Group 07

This student-led team is working in collaboration with ‘ForTyldesley’, a community-led initiative, to propose designs for the redevelopment of a small green space along Tyldesley’s historic high street. The project will allow students to prepare and undertake a public consultation with key stakeholders and community groups, in order to develop and test themes and inspire design ideas. Students will collaboratively produce design proposals in response to the feedback collected from the community, creating illustrative visuals, drawings and models of the green space. Throughout this workshop, students will develop skills in sketching, model making (both physical and digital), Indesign, Photoshop and rendering softwares, in addition to valuable skills in communication, public speaking, and organisation through stakeholder engagement activities. For more information on our collaborator ‘ForTyldesley’ please visit:

Download Final Report

Nur Alisa Akmar Binti MF / Mastura Raiha Binti R / Wenkai Z / Rebecca C / Ali AS / Samual D

Name: Rebecca Clarkson
Role: Team Leader / Point of Contact
Course: Master of Architecture
Atelier: Continuity In Architecture
Specialities: Adobe Creative Suite, Revit
Personal Intro: I am from Leeds and previously studied at the University of Nottingham. During my years out I worked at Lathams, an architecture firm specialising in heritage & conservation, which is something I am passionate about.
I am looking forwards to meeting our new team members & getting started with this exciting project!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 11:53
Name: Wenkai Zhang
Role: Secretary
Course: Master of Architecture
Atelier: Making
Specialities: Adobe Creative Suite, Rhino
Personal Intro: Hi, I'm an architect with a passion for designing large-scale public buildings and urban spaces. I'm excited to bring my skills in creative problem-solving and innovative design to any project. Let's work together to create inspiring and functional spaces that enrich people's lives.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 12:47
Name: Nur Alisa Akmar Mohd Fadzil
Role: Creative Director
Course: Master of Architecture
Atelier: MAKING
Specialities: Model Making ACad, SketchUp, Enscape, Adobe Creative Suite
Personal Intro: Hello, I'm Alisa from Malaysia :) I previously studied at Universiti Teknologi MARA for my undergrad. I'm interested in biophilic designs and tapping into people's connection to nature. I enjoy travelling, making models and photography. I’m grateful for this opportunity to work together and looking forward to getting started!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 14:13
Name: Sam Diamond
Role: Visual & Graphic Director
Course: Master of Architecture and Adaptive Reuse
Specialities: Adobe Creative Suite, Sketchup, hand sketching
Personal: Hello, I am from Manchester, and completed my undergraduate in Interior Architecture and Design in Leeds last year. I specialise in the reuse of existing buildings and sites, with a strong interest for visualisation and model making :)
Posted 13 Mar 2023 14:32
Name: Mastura Raiha binti Ramlan
Role: Creative Director
Course: Master in Architecture
Atelier: MAKING
Specialties: Program planning, Budgeting & Video Editing. Skilled in ACad, Skp, Enscape, Revit, Vectorwork, Photoshop, Indesign.
Personal Intro: Hey there! I love to travel. Visiting and knowing all parts of the world is what I truly live for. I believe experience comes with growth, doesn't matter if it’s a good or bad experience, we still grow from it. Architecture has truly taught me a lot of life lessons and as I dive deeper I realised that Architecture is actually a form of designing life too. Can't wait to work on this project with everyone soon!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 14:59
Name: Ali Al-Siwife
Role: Executive Administration
Course: Master of Architecture
Atelier: Complexity, Planning and Urbanism [CPU] Ai
Specialties: AutoCAD, Rhino, SketchUp, Lumion, V-ray, Adobe Creative Suite
Personal Intro: Hello, I live in London, where I did my year out at SGA a firm located in Belgravia. SGA focuses on mathematical principles that explore rhythm, pattern, and repetition, which links directly to my atelier. I studied at Huddersfield University for my undergrad and I am passionate about contemporary architecture.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 15:02
Our collaborator ‘FOR TYLDESLEY’ are a foundation, involved in the heritage action zones programme: a national initiative aimed at revitalizing historic high streets across the UK. Through its involvement, ‘FOR TYLDESLEY’ is contributing to the improvement of the high street, creating a more attractive, engaging and vibrant environment for people to live, work, and spend time in the town. The programme is being funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, with additional support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and is being run by Historic England. The High Streets Heritage Action Zones Programme is centered around three main components, including physical works to buildings, cultural activities and events, and local community involvement. Through these strands, the programme aims to support the repair and reinstatement of lost features of historic buildings, facilitate cultural activities and events to celebrate the history of the high street, and provide a platform for local communities to have a say in shaping the future of their high street. FOR TYLDESLEY's involvement in this initiative underscores its commitment to the revitalization of high streets and its dedication to improving the quality of life for local communities.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 17:43
The Site is the corner located at the end of Tyldesley's High Street the A577, opposite St George's Church. The Site consists of an arced fence that gates the small park, with two benches on either end, multiple trees, and flowers.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 18:17
For this collaboration, we will be involved in public engagement and create synergy with the community of Tyldesley to build a healthy spirit and sense of place. Students will develop skills in sketching, model making (physical and digital), Indesign, Photoshop and rendering software, valuable communication skills, organisation skills and more!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 18:34
The first week of action week will allow students to prepare for the public consultation, which is scheduled for Friday 12th May. As a group, we will design engagement tasks and activities for stakeholders in Tyldesley, encouraging discussion and feedback, which we will take forwards with us into action week 2.
As a part of the preparation work, students will construct a physical model of the site which will be used during the consultation and to showcase the final design outcome at the end of week 2.
There will also be opportunity throughout the week to have software specific tutorials with the 5th year students, to improve your skills ready for week 2!
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:45
In action week 2 students will collate the findings from the public consultation and work collaboratively to produce a final design for the scheme. The outputs from this week will include a full set of drawing plans, 3D visualisations and a physical model.
We are very excited to see what you all come up with!

Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:49
Day 01 - Presenting Initial Ideas

Introduction to the Ponky’s Park Project!

The day began with an icebreaker activity before the 5th years introduced the brief, the client, the site, and the action plan for the two weeks ahead.

The students then split up and began the first task which was to produce some initial sketches / images / photographs of potential design strategies, using the questionnaire feedback we have received from residents of Tyldesley prior to this action week.

The team came together at the end of this activity and presented their ideas back to the group for discussion.
Posted 9 May 2023 16:32
Day 01 - Laser Cutting + Site Model Assembly

Model making with the team!

The day continued with a site model assembling activity with pre-cut laser pieces prepared by the 5th year students prior to the action week . The 5th year students also briefly presented the site to the BA Students, who have yet to visit Tyldesley, in order to aid their understanding of the site and its constraints.

A laser cutting tutorial were conducted by the 5th years to the BA students for better understandings of file prepping for model making.
Posted 9 May 2023 16:35
Day 01 – Software Tutorials by Year 5 Students

Team Skill Sharing!

Throughout the afternoon the 5th year students conducted software specific tutorials (including Indesign, Illustrator, and Digimaps) for the BA students in order to improve their skills, ready for the design outputs over the next two weeks.

The day ended with a final group discussion / reflection, which included a briefing of the tasks for day 2.
Posted 9 May 2023 16:56
Day 02 - Brainstorming Session for the Public Consultation

Orchestrating the big day!

The second day started with a discussion and a brainstorming session of potential stakeholder engagement activities for the public consultation happening on Friday the 12th.

The students shared and exchanged ideas on ways to engage with the public, detailed out each activity, and outlined a rough schedule for Friday.
Posted 10 May 2023 14:42
Day 02 - Site Model Assembly

Finalising the Site Model!

The students then continued working on the buildings for the site model, and assembled the pre-cut pieces before continuing with their individual design proposal.

Each student mapped out and modelled their site plan, and designed a mural at 1:50 scale to fit their schemes on the site model.
Posted 10 May 2023 14:43
Day 02 - Final Site Model

The Finished Model!

We will be using the model initially for the public consultation on Friday to help visualise each design proposal on site. During week 2, the model will continue to be used for the final design proposal, before being handed over to the collaborators.
Posted 10 May 2023 14:46
Day 02 - Individual Design Proposals

Wrapping up

The day ended with a show and tell session by the BA students, talking about their individual approaches and concepts for the site plan and mural proposals.

A photography session was also carried out before the group was dismissed.
Posted 10 May 2023 15:23
Day 03 - Modelling the 3D Site Elements

Visualising in three dimensional view!

The third day started with model making the potential Ponky’s Park design in a three dimensional view. Model making items such as boards, foam, cards & clay were provided for the students to present the ideas. Potential design outputs are looking good and ready for the Public consultation tomorrow in Tyldesley!
Posted 11 May 2023 15:45
Day 03 - Physical Experimentation of the Site Elements

The modelled site elements will be used on Friday for the public consultation, where people can move the pieces around, and try out different configurations to personalise Ponky’s Park to their liking.

The scaled 3D elements will help the public to visualise endless design outcomes, site potentials and possibilities of the re-imagined park.
Posted 11 May 2023 15:47
Day 03 - Final preparation for the Public Consultation

Prepping resources for the stakeholder engagement activities!

The afternoon was spent preparing materials for tomorrow’s public consultation. We then finished the day by allocating groups for the proposed activities and ran through each activities ensuring each member understood their responsibilities for the day ahead.
Posted 11 May 2023 15:51
Day 04- Setting up for the big day

The Tyldesley public consultation day has come!

The day started off with hall setting up for us to welcome the members of Tyldesley community. Tables, chairs, models, projector, drawing & refreshment area were arranged around the hall according to desired layout that ensures a smooth flow.
Posted 12 May 2023 23:17
Day 04 - Engagement with The Stakeholders

1, 2, 3 .. Action!

At around 12 noon, the people of Tyldesley started coming in to contribute their ideas and visions for Ponky’s Park. There were a few different fun activities for engagements with the public including drawing, playing around with models, and making a word cloud.

The session lasted for about three hours and overall it was a successful and eventful  day.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:00
Day 04 - Members of Group 7: Ponky’s Park

Meet the Team!

After the engagement activities with the stakeholders, before the students headed home, a group photo session was held in front of the Astley and Tyldesley Methodist Church, ready for documentation and publication.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:01
Day 04-Group chit chat session

Summarizing and Reviewing the Day

After the activity, the Year 5 students summarize and reviewed the activity outputs. We discussed the feedback received from the residents that day on subsequent operations. We also evaluated the activities of BA students, and adjusted our next actions according to the feedback of this week's actions.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:02
Day 04- Drawing activity by the locals of Tyldesly

The lively spirit of Tyldesley!

The activity booth received warm engagements from the Tyldesley community. Many were critical of what they would like in Ponky's park, as the space has a lot of sentimental value. Numerous responses were collected on the engagement day, aiding the development of our design for Ponky's park.
Posted 15 May 2023 11:40
Day 05- Compiling the Questionnaire Results

Reading through the questionnaires!

The questionnaire responses from the Tyldesley community were organised in order to clearly understand the needs and aspirations of the local community ready for the design stage. The questionnaire data was also visually analysed through the creation of charts and graphs. The collected data and information were then discussed and filtered by the team.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:49
Day 05- Prioritising Community Feedback

The first step to designing!

After categorising the feedback, the responses were then analysed to help create a clear set of guidelines for the final design proposal. The collective responses were sorted from most to least important in order to prioritise the things that are important to the community.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:53
Day 05- Preparing for the Final Design Proposal

Keep going!

The data and boundaries of the site were obtained from Digimaps, and SketchUp was used as a tool to model the data in 3D. Before concluding the day, as a collective, the team produced a sketch design scheme which reflected the findings from the community engagement activities and the online questionnaire. Tomorrow, the students will be expanding on this scheme, designing the park in more detail.
Posted 15 May 2023 16:54
Day 06-Explaining the Masterplan

Let's get to work!

After collaboratively coming up with a suitable plan drawing based off of the public consultation feedback, the 5th Years shared and explained the design decisions on the overall layout of Ponky’s Park. The day was proceeded with the BA students proposing their pergola roof design.
Posted 16 May 2023 16:11
Day 06-Photoshop Tutorial

Skill sharing session!

This morning Rebecca ran a Photoshop tutorial for the BA students, talking them through the processes involved with producing a high-quality plan drawing using materials, shadows and colour.
Posted 16 May 2023 16:15
Day 06-SketchUp Tutorial

Improve your software skills!

In the afternoon, Sam provided a SketchUp tutorial for the BA students. The tutorial allowed the team to learn how to turn their ideas and drawings into digital plans and 3D Visualisations ready for the final design proposal. Sam patiently answered every technical question...each student worked very hard!
Posted 16 May 2023 16:16
Day 07-Laser Cutting the Proposal

Modelling the final scheme!

This Morning Mastura and Alisa laser cut parts in preparation for the model that will be assembled in the afternoon. They put a lot of effort into this morning's work in order to ensure the final model's quality is at the best possible level for the collaborator.

Posted 17 May 2023 15:52
Day 07-Vray Tutorial

Learning how to render!

This morning Sam also provided a V-Ray tutorial for the BA students. During the tutorial he demonstrated how use V-Ray, using the proposed pergola within the scheme as a test object. He described V-Ray's many parameters and ultimately showed the team how to achieve an attractive rendered image ready for the publication.
Posted 17 May 2023 15:53
Day 07- Model Assembly

Bringing the proposal to life!

In the afternoon, the team started the model assembly work after pre-cutting the laser parts in the morning. The team worked together, to assemble the pre-cut laser parts into a model of the proposed scheme on the existing site model.
Posted 17 May 2023 15:53
Day 07- Individual Tutorial

5th Year Advice!

In the afternoon, Rebecca provided a one-on-one tutorial to a BA student to help her understanding of construction detailing. She offered advice on the student’s personal scheme in an area she was struggling with by providing reference images and sketches. This tutorial, although outside of the MSA Live project work, provided the BA student with the confidence to go home and continue with her BA2 portfolio work whilst also improving their team relationship ready for day 8!
Posted 17 May 2023 15:56
Day 08- Refining the Model

Let's plant trees together!

This morning, our team’s task was to add trees and some shrubs to the model. The trees used for the site model were first measured to ensure that they accurately represented the positions and sizes of the real trees within the green space in Tyldesley.
Posted 18 May 2023 15:37
Day 08- Assemble the Pergola Model

Let's build a pergola!

This afternoon, we assembled our pergola model. We started by assembling the structure using the pre-cut pieces prepared by Sam in the morning and then began by constructing the pergola facade. The model assembly experience throughout this MSA Live project has taught us a lot, including teamwork, meticulous planning, and execution skills. This model will be a source of pride for our group.
Posted 18 May 2023 15:40
Day 09- Finishing touches!

Tweaking some bits and bobs!

The final day of action week started with finalising the outcomes of Group 7 MSA Live project. Blog, publication & physical model were completed to submitted later in the evening.
Posted 19 May 2023 13:30
Day 09- Collaborative critique session

Now it is Crit time!

Critical comments for each of the final outputs were voiced and fixed to ensure a complete and satisfied submission were handed in.
Posted 19 May 2023 13:31
Day 09- Publication finalization

Team Effort makes the dream works!

The team collaboratively completed the publication for the submission.
Posted 19 May 2023 13:32
Day 09 –Visualisation

The team produced a series of visualisations to illustrate the proposed final design of Ponky’s Park.
Posted 19 May 2023 13:34
Day 09 – Visualisation

The team produced a series of visualisations to illustrate the proposed final design of Ponky’s Park.
Posted 19 May 2023 15:17
Day 09 – High quality scale model

The physical model of the Ponky’s Park design proposal produced by the team.
Posted 19 May 2023 15:19
Day 09 – High quality scaled model

The physical model of Ponky’s Park design proposal produced by the team.
Posted 19 May 2023 15:28
Day 09 – High quality scaled model

The physical model of the Ponky’s Park design proposal produced by the team.
Posted 19 May 2023 15:31