Meeting day!

Hello, I'm Keming and you can also call me Komin! I come form Guangdong province which is located in the southern China.

Actully it is not the first meeting for us but we attach particular importance to this meeting because it is the first time that we have all the people here with our collaborator Chris.

Our project is Kingdom life church. It is located in the Old trafford. We have made two times site visit before and have investigated the current site conditions and scale as well as the internal structre of the church and youth centre.

We felt very motivated because at this meeting we explored a lot of what we were going to do afterwards and how we needed to do it. Now we’ve come up with a plan, and we’ll get down to producing the work. Everyone got their own tasks. I will add blog posts each week about the work we’ve done.
Posted 22 Feb 2024 23:28
Name: Leo

Atelier: Some Kind of Nature

Dissertation Topic: How do Regenerative Processes Affect the Social Context of an Area: A Case Study of the Regeneration of Broadwater Farm.

Architectural Interests: Heritage architecture, alternative narratives, social housing, and Carlo Scarpa’s weird stairs/gorgeous detailing.

Non Architectural Interests: Football, food, drawing and binge drinking.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 19:47

My name is Agnese and I am 22 years old. I am an M.Arch-1 student in Continuity Atelier. I obtained my Bachelor's Degree at Politecnico di Milano, where I am currently pursuing a Master's in Architecture and Interiors. I will be part of MSA this semester as an exchange student and I could be not more excited.

Besides architecture, I have different passions including life in outer space, aviation and sports. I am so enthusiastic about space exploration that one of my goals for this life is to spend at least one day on the red planet!

During my academic and professional experience, I have developed various skills. Of these, the ones I am most passionate about are 3D digital modelling (mainly with Rhino), the use of rendering software (such as V-Ray) and the creation of physical models (plaster and plexiglass are my preferred materials).
Posted 11 Mar 2024 20:07
Name: Ollie

Atelier: &rchitecture

Dissertation Topic: Explore how a shift from capitalist rational architecture of autonomy and control in the 19th Century factory, towards public civic buildings of education and culture reflected wider societal changes following the First World War, using Manchester’s Central Library as a case study.

Architectural Interests: Materiality, architecture of the senses, residential renovations, modern twists on Classical principles.

Non Architectural Interests: Football, food, gym and regular drinking.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 20:28

Hello, I'm Keming and you can also call me Komin! I come form Guangdong province which is located in the southern China. I am a MA architecture and adaptive reuse student.

I graduated in China as well and i worked for three years.

Now i start a new life of study and i really like this major!

When i finish my study and work, i am fond of touring and sports. Basketball and football are my favorites.

By the way, Manchester's sky is blue! ( Just a joke)
Posted 11 Mar 2024 20:38

Pronouns: He/he


Dissertation: "Multidimensional Perspectives on Temporary Architecture:

Exploring the Social, Political, and Economic Impacts of temporary architecture through the Case Study of Mobile cabin hospital"

Hello, I come from Henan Province, China. The North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power is my undergraduate college. I like traveling and photography.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 20:52
Process prensentation!

Hi, this is a presentation of our work during these two weeks, I'm Keming. We didn't hold a meeting during this period and just focus on our own work which was assigned to everyone last meeting.

Luckily we almost finish our digital model and poster! Next, We will run:
Physical model making workshop
Lumion/Vray workshop
Rhino/Sketchup Workshop
AutoCAD workshop (producing a set of planning drawings)
And the event of public engagement at the church

I'm happy to show our work! Come on MSA!
Posted 11 Mar 2024 21:07
Meeting after the break!

Hi, It is nice to see you again. There is a blog about our work during the Easter holidays, I'm Keming. We are going to discuss what we should do and prepare before we meet our collaborator, Chris.

As discussed yesterday, we planned to design a flat with three types of rooms. And we also need to prepare the schedule of accomodation.

We can't wait to share our plans with Chris!

I'm happy to show our work! Come on MSA!
Posted 18 Apr 2024 02:15
Last meeting before submission!

Hello, this is a blog of group 12.

In order to let the BA students who will join in these two weeks quickly integrate into this project, we have made a lot of preparations.

The completion of the action plan allows us to arrange the tasks of each day well. And set up a time to see Chris again.

Our task is to produce visualisations, a physical model and a set of planning drawings. We will be showcasing these at a public consultation event (15th May) during the action weeks, held at the church.

We can't wait to meet them!
Posted 8 May 2024 18:56
First Meeting with BA and MLA students!

Hi, Here is Keming. There is a blog to introduce the meeting for the first time to see our new members!

The two days went as smoothly as we had expected, just as our meeting had planned.

On the first day, we introduced ourselves, the project and outline the outputs. Following this, we collectively settled upon a design solution and divide the groups to suit their personal skillsets. And we have continued our progress today.

Tomorrow, we will stay with the architect Chris Russell. He will help us and share his experience to us.

I'm happy to show our work! We are Kingdom life!
Posted 8 May 2024 19:20
Action week: Day 3!

Hello, this is a blog of Thursday.

I am happy to say that we are on the right way to reach our goal. After introducing our project, '' Kingdom Life Church'' and our proposal of our design, we had divided all the students into two group. One is supposed to design the church while another is reusing the Youth Centre.

We focused on the hand-drawn drafts first. Try every possibility through the efforts of everyone. We don't impose our ideas on undergraduates, we guide them to design. After the efforts of these few days, we can get the size of the interior layout after the design today.

Chris's presence here today has also given us a lot of encouragement and help. He talked to every student and gave his opinion.

We are going to make a physical model tomorrow.
Posted 9 May 2024 23:53
Action week: Day 4!

Hello, here is Keming. This is a blog of Friday.

I'm happy to say that we're making very good progress. Because of the good arrangement in the past few days, we are carrying out our respective tasks in an orderly manner.

Today, we will design in two separate batches. Part of the design was completed yesterday, so the completed cad will be taken to the B15 for cutting today.

The rest of the students went on with their mission. We all put this project on the top of our list, so we all take it seriously.
Posted 10 May 2024 21:04
Action week: Day 4 - Physical Model

We translated the plan of new '' Kingdom life'' church into a physical model at the B15 workshop to show the form and structure of it.

This helps to present and understand our project within its existing context and conditions. So we also made a model of the original building to compare this change.
Posted 10 May 2024 21:09
Action week: Day 5!

Hello, here is Keming. This is a blog for the new week.

After a weekend break, we went back to work on our project.

Some students are working on the set of drawings. They basically finished and are working on the post production. There’s a plan drawn up, needs lineweights adjusting and some furniture thrown in.

Now, we are supposed to think about visuals to send.
Posted 13 May 2024 19:07
Action week: Day 6!

We are very satisfied with the progress we have made.

Our model production is also very smooth, only the base of the model has not been completed.

The next thing we need to worry about is the post-rendering problem. If it is not unexpected, we will teach rendering and work with BA students on rendering.
Posted 14 May 2024 19:16
Action week: Day 7!

Hello, here is Keming. It is a busy Wednesday!

We’re all meeting this morning 10.00 a.m in MTC. After a brief meeting, we split into two groups to put the finishing touches on each.

Some people are rendering in the Cad lab, they got a busy morning to get everything completed and printed before 1.00 p.m.

The rest of the group designed and built the base of the physical model at B15.

Fortunately, we managed to finish everything before 1 p.m. Just waiting to go to the site for public consultation.
Posted 16 May 2024 00:34
Action week: Day 7 - Public Consultant

All the preparations were for a public consultation at the site this afternoon.

We take great care of the people who come here to inquire about our projects. We also gain a sense of achievement in this.

At the end of the day, Chris also came to the venue to discuss our design with us.
Posted 16 May 2024 00:42
Action week: Day 8

This is the first day after public consultant. So we need to do some finishing touches.

First we taught them how to draw with CAD. Then I taught them how to render with enscape. Judging from the results, they did a great job!
Posted 17 May 2024 01:09
Action week: Day 9 - final day!

Hello, here is Keming. This is the last blog of our group for MSA LIVE.

Today is the last day of Action Week. Everyone put all their energies into the final task. In order to have a good result of our work these months, each of us has put all our efforts into our respective tasks.

In general, this is a course that benefits us a lot, and it is even more than a course, which makes us deeply feel the process of a complete project at work. We really enjoyed the experience of working together in a group!
Posted 17 May 2024 19:30