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After completing the site visit, we convened as a group for a brainstorming session to exchange our preliminary design ideas. All members actively participated in the discussion and shared their ideas through both verbal and visual means. We then divided into two smaller groups, with one focusing on the outdoor spaces design and the other on the indoor layout. Our groups generated initial sketches and design concepts before concluding the day's session.
Posted 16 May 2023 14:25

Following the concise introduction, we proceeded to visit Westcroft Community Centre for a site visit. We guided the BA1 & BA2 students around the premises and briefed them on the collaborators' requirements, as discussed in our previous meetings. As a group, we also engaged in a brief on-site discussion regarding some initial design concepts.
Posted 16 May 2023 14:24

Group 17 kicked off the project by conducting a group introduction and icebreaker session. Subsequently, we proceeded to present our project to the BA1 & BA2 students and engage in a Q&A session to gain a deeper understanding of the project.
Posted 16 May 2023 14:22
Day 5
Today we start discussing the scale of the stage, the choice of materials and the foundations
Posted 16 May 2023 13:09
May 16th (Morning continued)

Transporting the model from B.15 to studio, we began exploring methods of mapping our interventions with colour-coded string and circular stick-ons. Concept visuals are almost complete, populating them with people and landscaping gives a good indication of how our proposals could be utilised and enjoyed by locals. Let's get all this great work into the presentation slides ready to wow on Thursday!
Posted 16 May 2023 13:06
It was great to see our fellow students putting the presentation skills, that we introduced last week, into use. We spent yesterday morning sharing short presentations of our interview experiences, was great to see common strands between retrofitters and the unique parts of each homeowners approach.
Posted 16 May 2023 13:05
May 16th (Morning)

We have drawn up the measured survey of the precinct, looking at CAD line weights, hatching and page-boarding formatting for those not too familiar with the software. The existing plan has been used to confirm our interventions and where they will be located in the precinct, a 'proposed' populated plan will be created to sit alongside this when interventions have been modelled and finalised.
Posted 16 May 2023 12:22
Day six:
We started the day with a presentation outlining the tasks of the day and discussing what we had achieved so far and what to do next. Then, while BAs were working with 2D drawings in Photoshop, we imported the SketchUp pod models into the modelled topography for the final touches before rendering. With everyone's creative juices flowing, it was nice to see all the different ideas and designs coming together seamlessly.
Posted 16 May 2023 12:18
Here is a final sketch proposal for the design! We have implemented all the ideas from our team workings last week as well as the Burnside Workshop. Really looking forward to starting to draw these up tomorrow!

Posted 16 May 2023 12:01
Day Six – Finalising Design

The 6th day started with a collaboration of ideas for the final design. The BA students started drawing the plans to scale at 1:50. Followed by drawing these up in CAD.
Posted 16 May 2023 11:33
Week 02, Day 01
Commencing week two we were keen to start moving towards a final design resolution. We spent the morning reviewing the 3 groups of BA students design concepts. Each group presented their design development so far to everyone and as a collective we reflected on key parts of the design idea which could be taken forward to the final design output. In the afternoon we directed the students to a concept for the final design output, which would encompass the key elements discussed in the mornings review. The BA students then dived into two groups who would then be focusing on their respective part of the swimming pool building moving forward.
Posted 16 May 2023 11:16
We started to finalise the 3D modelling components for the design catalogue. As a team we collaborated on the bus stops, planters, and streetlights as well as developing pages for use in the publication. Moreover, we tasked a small group with sketching out and creating the front cover for the publication document. In the afternoon we had a design review on today’s outcomes and a group discussion of what we need to progress with tomorrow.
Posted 16 May 2023 10:35
Posted 16 May 2023 10:27
Had a wonderful trip up North of Manchester to Dominic McCann's beautiful retrofitted home. Dominic is one of the pioneers of Carbon Co-Op Retrofit projects that has became one of the best retrofit project of Carbon Co-Op. We had the privilege of venturing into the retrofit aspects of his home. Retrofits ranging from Solar PV to having a white external wall insulation has made Dominic's home a source of precedent for green homes in his neighbourhood.
Posted 16 May 2023 10:22
Designing together!
We shared our proposals to the residents and we discussed with them about other possible solutions. It was very useful to listen to their suggestions and advice. Children and the adults from the neighbourhood were very involved. After presenting our 2 ideas we let them draw on a large map of Newlyn Street. Thanks to their suggestions we can now start to develop the final proposal of the project.
Posted 16 May 2023 09:01
Day 5: Research/ Mushroom team
A slightly different setting today, we opted for a hybrid workspace and shared a home cooked team meal- which of course included Mushroom Pizza!! We began working more closely upon the Mycelium specification document that we are producing for The Boiler House, collating all that we have learnt from Lad in our Mushroom and Mycelium course last week, along with research into current industrial uses for Mycelium, and the forecast shift towards this ‘eco-alternative’ for a wide range of applications. The document we are producing hopes to encapsulate the benefits of using Mycelium as a sustainable alternative- specifically to secure funding to upscale The Boiler House’s own Mycelium production with the aim of one day insulating their building with Mycelium panels. Today was a great opportunity to continue getting to know the team members and be productive with full stomachs!!
Posted 16 May 2023 08:36
Today is the first day of construction. We first started with constructing the walls of the eco-shed. To start we cut down materials to create a timber frame structure. We divided ourselves into two teams: one for data measurement and the other for cutting the timber. The two groups worked alternated tasks so that each person could experience the whole building process. During the measuring process we had woodshop staff, Steve and Nick, guide us on how to use different tools. They taught us different techniques for marking measurements with a string line to improve efficiency and accuracy. During the cutting process, the team had more opportunities to practice using the chop saw.
The cut timber cannot be used directly for assembly, it also needs to be treated by soaking each end into the preserving liquid for 10 mins. After that, the timbers were ready to be assembled. During the fitting process, Lad gave us a master class on how to best use a drill. While it appears easy, it was a challenge to get good at using one. With the help of Steve and Nick we were taught how to make the the timber members fit tighter and without gaps. It is also worth talking about that fitting the side walls was a difficult task as it had a sloping frame at the top and required the posts and top frame to be cut at an angle. This needed to be done with a hand saw. With Steve and Nick demonstrating and guiding us, we quickly learnt how to use the hand saw and the tricks to use it.
After a day's work, we completed all the wall framing for the eco-shed. Thanks to Steve and Nick sharing, we also learnt a lot about woodworking in the process. It was a tough process, but everyone in the team was very committed and enthusiastic. There was a sense of pride in each member as they watched the final four sides of the solid and neatly finished frame. Tomorrow we will get a delivery of the rest of our materials and develop the ecoshed much further!
Posted 16 May 2023 05:33
Day 05

#EmpoweringEllesmere #Gr8

3D, 3D, 3D!!

Productions of 3Ds for Virtual Reality Environment!
Posted 16 May 2023 03:08
Day 4

#Empowering Ellesmere #Gr8

Finalizing our conceptual ideas for the canal bridge design, field glamping & site accessibility!
Posted 16 May 2023 03:06
In the second phase of the event, we used the model of the site and landscape element flags that had been prepared in advance. We invited guests to express what they would like the site to have by placing the different landscape flags in different positions on the model.
In addition to this, our guests fully expressed their expectations for the transformation of the site, which was of great benefit to our project for the following days.
Posted 16 May 2023 00:51
We were very fortunate to have members of the Ryebank community join us for today's collage workshop event. Katy and Roxanne, our collaborators on this project, were also invited to the event.
After a short presentation to our guests about our ongoing projects, we had an enthusiastic discussion with them about what life is like for the over-55s.
Posted 16 May 2023 00:38
After spending time during the first week designing strategies on how to slow down traffic on our Moss Side site, on day 5 we spent the evening presenting our design ideas to the community. We had two design ideas shown on the walls for residents to give their input on how we can design their streets to be safer for them,
Posted 16 May 2023 00:27
On the fifth day, we made significant progress in developing the conceptual design. In our team, we divided our work into two groups: one focused on the design development, while the other began crafting the presentation for our final publication. This included creating narratives that effectively conveyed our design intent. Design improvements were made in response to input and criticism from team members.
Posted 16 May 2023 00:05
Before and After!

On Sunday, members of Group 12 helped cleared the community street garden of overgrown weeds and plants in preparation for the design idea presentation we will hold next week
Posted 15 May 2023 23:59
The previous day's design was improved upon. Based on the project requirements and site analysis, students developed preliminary concepts. They developed a conceptual framework that encapsulates the essence of the project and reflects its function, purpose, and aesthetic qualities. The objective was to resolve project-specific requirements while also considering context and sustainability factors. In addition, they worked on both individual components and the master plan for the landscaping. Multiple solutions were proposed to accommodate a broad variety of age groups. They looked at the color and material palette for the project in order to ensure cohesion.
Posted 15 May 2023 23:55
On the fifth day, we split into three groups. The first group added colours and corresponding materials to the physical model. The second group designed the furniture in the cafe and printed it out with a 3D printer. The third group went to the church to measure the actual size of the venue and display boards, ready for the presentation and the results on Thursday.
Posted 15 May 2023 23:51
What a brilliant start to week 2 by group 10! Feeling fresh, we were ready to build on our ideas from last week and combine them to reach the best final design for our clients. We can really see the value of having a wide range of degree courses and year groups. Every person brings something different and unique to the table and it’s so refreshing to be a part of. Today we finished the day with a solid, final site masterplan and we are ready to delve into more of the finer details tomorrow!
Posted 15 May 2023 22:56
Day 4: Research/ Mushroom team
The final day of our Mushroom and Mycelium course at the boiler house involved yet more exciting hands-on work!
In the morning session Lad delivered a presentation, in which we learnt more about the different growing substrates and mediums in which you can grow mushrooms and mycelium, it was interesting to see the variety of Mycelium examples that Lad had produced himself, and his demonstration of the ways in which Mycelium can address the over reliance on plastic use in industry.
The afternoon session is where the ‘Boiler House Angels’ came into play, we really got stuck in with producing our own MSA:23 Shitake Mushroom log, we made full use of the boiler house workshop and learnt more about how Mycelium can be embedded into other organic materials to propagate further mushroom growth.
Big thanks to Lad for all his insight this week!
Posted 15 May 2023 20:41
DAY 3 Birdhouse designs and publication preparation

While the on-site team worked towards completing the initial practical jobs at the Glade, the proposal team carried out design development. The goal was to design a series of engaging interventions across the site that children taking part in the woodland school could interact with. Together, we started to conceptualise bird houses, bug boxes, arches, informational signs, and fantastical decorations which could be placed onto the site as a series of interventions. We also began to consider which interventions could be feasibly completed within the two week span of the project and which should be included as part of the future proposal for the Glades.
Posted 15 May 2023 20:24
DAY 2 Workshop - Concept Drawings and Masterplan Design

This day was dedicated to concept development, initial design ideas and masterplan design. The design was developed through collages, mind-maps, precedent studies and sketches. This workshop firmly established the mystical forest concept and suggested interventions such as birdhouses, ornamental gnomes, mushrooms and ‘fairy doors’, and informative signs to describe the local wildlife.
Posted 15 May 2023 20:19

and we’re back for day five, we started off the day with a rhino workshop by Xinyi and Kehan. A detailed explanation of how to create the surrounding building blocks for the digital site model was presented. The session was followed by distributing the blocks among the members of the group to replicate in the Rhino.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:56
Day 5: Spotlight – Charlotte’s “Growing Pavilion” Collage

With the team developing fantastic drawings across the board, here’s a fantastic collage elevation of the “Growing Pavilion” intervention from our amazing BA member Charlotte! With the focus being on a growing space, the team has gone above and beyond on exploring the adaptability and poetic value of the intervention – looking at how the intervention can enhance the existing architecture and provide a platform for the children to paint, play and explore further!

We are ecstatic to see the potential of the “Growing Pavilion” and the “Play Structures” at the Rural Art Hub, and their potential to promote sustainability, social inclusivity, and playful exploration!!
Posted 15 May 2023 19:54
Day 5

New Week, New Ideas

With a Manchester Monday basking in the early summertime magic, the Mothershippon group have been basking in creative delight. Coming back from the weekend break, it was lovely to see the team again, and even lovelier to see the ideas continuing to evolve and being depicted in drawings and collages. The team have continued to push forward with their interpretations of the site and have been pushing the possibilities of an ever changing, temporal scheme, and we love it!

As we enter the second week, our focus is towards resolution and refinement as we cement our ideas onto paper and continue to document the team’s fabulous work for the soon-to-come publication!!!

Its full throttle ahead as we welcome the second and final action week of MSA Live.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:45

In the afternoon we did a practical test of the board game. After the game, our BA students gave feedback on the game and we finally selected a version for the next stage of the visual design.

We divided the BA students into groups to design different parts of the board game and produced some drafts, which we will continue to deepen tomorrow.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:41

In the morning we reviewed our work from the previous Friday and discussed refining the rules for the board games, after which we worked in groups to deepen the boards we had designed on Friday and ended up with two sets of board games ready for practical playtesting.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:19
Day 5: After a big day of collaborations, we had a final regroup to decide on how to prepare for our final strategy presentation to Kingdom Life in 3 days time. We welcomed the enthusiasm of the undergraduate students of the group who are excited to produce some conceptual visualisations of the spaces we have developed together.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:12
Day 5: After seeing all 3 concepts, we were ready to discuss how to proceed with the design with our collaborators. We discussed each concept's strong points and weaknesses, decided how much of the site that KL would like to retain, and had a sketch session on combining the concepts into the final strategy. We also discussed our precedents, material choices, and atmosphere to ensure we are moving towards a final site strategy and concept that KL will be proud of.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:10
Day 5: Our final presentation was Concept site strategy 3, which explored the option of clearing the site and building it up from scratch. This involved bringing the building out towards the street front and creating a pocket pack with a terrace for the community behind the building. We found this concept interesting to explore, but it would be best to retain the church building, to retain Kingdom Life's history in the community.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:05
Letitia's Thoughts- BA1

It has been exciting to work on a project that could have real-life impacts as well as being able to interact with students across different stages of the course.
Posted 15 May 2023 19:04
Final Outcomes

As the design development stage nears its end, it is truly gratifying to witness the students' enthusiasm and engagement with a variety of artistic mediums. They have embraced the opportunity to explore and experiment with different tools and techniques, including digital art, watercolor, and physical model making. This diverse range of mediums allows them to express their ideas in unique and creative ways, adding depth and richness to their design proposals.

Physical Model & Sketches by Landa, Mohammed & Amani
Posted 15 May 2023 19:02
Day 5: Our second presentation was Concept site strategy 2, which focused on retaining the historic church, but demolishing the existing youth centre to replace it with a larger facility with gallery access to the community-based functions, and a central cafe with a green roof terrace. A pedestrian route will connect the community through the site to the existing Merlin's Park
Posted 15 May 2023 19:02
The students are fully engaged in bringing their designs to fruition. They dedicate their time and energy to perfecting their visualizations, ensuring that they accurately depict their proposed artist studios. Simultaneously, the students continue with the model-making process, refining and adding any remaining elements to complete their physical models. They pay close attention to the scale and proportions. This process allows them to understand the spatial relationships and physical aspects of their designs in a tangible way.

Posted 15 May 2023 19:00
Based on the urban strategy of cycling formed last week, we continued working on 5 main strategies, designing interventions by sketches and massing.
Posted 15 May 2023 18:58
Day 5: We kicked off our presentations with Concept site strategy 1, which focused on retaining the existing buildings and extending them to fit in the increased building programme. A new glazed entrance was proposed between both buildings along with an extension to the side of the existing church and an extension to the front of the youth centre to help create an active frontage.
Posted 15 May 2023 18:57
Day 5: Finalising the Scheme

The students are fully focused on completing their proposals for the artist studios. This day is crucial as it marks the final stage of their design development. Throughout the session, we provide the students with continuous feedback and guidance to ensure that their proposals align with the project objectives and meet the required standards. We provide guidance on various aspects, such as spatial configurations, material selection, and overall design coherence.
Posted 15 May 2023 18:56
Day 5: Today we are back at our collaborator's site with Kingdom Life! We are excited to be back to present and discuss our concept strategies. The 3 presentations give a range of options for KL to consider, and after a roundtable workshop, choose a final strategy for us to develop over the next 3 days.
Posted 15 May 2023 18:46
Day 3 + 4: Material Experimentation + CAD preparations

Group A developed interior and exterior elevations based off the surveys undergone on site on day 2. This led towards production of several laser cut files that will be actioned on day 5 and 6 to manufacture the bulk of the model. Whilst this was done material experimentation was carried out to try and replicate the historic grain of Birch Community structure timber structure.
Posted 15 May 2023 18:42
2nd Action Week

During the second week of our action plan, our focus is on finalizing design scheme leading up to the last day for consultation and feedback before the exhibition. Overall, our aim is to create comprehensive and visually impactful designs for the artists of St Helens.
Posted 15 May 2023 18:05
Day 5 - Final Design

Today the group worked on the final design of the project based on the feedback given by the client, group members came up with three different plans for the field & track and discussed them. Meanwhile, we also discussed details and material choices for the physical model to be made. At lunchtime, we went to the Lego store to assemble our own Lego Minifigures to represent the children in the physical model.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:48
Amani's Thoughts- BA1

The thing I learned was about layout and scale in plan drawings and that it’s useful to print out people and furniture to scale to use to test out different layouts. so it overall helps you see the scale and the most efficient layout to draw a plan.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:33
Day 5

To begin the week we split into two teams, Digital and Model Making. In which the first day consisted of forming the base of the sculpture, whilst the digital team, began photoshopping renders for the publication.

Posted 15 May 2023 17:24
The design proposal also includes a reflection on the development of the garden afterward. The different seasons present different colors and different visual landscapes. There is also some structural thinking about the landscape installations.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:21
Day 5 Proposed design
From week 1, we begin week 2 by finalising our design. The image above shows our proposed method to tackling safer streets for women. After discussing with clients and members of the community, our team decided to do an art installation in the form of the female goddess Hygieia (the goddess of health). As our manifesto of the project is centered around activity, safety, and inclusion for women, by dedicated the figure to Hygieia amplifies this.

So how does our model tackle the brief?
This sculpture will be used as a prototype and precedent in addressing the safety issue in Trafford. Our aim is that in the future these female figures will be placed around different areas in Manchester that makes women feel unwelcome and safe. The female sculpture will hopefully provide a sense of belonging and security to the space, as well as being a platform in which communities can engage with and address any issues with the community.
As this is a prototype, in the future, using the wired figure as a base, we hope other implementation which we discussed in the methodology booklet will be incorporated into the design. Such as rather than flowers, lights can be installed, or speakers can be added within the model etc. Rather than having CCTV cameras placed around the area, we hope to address this issue in a more subtle and artistic way, in which locals and community can also engage with and take control over.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:19
Today was the last day of the model-making day and we glued the site model to the base to make it easier to move the model. The group also deepened the design of the previously sketched plan and hand-drew the renderings.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:17
The team have come together to combine the 2 ideas to make a final design proposal!
Posted 15 May 2023 17:17
We split off into 2 teams to create individual proposals based off the ideas from last week, and then presented this to the group for feedback.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:16
Today marks the start of our design resolution stage! We have been bringing together all the ideas we discussed last week and are beginning to form a site proposal.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:13
output DAY 5!!

our individual team outputs are underway!!

team 1 - have started working on their 1:20 scale model, including the site model, individual modular shapes, as well as starting a laser cutting file for our 1:2 model

team 2 - have started working on the instruction manual, with a line drawing of our modular shape, as well as deciding on tools and materials needed for each piece

team 3 - the construction sequence team have spent the day 3d modelling the whole project, piecing each modular shape together and putting it on site
Posted 15 May 2023 17:02

The day began with a productive conversation with the client, where we discussed and finalized the site massing. This involved carefully considering the layout and positioning of the various structures within the stadium and its surrounding context.

Throughout the second half of the day, we focused on refining and detailing the stadium design. One of the key areas of attention was the roof shapes and forms. We explored several iterations to ensure we created an aesthetically pleasing and functional design. After careful evaluation, we selected one iteration as the final choice.

As the day came to a close, we successfully completed the schematic design phase, providing a solid foundation for further development. This milestone marks an important step in the project, setting the stage for more detailed planning and implementation in the future.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:00
DAY 5!!

today we started the morning with a quick briefing, going over our final design . splitting into our 3 teams to start model making, 3d modelling, the instruction manual and construction sequence
Posted 15 May 2023 16:57
Day 05- Preparing for the Final Design Proposal

Keep going!

The data and boundaries of the site were obtained from Digimaps, and SketchUp was used as a tool to model the data in 3D. Before concluding the day, as a collective, the team produced a sketch design scheme which reflected the findings from the community engagement activities and the online questionnaire. Tomorrow, the students will be expanding on this scheme, designing the park in more detail.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:54
Day 05- Prioritising Community Feedback

The first step to designing!

After categorising the feedback, the responses were then analysed to help create a clear set of guidelines for the final design proposal. The collective responses were sorted from most to least important in order to prioritise the things that are important to the community.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:53
Day 05- Compiling the Questionnaire Results

Reading through the questionnaires!

The questionnaire responses from the Tyldesley community were organised in order to clearly understand the needs and aspirations of the local community ready for the design stage. The questionnaire data was also visually analysed through the creation of charts and graphs. The collected data and information were then discussed and filtered by the team.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:49
Whilst our client is Greater Sport, as our design is community focused we decided to attend an event hosted by Gorse Hill Studio, located in Trafford. During this event, we were able to gain an insight of the stance of locals, and how our model/installation can further assist the community in regards of safer street. We learnt that the community requires a platform to express their ideas, therefore using this opportunity are aim is to incorporate this element in the design.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:39
Monday, day 5, felt like the first day of summer, the weather was sunny and we were all ready and raring to go on the final push for our MSA live outputs. After a brief chat about how we all spent our weekends, studio work for the unfortunate BA2s, we began with a Rhino and Grasshopper tutorial. Yuexuan showed everyone how to do an environmental site analysis, including sun paths.

Then landscaping design began. We split off into smaller groups, designing different parts of the outdoor space. We used different software or hand-sketched depending on our individual abilities. For example, one pair were working on the playground area by handsketching, while others created quick models or used Autocad.

We also began to laser cut a site model which is to be used for further site explorations and sketch models. While also continuing to populate the indesign document with the work we have completed so far.

Feeling positive for the week ahead!
Posted 15 May 2023 16:33
WEEK 2 // DAY ONE: We kicked off week two by catching up on the weekend and began developing iterations of our exhibition design within the gallery space at Florence Arts Centre. By lunch, we had 15 iterations to work with finally cutting it down to 2. The two were then amended to suit building regulations such as fire and access which led to us finally collectively voting on our favourite layout. On the curating side, we have begun creating poster layouts for the portfolios we ran through in week 1. Also, we have been working on some background information which will accompany the exhibition, such as the history of the site, how the site was surveyed and the MArch PS1 brief.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:26
Day Five – Design Development
In the morning, students split into three groups, one began modelling the design in rhino, the second finalized the physical model from the previous week, adding greenery and details, and the third worked in the workshop, laser cutting 1:100 terrain models and assembling.

In the afternoon, students split into two groups, BA1 students began to compile all the site analysis strategies while BA2 students and March students discussed with the layouts of the buildings and kept finalizing the design.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:23
A wonderful conversation with Alan and Monica at their beautiful green home.

Had an amazing visit on Friday last week for one of our case studies for retrofits in Greater Manchester. Alan and his wife Monica were wonderful in describing their experience of the retrofit process and passed on the lessons they learnt to myself and our first year students. The interview we conducted aimed at uncovering some of the unforseen conciderations that crop up when working on site, as well as a look into levels of thermal comfort and actual thermal gain, post retrofit.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:16
Great to visit another amazing retrofit! Case study under construction.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:02
We also had a Biodiversity talk that provided an insights into the importance of biodiversity conservation, and how it can be achieved through sustainable practices and the implementation of environmental-friendly design for our proposed ideas.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:57
Day five:
It's week two of action weeks, and the team is on fire! The day started with a quick chat with the BAs to discuss progress and plans. Then it was time to dive into Photoshop. The basics were discussed, and the undergrads learned how to use the software effectively for rendering and editing 2D drawings. With new skills in their toolbelt, the BAs put their newfound knowledge into practice under the supervision of M.Archs, rendering the pods' plan layouts.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:49
The sketchup workshop covered a range of topics including creating basic 3D shapes, creating sections and using different tools to modify and edit models. This session was beneficial as it directly contribute to the development of our design proposal.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:43
On the previous day we asked the group members to keep an eye out for any materials we could reuse for the project. On day 2 we struck gold. A construction site near one of the group members flat was willing to give us four used timber pallets. We cut the pallets in half and just about managed to fit them in the back of the Punto (as you can see above). Following this success, the pallets were broken down into individual timbers to be used for the various interventions across the site. The pile of timber boards we had collected were finally dropped off at B15 workshop to be transformed in the following days.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:27
Having explored Moston Brook and the Glade as a group, we headed to Failsworth Townhall. We have arranged with our collaborator to make use of the Townhall during the live project. During the afternoon we formally introduced the students to the project and brief. Following this we split into groups to begin considering potential interventions and design proposals for the Glades.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:26
DAY 5 – Stylisation & Visualisation Workshop

Today’s activities mainly focused on post-production. The day started with a stylisation workshop led by the MArch team. This workshop provides guidance in the basics of rendering orthographical drawings through Adobe Illustrator. We learned how to adjust line weights, assign plot styles and patterns to produce a comprehensive presentation drawing. After lunch, the group focused on visualisation renderings as a way to bring the design to life. Each group worked on their individual themes to create different scenarios for the flexible 0161 Community Bus.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:23
Day 5! The day of the design… We are consolidating all our ideas from last weeks development and beginning to formulate our physical proposal!
Posted 15 May 2023 15:22
DAY 1 Site Visit

On the first day after the site visit, the group had a brainstorming session to discuss observations made during the visit and idea of the design.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:10
May 15th

Work in progress!! We are continuously brainstorming to put together a range of temporary interventions that can be applied in the context of Chorlton. We are basing them around a general framework according to how quickly they can be implemented in real time. We are proposing the Shopping Precinct in the neighbourhood to be a central location for community engagement. As we are progressing with multiple ideas and initiatives the list keeps growing, changing and developing, we’re excited to see where the rest of the week takes us!!
Posted 15 May 2023 15:08
After a morning of designing, students presented their ideas to be used as the publication's front cover. There was a key theme in the designs as each student introduced the building into the collage to represent the project.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:08
Day 4 for the eco-shed project started with a productive meeting in the Boiler House. The team gathered together to draw technical CAD drawings as blueprints to start building on Monday. These drawings were also used to calculate all the material quantities needed to order for the build.
Once the meeting was over, the team headed to the wood workshop for a tool and equipment introduction with Steve, from the Boiler House. The team learnt how to use different types of saws, drills, sanders, and other tools we will use to build the eco-shelter. A thorough health and safety briefing was also presented, which was essential to ensure that everyone remains safe throughout the building process.
After the safety briefing, the team got to try out some of the tools for wood cutting. Everyone was excited to get started, and quickly found out that woodworking requires a lot of patience, precision, and attention to detail. Team started with some basic tasks, such as cutting wooden planks As the day progressed, everyone became more confident and skilled with the tools.
Overall, day 4 was a great success.
Posted 15 May 2023 15:08