Group 30

THE OPEN CANVAS, Sprucing Up the Florence Arts Centre Entrance! Welcome to the Open Canvas: Hey there, creative minds! We are group 30, with MSA LIVE 24 we dive into an exhilarating project at the Florence Arts Centre. Imagine taking a spot that's not very welcoming and turning it into the talk of the town. We will be giving the Centre's entrance a major makeover, and we want it to shout creativity! Unleash Your Creativity: For two action-packed weeks, we're throwing the rulebook out the window. Whether you're a doodler, a model maker, or a full-blown visionary, your ideas are gold. We're all about artistic freedom here. Paint a picture, sketch a sketch, or make a little model. In the end, we'll mix all these brilliant ideas into one masterpiece of a design. Why It Matters: Aside from making the entrance as welcoming and creative, we're lighting up the arts scene for visitors, staff, and awesome community. This spot is more than just a doorway; it's an inspiration for culture in West Cumbria, where art access is rare. Let's make it count! What We're Cooking Up: - A no-stone-unturned review of the current entrance. What's working? What's not? Let's find out. - A game plan for the new entrance. Think bigger, think bolder, think "Is that even possible?" Yes, it is! - Design for the exterior and interior, focusing on cool, inclusive, and super artsy vibes.

Download Final Report

Banuchichak I / Aran KT / Maxwell K / Junyi H / Yiduo W



ARCHITECTURAL INTERESTS: I am currently focusing my area of study on architecture within the community. Learning how schemes can be a catalyst for change and empowerment within areas of deprivation and neglect. I am also developing my knowledge within the sports infrastructure sector by devoting my dissertation subject to the social, economic and environmental impacts mega sporting events have on local and the wider community.

PART 1 EXPERIENCE: Throughout my Part 1 placement, I worked at a small - medium size practice with a focus on healthcare. Working on various hospitals, health centers, student housing and social housing schemes.

SPARE TIME: In my spare time I enjoy playing and going to watch the football, cinema trips, shopping and spending time with my friends and family.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 13:43
The Open Canvas Team: Max K

Atelier: Infrastructure Space

Architectural Interests:
For me, architecture is about the experience of space. How do we interact with the spaces we inhabit? How does it make us feel? What emotions does it evoke? Can we design to accommodate for certain sensory interactions?
I am passionate about understanding space through phenomenology and sensory patterns, which I am currently exploring through my dissertation on how we, as students, adapt our temporary environments to call them a 'home'. It is the connection we make and maintain with our space that is truly fascinating to me and my future work will reflect on, and explore, the intimacies of design.

Part 1 Experience:
I worked at a medium sized practice with a focus on delivering sustainable and experiential architecture. I was able to bring my creative input to the practice, developing handmade 3D concept models and implementing my Photoshop and sketching capabilities to win competitions!

Spare Time:
Besides twirling the moustache, I enjoy film photography, hiking or running in rain or shine, indulging myself in coffee and pastries and when I have the time, I enjoy sketching and working on large art pieces.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 14:16


ARCHITECTURAL INTERESTS: At the moment most of my interests join forces with my university projects, for my studio project I'm exploring the intersection of feminism and architecture, aiming to design spaces that meet community needs through an inclusive lens. I am also writing my dissertation, which delves into the influence of freedom and media on architecture in my country, Azerbaijan.

PART 1 EXPERIENCE: Between my Bachelor's and Master's, I snagged an amazing chance to work at one of the biggest architectural firms in my hometown Baku, Azerbaijan. I got to work on some important projects, including designing the headquarters for a major government organization in my country. Besides the big projects, I also got my hands on smaller ones, which was great for picking up a mix of skills.

SPARE TIME: In my spare time, I'm all about exploring new places, experimenting in cooking up some new recipes, and capturing moments through photography. I'm a big movie fan, always up for a good film, and nothing beats quality time with my loved ones.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 14:24


ARCHITECTURAL INTERESTS: My current research area is common space practice, understanding how to serve users around the site through recycling waste materials and material technologies that may be common in the future. In the research method course of the first semester, my team members and I carried out the research on the environmental harm of waste aluminum materials and the recycling of aluminum materials, hoping to continue the research and get more in-depth in this semester
PART 1 EXPERIECE: In my first year of practice, I analyzed and studied a piece of public land in Sheffield together with my team members. In order to meet the needs of customers, I committed to transforming an abandoned house. Currently I hope to give it the function of a tea room, so as to make it full of vitality again and drive the surrounding economy.
SPARE TIME: I prefer to play basketball and taste all kinds of food in my spare time. It is also very enjoyable to get together with friends occasionally.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 14:38

ATELIER: Complexity, Planning & Urbanism

ARCHITECTURAL JOURNEY: My passion for architecture was kindled in the vibrant city of Chengdu, where I was born. This passion led me to Hunan University of Science and Technology for my undergraduate studies, where I immersed myself in the world of architectural design and theory. My academic pursuits continued at Sheffield Hallam University, where I earned my Bachelor of Architecture degree. Currently, I am enriching my expertise at the Manchester School of Architecture, working towards a Master of Architecture degree with an expected graduation date of August 2025.

ACADEMIC ENDEAVORS: As a member of the Complexity, Planning & Urbanism(CPU) atelier group, my focus has been on harnessing computer algorithms to generate spatial logic, aiming for the most efficient architectural solutions. My studio project revolves around the new Manchester School of Architecture (MSA) building, where my goal is to create an architectural space that fosters limitless communication possibilities. My dissertation probes into the question of whether capitalism has commandeered architectural modernism and styles, suggesting that architecture may serve the market interests of capitalists rather than the needs of its users.

PART 1 EXPERIENCE: The transition between my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees was marked by a significant opportunity to delve into practical experience. I participated in the 4th Architecture Festival at Hunan University of Science and Technology, where I showcased my ability to conceptualize and materialize ideas through my pavilion model submission. This experience was pivotal in refining my design skills and understanding of architectural nuances.

SPARE TIME: My spare time is filled with a passion for architectural design and exploration. I am proficient in using modeling software such as Rhino and Grasshopper, which not only enhances my design capabilities but also allows me to realize more precise and innovative architectural concepts. At the same time, I enrich my portfolio using graphic design software like Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator, creating visually compelling design presentations. Beyond honing technical skills, I enjoy exploring new places, experimenting with new recipes, and capturing life’s beautiful moments through photography. I am a movie buff, always looking forward to the next good film, and nothing is more precious than quality time spent with family and friends.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 15:43
Client and Site Overview:

Located in the heart of West Cumbria, the Florence Arts Centre is a keystone of cultural and artistic effort, standing nearby to the historic Florence Mine. As a Grade II Listed site recognized by Historic England, the mine is celebrated as one of the nation’s most whole examples of an iron mining pit head, capturing a valuable history of England's industrial past. The closure of Florence Mine echoes extensive historical changes in mining and steel production, marking an evolution from industrial powerhouse to cultural space.

Today, the Arts Centre blossoms as a radiant hub for creativity and community engagement, housing a gallery, performance spaces, and artist studios. The Centre not only supports local artists through its commitment to sustainable creative practices but also actively involves the community through workshops and educational programs. Unique to this site, two full-time paint makers utilize the historically mined iron ore to create paints, pastels, and inks, intertwining the legacy of the mine with contemporary artistic practice.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 15:53
Meeting 1:

It was great to kick off our project with the first meeting where we all got to introduce ourselves and dive into our aspirations and plans for the Florence Arts Centre project.

We all shared a bit about why we’re drawn to this project, and it was inspiring to hear the range of interests across the group. We discussed how we’ll share the workload, seeking to support tasks with our individual skills and interests for maximum efficiency and enjoyment.

Our immediate next step is to start exploring ideas we discussed further and looking for ways of possible site visit, as the location of our site is a bit far from Manchester. Each of us delved into our assigned areas, gathering information and inspiration to share at our next meeting, to help us refine our concepts.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 16:11
Meeting 2:

One of the highlights of our second meeting was the brainstorming session for our project poster. We discussed various concepts that could capture the essence of our project, aiming to communicate our vision clearly and attractively. Ideas ranged from incorporating elements of the mine’s industrial heritage to showcasing the potential transformations we envision for the entrance space.

Each of us came back supplied with new information and ideas sparked by our individual explorations and reflections since our first meeting. Whether it was sustainable material options, or community engagement strategies, it was helpful to share these findings with each other.

Given the delay in our site visit, we chose to move forward, by using the information already at our disposal. We worked on how to structure our action weeks to truly reflect the spirit of the art gallery, ensuring maximal creative freedom for everyone involved.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 16:22
Ideas and sketches:

We came up with some cool ideas and sketches during our talks. We wanted our poster to show what our project is about in a fun and creative way. We're also planning cool stuff for the action weeks and to get things ready before they start, so we can have a great two weeks full of fun.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 16:59
Meeting 3:

In our third meeting, we had the wonderful opportunity to meet with Sue Mackay, the director of the centre, in person for the first time. This meeting was a significant milestone for our project, as it allowed us to connect directly with the heart of the gallery. Sue presented an insightful overview of the gallery, introducing its core values, history, and the impact she hopes our project will have. Her presentation was not only informative but also truly inspiring, setting a clear vision for what we are working towards.

Following Sue's introduction, we had the chance to share our ideas and the progress we've made so far. This exchange was incredibly beneficial, as it provided us with direct feedback from the very person who knows the gallery inside and out.

Posted 11 Mar 2024 17:07
What's Next for Our Project:

After our informing meeting with Sue Mackay, we're all exited for the next steps in our journey. We are planning to visit the centre very soon. This visit isn't just a chance to see the space; it's an opportunity to dive deeper into our project. We plan to capture every moment, from videos and photos to sketches, ensuring we have a rich collection of materials to share during the action weeks.

We’re also fine-tuning the schedule for our action weeks. We're putting together a lineup of activities, workshops, and brainstorming sessions designed to maximize our productivity and creativity. And, of course, we're buzzing with excitement at the thought of meeting our full group in person. The chance to collaborate, share ideas, and embark on this creative journey together is what we've been looking forward to.

We can't wait to start this creative adventure with everyone, bringing our ideas to life and making a meaningful contribution to the Florence Arts Centre. Let's make these two weeks unforgettable!
Posted 11 Mar 2024 17:23
Action Weeks- Day 1

Today was the first day of our project, and it was all about getting to know each other and the exciting journey ahead. We kicked things off with everyone sharing a little about themselves—what they like, what they’re good at, and what they hope to bring to the project.

After our round of intros, we dove into the details of our project. We showed the students a presentation about the site and talked about our mission and the goals we want to hit. It’s not just about the end results; we’re here to make something meaningful together.

We wrapped up the day by handing out a small homework assignment. Everyone has been tasked with doing some research on topics we talked about today, and we’re looking forward to hearing what everyone finds out tomorrow.
Posted 7 May 2024 22:54
Action Weeks- Day 2

Day two kicked off with a lively catch-up session where we revisited the core purpose of our project. It was great to see everyone refreshed and ready to build on what we discussed yesterday.

The main activity for today involved getting those creative juices flowing. We asked the students to create sketches and collages inspired by the studies they researched yesterday. The results were a fantastic mix of creativity and insight, showing just how much everyone has taken the project to heart.
Posted 8 May 2024 15:25
Action Weeks- Day 2

Today was a blast of creativity as we dived into drawing and sketching sessions and collage making. The sketches provided a vivid glimpse into the diverse interpretations and creative approaches everyone is considering.

Posted 8 May 2024 15:48
Action Weeks - Day 3

Day three took our project to the next level as we zoomed into the finer details. We printed out the big plans and got into the nitty-gritty details of our project. Everyone split into three groups, each focusing on a different part: the entrance, the elevation, and the reception area.

With plans spread out everywhere, we started tracing and sketching directly on them. The challenge? To tweak and improve our designs without straying too far from the original blueprints. It's all about making those small, smart changes that add up to a big difference.

Stay tuned to see how our ideas evolve as we keep pushing our designs further!
Posted 10 May 2024 12:53
Action Weeks- Day 4

Today was a break from the norm as we embraced our inner artists! With our project focusing on an art center and us being Team Open Canvas, it seemed fitting to have an artsy day.

We brought out all sorts of supplies—paints, brushes, canvases—and let our creativity flow. The result? Some seriously amazing pieces that capture the vibe of the site, the gallery, and our collective ideas.

From bold splashes of color to intricate details, each artwork told a story and gave a glimpse into what our art center could be. It was a day of inspiration, collaboration, and lots of laughs.
Posted 11 May 2024 18:58
Action Weeks- Day 4

Our creations are bursting with the vibrant colors and lively energy of our art center. Each piece tells a story, with different aspects of the space and its atmosphere. They're not just pretty pictures—they're snapshots of our passion and vision.
Posted 11 May 2024 19:08
Action weeks- Day 5

Welcome to week two of our MSA Live adventure! Today kicked off with some serious brainstorming as we delved into the final outcomes we aim to achieve by the end of the week.

We huddled together to discuss the important details: materials, scales, styles—you name it, we covered it. It was all about envisioning how we're going to bring our ideas to life in tangible form.

With our plans in place, we dove headfirst into model making. Armed with glue guns, cardboard, and plenty of imagination, we got to work crafting prototypes and mock-ups. It was a day filled with creativity and hands-on experimentation as we brought our visions one step closer to reality.
Posted 14 May 2024 21:07
Action weeks- Day 6

Our model making journey shifted into high gear today as we embraced larger scales and began the exciting process of digitizing our work and continuing working on models. It was a hive of activity, with everyone bringing their unique skills and talents to the table. Some were meticulously crafting models, while others were busy translating our physical models into digital form.

It was incredible to witness the diverse range of talents within our team, each contributing their own piece to the puzzle.
Posted 14 May 2024 21:12
Action weeks - Day 7

Today we dedicated our day to putting the finishing touches on our final outcomes. We poured our skills into perfecting our models and bringing our visions to life.

In parallel, we began crafting different pages for our group booklet, weaving together photos of our models with descriptions and explanations of our design process.

As we flipped through the pages and discussed our goals for the final outcome, each of us brought unique perspectives and aspirations to the table, but one thing remained constant: our shared commitment to creating something truly impactful and memorable.
Posted 15 May 2024 17:02
Action Weeks- Day 8

Today, we focused on the final parts of our group model and compiling all the images we've created into our booklet. It was a day of detail work as we ensured everything was cohesive and visually compelling. With each page coming together, we are very close to the finish line.
Posted 16 May 2024 14:35
Action Weeks- Day 9

Today marked the culmination of our hard work and creativity. We began the day with a burst of productivity, putting the final touches on our booklet. It was immensely satisfying to see all our ideas and efforts come together in one cohesive document.

With the booklet complete, we turned our attention to the finishing touches on our final model. As we added the last details and stood back to admire our handiwork, and took some photos.

To celebrate our achievements, we indulged in a delicious lunch feast, topped off with everyone's favorite treat—pizza! It was the perfect way to unwind and toast to the success of our project.
Posted 17 May 2024 16:24
Action Weeks- Day 9

After our lunch time, we gathered one last time to review our final outcomes and express our gratitude to all the students who contributed their time and creativity to this project. Their engagement and dedication were truly invaluable.

Our day reached a high point with a call to Sue Mackay, the director of the Florence Art Center, our esteemed collaborator. We walked her through our final booklet, detailing our ideas and showcasing our outcomes. The meeting was great, and we left feeling proud of what we had achieved together.

Reflecting on this project, we realized it was more than just a collaboration; it was an incredible experience of community engagement and teamwork. By working together, we've created something that has the potential to make a real difference in the community.

As we close this chapter and look ahead to new adventures, we carry with us the lessons learned, and the belief in the power of collaboration to create positive change. Thank you to everyone who was part of this journey—we couldn't have done it without you!
Posted 17 May 2024 16:32