outputs.
Preparation and assembly for the final physical model are the key components of this week and will be achieved and completed through various stages: AutoCAD prep (for lasercutting) and assembly. The 1:200 physical model, will be at a workable scale and sufficiently flexible, so that you will have the opportunity to play with the interiors and explore the ideologies connected parasitic architecture.
Posted 17 Mar 2023 19:13
Name: Omar Arif
Current Atelier: MArch Architecture – Flux
Skills: Rhino + VRay/ Photoshop/ Illustrator/ Indesign/ Premiere Pro/ Blender
Undergraduate: New Delhi, India
Personality: Paradoxical
Random Fact: Jack of all trades, better than a master of one.
Posted 15 Mar 2023 13:37
Hiya I'm Max and I'm from Medway. I did my undergrad at the University of Nottingham and I'm currently working in the Infrastructure Space atelier.

As a student of Infra I have a keen interest in networks and I'm curious to explore how Stalybridge can improve its connections to its wider context.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 21:28
Week 1 & 2 Discussions

Our fist approach to this project was to discuss certain elements in generating a safer street, from the initial meeting three themes were raised: Living an active life; Living a safer life and Living where I belong . The client’s aim is to challenge the status quo and with these three aims postcards were produced to act as a tool to form further discussion on the topic.

1. Living an active life The main question that we asked ourselves is: How are active lives gendered? The answer to this question comes in the form of six postcards. These illustrate the six most important ideas and theories derived from the literature that describe how active lives are gendered: 1) Affordability of being active 2) Infrastructure for being active 3) Fitting in: the triple burden 4) Harassment, gender-based violence and being active 5) Women’s bodies, femininity and being active 6) Boys’ sports/ Girls’ sports

2. Living a safer life The main question that we asked ourselves is: How are safer lives gendered? The answer to this question comes in the form of seven postcards. These illustrate the seven most important ideas and theories derived from the literature that describe how safer lives are gendered: 1) Activity can be healing and empowering 2) Public space design 3) Safety behaviours in public space 4) Harassment and gender-based violence in public space 5) The stories we tell: positioning women as powerless or powerful? 6) The problem with policing 7) Safety means different things to different people

3. Living where I belong The main question that we asked ourselves is: How is a sense of belonging gendered? The answer to this question comes in the form of six postcards. These illustrate the six most important ideas and theories derived from the literature that describe how safer lives are gendered: 1) Belonging is different from fitting in 2) Belonging relates to functionality 3) Representation through public art 4) A representative sector 5) Participation and co-design as belonging-in-action 6) Public space as a location of resistance

Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:57
Within our first action week, we will be researching retrofit within the UK, specifically its challenges and necessary negotiations, alongside talks from external professionals. This initial research will aid us with knowledge to design our engagement tool.

For the second week, we will be making and testing our game to a satisfactory level of resolution. By the end, we will have conducted one workshop to trial this game and receive immediate feedback on its effectiveness as an engagement tool.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:52
Social Impact

Our project aims to reimagine and breathe new life into Westcroft’s indoor and outdoor spaces that will help the Community Centre to amplify it’s reach and empower the community. Through the betterment of spaces of the Westcroft Community Centre, the project will bring members of the diverse community of Burnage together. The culmination of our work with the collaborators will help to provide a welcoming environment for learning, building and overcoming social isolation.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:51
Meet The Team!

Name: Daryl Goon Kin Kit ( Daryl )


Undergraduate: Taylor's University Malaysia

Skills: Enscape, Photoshop, AutoCad, Sketchup, Illustrator

Fun Fact: I love Lidls cookies :)
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:46
When you join us on this project, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable skills such as:

- Teamwork and communication : essential skills in any industry, and are particularly important in the design and construction field where multiple stakeholders must work together to bring a project to completion. By working on a design project, students will learn how to effectively communicate with team members, collaborate on tasks, and navigate conflicts that arise during the project.

- Design development: it is a critical stage in the design process, and involves taking initial concepts and refining them into detailed plans that can be implemented. You will have the opportunity to gain experience in this important stage of the design process, including developing design concepts, considering materials and building codes, and creating detailed drawings and plans.

- RIBA Stage Two planning: it is an important phase in the construction process in the UK. You will learn how to create accurate and detailed drawings and plans that comply with building regulations and codes. This will prepare you for future roles in the industry where you may be responsible for overseeing this important stage of the construction process.

- Software programs such as Revit and AutoCAD: by joining this project, you will have the opportunity to gain experience using these programs to create accurate drawings and models that can be used in the construction process.

- V-Ray and Photoshop rendering skills: you will learn how to create renderings of the designs, which can be used to communicate design concepts to stakeholders and clients.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:45
Our first discussion meeting after the site visit was held in a co-working space for local independent businesspeople and entrepreneurs in Bacup's centre. The building known as the former Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank, reflects the organisation's main goal of community involvement in the place-making process. This is expressed in kids painting, furniture, and art pieces made by local artists that decorates the interior.

The St Saviour's Church project seeks to accomplish three main societal goals through the adaptive reuse of a significant historic resource:
- If a heritage asset is reused, it may serve a new role that helps the community while still maintaining its historical value.
- The goal of the project is to increase people's health, happiness, skill set, and economic potential by giving them a chance to participate in and shape the initiative.
- Long-term jobless and young people who are not in work, education, or training will be given priority in the project's efforts to create jobs. They'll be able to put their newfound skills to use in the hospitality sector thanks to the new jobs that will be created.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:44
Valley Heritage is looking into the possibility of transforming St. Saviours Church, a Grade II-listed church near Bacup's town center, into a hotel as part of an exciting new project. The goal of the project is to increase the number of available accommodations by incorporating the surrounding landscape through the installation of permanent, custom-designed pods. This will deliver high-quality, appealing accommodation that enhances the entire offer in this environmentally sensitive area.
The pictures show the interior of the church and the outside yard intended for development.
The concept utilised to design the proposal is that of modern insertion, meaning that the accommodation pods will be integrated into the landscape to match the historical relevance of the church. The project is anticipated to have a minimal carbon footprint, with the renovation aiming for net-zero emissions.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:43
Atelier: PRAXXIS

Undergraduate University: Oxford Brookes University

Skills: Rhino 3D, Adobe Suite, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks, Sketching, Model-making

Hobbies: Art & Design, Exercise & Mindfulness

Project Thoughts: I look forward to working within the beautiful setting of Lymm Hall, to create fun and conceptual design responses to the sustainability projects on offer.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:43
Hi I’m Grace! I’m from London and did my undergrad at The University of Nottingham.

I’m currently in the PRAXXIS atelier and am a huge advocate for sustainable architecture particularly embodied carbon. I’m really excited to be looking into sustainable transport systems as part of getting people to visit Stalybridge!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:43
We're so happy to introduce you to our collaborator Valley Heritage.

The non-profit organization was started in 2015 to keep Rossendale's history alive and get the word out about it. They are a community of volunteers dedicated to revitalizing their town through creative reuse of its old structures.
As the cost of restoration is expected to exceed its ultimate worth, they are counting on public funding to make the re-use and regeneration of historic sites in the valley possible. The goal is to devise a strategy for reclaiming and reusing these potentially hazardous structures and areas.
The objective of the organization is to have a lasting and positive impact on the community through the protection and improvement of local historical treasures, the provision of employment and educational opportunities, and the encouragement of civic engagement and growth. A concerted effort to include locals at every step of the process because they recognize the importance of having their input in historical preservation efforts.
see more at:
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:43
The project takes place in Old Trafford. The site is chosen due to its lack of public space infrastructure. The aim of this group is to work with the local community around the area, to help understand what will help make women feel safe on the streets in Old Trafford.

Our group is to create a precedent for the client, in which the can implement in future proposals and areas around Manchester. The chosen site will be in Hullard Park. The site was chosen due to its prominence, however due to the lack of safe infrastructure for females in the community much of this space is unoccupied. Therefore, to move forward how do we create conditions for women and girls to widen their access and participation on site?
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:41
The project will focus on community-led retrofit to develop a snappy, engaging tool that communities can use to educate themselves about the challenges and benefits of retrofitting residences within the terrace typology.

This is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
3) Good Health & Well-being
11) Sustainable Cities and Communities
13) Climate Action
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:31
We aim to develop an educational tool in game format, which can be any type of physical or digital tool in the form of a game. The goal is to create a short, snappy and fun game/tool which can be used by a wide variety of people to create conversations and inform communities about the importance of urban planning, retrofitting and climate change.

We are improving upon an existing game:

"CLIMANIA is a printable, free-to-play climate action board game that teaches you how the built environment has a major part in averting man-made environmental collapse, narrowing down specifically on two issues: Urban Planning and Retrofit.

"The co-design was led by thirteen young people (aged 14 - 18) from Balsall Heath, Birmingham, in partnership with two Birmingham City University (BCU) researchers and artists across nine workshops in two months, and in consultation with architects, town planners, and community members.

"'[Letting] young people co-create the ideas, focus, rules and name of the game' was central to this project's success, and nowhere is this more obvious than the fun that these young co-researchers had throughout its development."
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:31
Name: Siddharth Tiwari
Atelier: MAKING
Undergraduate: Dr.D.Y.Patil school of Architecture, Pune, India.
Hometown: Pune, India.
Skills: AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino+Grasshopper, SketchUp, Photoshop, Lumion, Illustrator.
Worked in practise for a year to develop working drawings & creating conceptual iterations for multiple projects.
Hobbies: Football, hiking, Cooking, gaming.
Archi interest: minimalistic, modern contemporary, biophilic design.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:30
Name : Tan Yow Hue
Atelier : SKN
Undergraduate : Taylor's Lakeside University , Malaysia
Skills : AutoCAD, Sketchup , Lumion, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign
Experience : Specialized in authority submission, Interior renovation design, worked in practice for a year
Hobbies : Fishing
Arch Interest : Loves green design
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:29
Name : Keating Walters
Atelier : Infrastructure
Undergrad : Manchester school of architecture, (Hometown : Nottingham)
Skills : Revit, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Lumion
Experience : Worked in Sheffield on my year out on education and industrial projects
Hobbies : Cooking/baking, plants and yoga
Archi Interest : Community engagement, Environmentalism
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:28
Name : Aye Eindra Lin
Atelier : FLUX
Undergrad : Manchester school of architecture , (Hometown : Myanmar)
Skills : Revit , Enscape , Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Sketching, Sketchup
Experience : Worked in practice for a year under a company call Medical architecture Newcastle
Hobbies : Reading a book
Archi Interest : Sustainable architecture
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:24
Name : Xin Shu (Silvia)
Atelier : FLUX
Undergrad : Wuhan University & University of Dundee
Skills : Sketchup, Enscape , Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Sketching, AutoCAD
Hobbies : Hiking, Traveling, Dancing, Badminton
Archi Interest : Urban design & Urban regeneration
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:22
The envisagement of "a public square" in chorlton can have many social impacts.
· Increasing people's wellbeing through having attractive, well designed, spaces, calming green areas included.
· Reducing loneliness by creating opportunities for people to meet and socialise.
· Encouraging more use of local shops and facilities thus benefiting the local economy including enhancing job opportunities.
· Reducing car use where people can see the benefit of walking through, or cycling to, attractive welcoming places, and reducing air pollution.
· Improving community safety as there would more people around with increased natural surveillance.
· Increasing a sense of pride of place in Chorlton thus increasing people's likelihood of volunteering and contributing to community resilience.
· Giving opportunities for a wider range of fresh and organic foodstuffs to be offered thus improving local health outcomes.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:17
Name: Tengku Nurul Nasfakhira
Year: MArch 1
Atelier: Some.Kind.Of.Nature
Undergrad: International Islamic University Malaysia

Skills: Technical drawing, Autodesk Revit, CAD, Sketchup, Lumion, Photoshop, Indesign, Enscape, Vray, Procreate, Naviswork manage, BIM modeler

Hobbies: Travelling , watching movies and drama, listening music, swimming,

Fun facts: i can binge watch kdrama series in a day and repeat the same drama while doing my work
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:14
Our project will create an exploratory space at the border section of Moston Brook and Lower Memorial Park, a safe place for children from the community and nearby schools to take risks to explore nature. The enhanced visual connection between the woodland and the park will attract nearby residents, especially families, to engage in the green space together to enjoy nature and observe wildlife. More complete introductions of wildlife will enhance the fun for tourists during their self-led walking, letting them be familiar with the wild animals they might come across by using rich forms.
At the same time, the overall route of the park will also be improved. Accessibility to this park will be much easier for nearby residents, and the road improvements will attract more visitors to explore the further afield of the park.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:11
Output: According to the collaborator's proposal, the team will present the final output with a set of drawings and visualizations, supplemented by on-site construction of simple facilities such as wicker dens as the practice of the strategy. The drawings will include a detailed design strategy and master plan.
Benefit: You will be able to choose one group you are interested in in the parts of 2d drawing, 3d modelling, physical model making and hands-on construction to explore how to apply the corresponding knowledge and skills in practice. Through the cooperation of the whole group, you will be able to gain a better understanding of how these parts affect each other in the whole workflow and adjust accordingly to get the final satisfactory result.
Software: We'll cover the many benefits and tips of the software to increase your efficiency.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:10
"Chorlton is a diverse and interesting place to live, with lots going on and a proud, independent outlook. We want it to stay that way – in fact we want it to be better! "
Both Chorlton CLT and Chorlton Vision devote themselves to make chorlton a more people-friendly town, and by working with residents and business, they had already drafted an initial Vision, based on their priorities and ideas, which can facilitate our design.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 20:01

The Westcroft Community Centre is committed to empowering, inspiring and improving the local community of Burnage. They offer a safe and inclusive environment that supports all users and volunteers to help them realise their own potential.

As a result of collaboration with service users, Westcroft's motto is based on their values and inspires the company's philosophy. Their work connects neighbors with neighbors, local people with services and opportunities, and they work with a variety of partners. They cater to visitors of all backgrounds, needs, and circumstances by understanding the unique circumstances of everyone.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:58
Chorlton is the largest district centre in Manchester with pedestrian and retail activity restricted to two intersecting busy main roads. There is a lack of public space off the main highways where people can stop, rest, play, meet each other, enjoy events - spending more time in an attractive and human-scale environment. The idea is that we would like the students to research the benefits of well designed public space - "a public square" - and envisage how this concept can be physically applied to Chorlton centre.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:50
In action week 2 students will collate the findings from the public consultation and work collaboratively to produce a final design for the scheme. The outputs from this week will include a full set of drawing plans, 3D visualisations and a physical model.
We are very excited to see what you all come up with!

Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:49
The first week of action week will allow students to prepare for the public consultation, which is scheduled for Friday 12th May. As a group, we will design engagement tasks and activities for stakeholders in Tyldesley, encouraging discussion and feedback, which we will take forwards with us into action week 2.
As a part of the preparation work, students will construct a physical model of the site which will be used during the consultation and to showcase the final design outcome at the end of week 2.
There will also be opportunity throughout the week to have software specific tutorials with the 5th year students, to improve your skills ready for week 2!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:45
Name: Shola Akinyele
Atelier: PRAXXIS
Nationality: British
Skills: Revit, Photoshop, Sketchup, Lumion, Autocad, Enscape
Design Ethos: Design should be human-centered, aiming to enhance lives and bring some joy to all users
Interests: Traveling, Art, fashion
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:42
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:42
Atelier: Some Kind of Nature

Undergraduate University: Loughborough University

Skills: Rhino, Sketchup, Autocad, Revit, Adobe Suite

Hobbies: Photography, Basketball, Skiing

Project Thoughts: To collaborate with a leading consultancy partner in adaptive reuse, utilising passive and active principles to realise a sucessful sustainable design vision!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:39
Hi I'm Zhe Chen and I'm from China. I did my undergraduate studies at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology.

I'm in FLUX atelier and I like buildings that actually solve problems. I’m excited about attracting people to Starlybridge in our MSA Live project.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:39
Name: Yukan Zhu
Atelier: CIA
Nationality: Chinese
Skills: Photoshop, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino, Revit, Lumion, Enscape
Design Ethos: Architecture serves people, so the sense of spatial experience is the highest characteristic of architecture
Interests: Table Tennis, Music, Photography, Football
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:38
Name: Sarah Abushamah
Course: MArch Architecture
From: Yemen
Undergraduate: Sheffield Hallam University
Skills: Revit, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Photoshop, Laser Printing, Model Making
Interests: Heritage Architecture, Urban Sustainability and Regeneration, Contemporary Design, Abstract Art and Painting
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:28
Name: Nikhil Bhagwat
Atelier: Making
Nationality: Indian
Skills: Photoshop, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Rhino, Revit, Lumion, Premiere Pro
Design Ethos: Designing spaces of organized chaos for the users is the essence of architecture.
Interests: Music, Reading, Travel, Sports
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:27
Name: Ana-Maria-Georgiana Popescu
Course: MArch Architecture
From: Romania
Skills: AutoCAD, Rhino, SketchUp, Enscape, Adobe Softwares, Model Making, Drawing
Undergraduate: Manchester School of Architecture
Interests: Contemporary and Heritage Architecture, Photography, Art, Film
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:26
Name: Ching Wei Leong
Atelier: PRAXXIS
Nationality: Malaysian
Skills: Photoshop, AutoCAD, Sketchup, Enscape, Microsoft Word
Design Ethos: Form should be equally as important as function
Interests: Traveling, Dogs, Futsal
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:26
Name: Eva Jain
Atelier: & Architecture
Nationality: Thai
Skills: Photoshop, Revit, SketchUp, Lumion, Enscape
Design Ethos: A design does not stand in isolation, it is a reflection of society. It also needs to take into consideration sensory design and other ways to benefit and suit all users.
Interests: Art, Photography, Travelling, Reading & Pottery
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:24
Name: Xinyi Zheng
Course: MArch Architecture, MA Architecture and Urbanism
From: China
Undergraduate: North China University of Science and Technology
Skills: Rhino, SketchUp, Lumion, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Interests: Graphic Design, Painting, Musicals and Cultural Movies, History of Countries and Architectural Heritages
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:24
During our site visit, we had the wonderful opportunity to take part in a clay plastering activity, organized by Rural Art Hub and Clayworks, alongside a group of children. Together, we mixed clay and water with fibers to create a strong and durable mixture, which we then applied onto blocks of straw with hawks. We all ended up covered in clay after the activity, but it was a fun and unforgettable experience! We finished our site visit, with a game of tag with the local children, (as part of our site research of course...) and explored our own creativity in the Mothershippon.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:17
Name: Seth Daker
Course: MArch Architecture
Atelier: [CPU]ai
From: West Yorkshire, UK
Undergraduate: Northumbria University
Skills: AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, Adobe Softwares, VRay
Interests: Art, Football, Photography, Film, Contemporary Architecture
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:15
A quick peer-to-peer presentation before tutorial!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:13
Discourse on the deliverables and aim we target to achieve!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:13
A chat with Maurice regarding the history and background of Ellesmere!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:13
View of the canal we'll be working on to revitalize!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:12
En route to Ellesmere!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:12
Name - Muhammad Haziq Bin Rosle

Role - Editorial Designer

Undergraduate - Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam, Malaysia

Course - Master in Architecture

Atelier - INFRASpace

Expertise - Rhino, Maya, Houdini, D5 Render & Revit // Modelling & Coordination

Discovering Haziq:
Unorthodox by nature, my interest within the architecture paradigm lies on exfoliating the influence of biological narrative within the built environment. To investigate the symbiosis between the biological and infrastructural through the phenomenological parameters are within my interest
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:11
Name: Mo Amin
Atelier: Flux
Undergraduate Study: DMU, Leicester
Hobbies: Sport, Tea/Coffee
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:10