Hi everyone,
I'm Neeladit, but you can call me Neel for short.
I started off my journey in Calcutta, the old British capital of India and then moved to Mumbai, the financial capital of the country. After which my family had the opportunity to move to the USA for a couple of years where I stayed in southwest region, Arizona. Next on the itinerary was back to India where I stayed in Bangalore for probably the longest period of my life till I moved to the beautiful beach town of Manipal for my undergrad.
I've completed my undergrad from Manipal School of Architecture and Planning and worked at a firm for about 2 and half years until I came to Manchester for my Masters in Architecture.
Currently I'm in M.Arch 1 and my atelier is SKN which is very fitting for my love for nature and everything organic but I'm always battling with my design style of crisp, minimal, detail oriented and pure designs versus the organicness of SKN.
Looking forward to MSA Live!
Posted 16 Mar 2024 13:08
We are excited to kick off our collaboration with the Stockport Borough Council for the redevelopment of the route from Redrock to the Underbanks!

The Site: A route from the comparatively newly built Redrock area to the historic Underbanks zone. The site also consists of three gap sites that have the potential to be reused for the benefit of the area.

The Brief: Provide a revamped wayfinding route so there is an increase in footfall from Redrock to Underbanks. The current route is riddled with issues and doesn't invite the crowd to visit Underbanks. This in turn is affecting the local businesses of the area. There are also three gap sites which are currently left derelict and are in urgent need of a purpose. Overall this project is a combination of urban design and landscape integration.

The Client: On paper the client is Stockport Borough Council but in reality its the small business owners and the users that visit Stockport and are looking to enjoy themselves. This project is for the people as it benefits the members of the community.
Posted 18 Apr 2024 20:12
Day 3 of Action Week
Planning, planning, planning! The day was spent gathering data and introspecting the possibilities between the possible and the impossible. Eventually the team made some head way into a plan for the upcoming days and worked towards putting the ideas on paper.
Posted 13 May 2024 17:52
Final Presentation Day!
Today is the day all our hard work culminated into the presentation for Stockport Council. We came together for breakfast in the morning and then presented our work to the clients. Final consensus was, they really liked it! The clients felt we had produced something really professional and out of the box keeping in mind the budgetary issues of the project. All in all this was a great learning experience for all of us and we were all grateful for the opportunity provided.
Posted 17 May 2024 12:35