Collaborator: Anthony Humphreys
Work: Project Manager at Manchester City Council

Working with employers and resident groups to ensure the people of Manchester get maximum benefit from the growth of the city. Currently project managing the social value delivery on the Our Town Hall refurbishment in Manchester, ensuring that Manchester City Council gain sufficient social value return on investment for the city's residents.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 12:34
Name: Rifah Tasfia
Course: MA Architecture and Adaptive Reuse

This is my first year in the UK after a rewarding five-year journey in bachelor of Architecture degree back home. I have worked for four months as an architectural intern and had hands-on experience in interior design for residential spaces, refining my skills for creating functional and aesthetic environments.

Interest: Beyond the drafting board, I'm a culinary enthusiast, always eager to experiment with new recipes. I love traveling to new places.

Skills: AutoCAD, Photoshop, InDesign, Sketchup, Rhino, Enscape, Lumion
Posted 11 Mar 2024 12:38
Our First Team Meeting:

Our team had first meeting on 5th February, which served as an icebreaker to get to know each other better. During the session, we engaged in lively conversations and shared our individual ideas for designing the required Townhall function on the site. We brainstormed, created rough sketches on paper, and outlined the initial concept for our poster.

As the meeting wrapped up, we assigned specific roles to us and established a general work plan for the upcoming weeks, outlining timelines for each task and identifying weekly deliverables.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 18:34
Site Visit

Our team had the opportunity to visit the project site situated in the bustling city center of Manchester, right at the Manchester Town Hall. The architectural marvel of the town hall captivated our entire group. As we explored the area allocated for our live project, Anthony, along with another member of the city council, guided us through the space. Their insights not only enhanced our understanding of the location but also enriched our experience with a comprehensive tour of the entire town hall. It was truly a remarkable opportunity for us to explore the historic Town Hall and delve into its detailed history.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 18:44
DAY 02

On Day 2, we had a really productive time! Two groups shared their research on social and community history, and we dove into some great discussions for contextual analysis. We then built on those ideas for our next steps. Some fantastic sketches and diagrams were crafted by the students.
Posted 9 May 2024 10:31