The first meeting with our enthusiastic cooperators at the Hulme Hippodrome !

Visiting our MSA LIVE site, the Hulme Hippodrome', we were able to explore a historic and magnificent theater following the guidance of the collaborators. It was a time to imagine how beautifully this place could be reborn as we looked around both the interior and exterior of the building.
Posted 27 Feb 2024 22:22
Our second meeting at the Central Library Manchester, and the Hulme Hippodrome again !

We visited the Central Library to gather data on the Hulme Hippodrome. With the assistance of the Special Collections' staff at the Central Library, we reviewed and scanned old architectural drawings and official documents. After completing our data collection, we revisited the Hulme Hippodrome to reexamine the details we may have missed during our first visit and engage in discussions about what imaginative additions could be made to the facade of this magnificent theater building.

After completing all the meeting schedules, some members of the group visited the Hulme High Street Library to explore the physical building model created during last year's MSA LIVE project.
Posted 27 Feb 2024 22:44
Second meeting with our great tutor!

We got our second meeting with our kind tutor Mr Edward Fox at the MSA building. He gave us lots of inspiration. We discussed about our further outputs which include the budget plan, the action plan, and the poster.
Posted 1 Mar 2024 16:15
Hi! I’m Kyungho. You can also call me Peter.

I’m from Korea. Before starting my master’s course at the Manchester School of Architecture, I achieved my bachelor’s and master’s degree in architecture at University of Seoul. I worked as an assistant researcher at University of Seoul Institute of Urban Science during my master’s course in Korea.

I am currently studying MA Architecture and Adaptive Reuse. I'm interested in giving new opportunities to abandoned or neglected buildings through reuse strategies, providing people with new experiences. Such reuse is also an architectural challenge crucial in addressing the climate crisis we face today.

Our group's project aims to revitalize the long-standing theater, Hulme Hippodrome, through our fresh imagination!
Posted 12 Mar 2024 19:44
This is the plan for the first week of activities for our MSA LIVE Group 5. On the first day, BA and Foundation course students, along with M.Arch and MA AR leaders, will begin with a site visit and spend the week generating numerous ideas and conducting appropriate visualization work for the new facade design of Hulme Hippodrome. M.Arch and MA AR leaders will guide the rest of the students on how to use various 3D and 2D graphic tools and will also have time to brainstorm together for even more impressive designs.
Posted 9 May 2024 20:19
This is the plan for the second week of activities for our MSA LIVE Group 5. M.Arch and MA AR leaders, along with BA & Foundation course students, will have a meeting with the client based on the designs they have diligently developed over the past week. It will be a time to present our proposed new facade design for Hulme Hippodrome to the client and actively incorporate their feedback. After the meeting with the client, the remaining time will be dedicated for our group members to further refine the design through various means and to aim towards publishing a booklet documenting and commemorating the MSA LIVE activities.
Posted 9 May 2024 20:27
Action Week: Day 1

The engine for the powerful initiation of the project has finally been ignited! We, the 'Save the Hulme Hippodrome' group comprising M.Arch & MA AR leaders, BA 1 & 2 students, and a foundation course student started our first MSA LIVE project today with a site visit. Our enthusiastic collaborator Tony gave us help with the tour of the site. It was a great opportunity for BA & Fnd course students to understand the Hulme Hippodrome deeply. After completing the site visit, the students took time to share their initial ideas for the goal of this project, the facade design, inspiring us all with their creativity.
Posted 9 May 2024 20:28
Action Week: Day 2

"The great first step toward great possibilities" Today marks the second day of the MSA LIVE project. BA and foundation course students gathered to delve deeper into understanding the Hulme Hippodrome. They divided into several small groups to conduct analyses on the site's climate, urban context, history, SWOT, and case studies. M.Arch & MA AR students assisted them with the tasks. Each student visualized their researched content in suitable ways, sharing with all and engaging in meaningful dialogues.
Posted 9 May 2024 20:28
Action Week: Day 3

Today, our group has officially begun the process of creatively addressing the future of Hulme Hippodrome through our own designs. While yesterday was dedicated to visualizing our deeper understanding and analysis of Hulme Hippodrome, today focused on presenting new facade designs and familiarizing ourselves with design tools to effectively convey everyone's ideas. With the assistance of M.Arch and MA AR leaders, BA & Foundation course students were divided into groups such as '3D Modeling', 'Midjourney', and 'Conventional Design', expressing their ideas in various ways and sharing them with everyone, thus inspiring one another.
Posted 9 May 2024 20:57
Action Week: Day 4

Today, we took another step towards the future of the Hulme Hippodrome. BA students, along with M.Arch and MA AR leaders, came together to brainstorm and discuss ideas for the new facade design of the Hippodrome. While there were many great ideas, and designs that considered the significance the Hulme Hippodrome held for the local residents in the past, the building's features and its relationship with the surrounding urban context resonated with everyone. The new facade will feature a grid-shaped frame with various plants growing, and the newly installed screens will showcase films, event videos, and more. The plants visible on the new facade will complement the adjacent garden center, and together with the garden center, Hulme Hippodrome will play its new role well, especially during events for the residents.
Posted 10 May 2024 21:43
Action Week: Day 5

Today, we had a passionate meeting with Mr. Tony, who has been with us since the inception of the MSA LIVE project at the end of last year. It was a moment for M.Arch, MA AR leaders, and BA & Foundation course students to present the new future facade design of Hulme Hippodrome we've been diligently preparing. From Tony, we were able to receive very constructive feedback. Following the meeting, students had time to refine the specifics of the building's new facade design based on Tony's feedback and to visualize it in appropriate ways.
Posted 13 May 2024 20:59
Action Week: Day 6

Today, we delved into the intricate task of refining the new facade design of Hulme Hippodrome, drawing from the feedback gleaned from yesterday's meeting with collaborator Tony. Divided into the green and tarp teams, we meticulously honed our respective elements to adorn the facade with verdant splendor. Finally, we convened to share our collective vision, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives.
Posted 14 May 2024 23:07
Action Week: Day 8

"We are The Hippodrome Savers"

Today marks a pivotal moment in unveiling the promising future of the Hulme Hippodrome. We had the pleasure of welcoming the incredibly kind and passionate collaborators, Tony and Paul, who were presented with our innovative façade designs for the Hippodrome. Both collaborators were immensely pleased and enthusiastic about the proposals. Beyond an array of visual materials, we also provided a unique opportunity to experience the transformed Hippodrome firsthand through our specially crafted VR simulation. Over the past ten days, M.Arch, MA AR leaders, along with BA and foundation course students, have dedicated themselves to this design project with fervent creativity and deep contemplation. Now, we eagerly anticipate the bright and dynamic future of the Hulme Hippodrome.
Posted 16 May 2024 12:30
MSA LIVE 24 - Group 5 Action Video Link:

Hulme Hippodrome has been abandoned for years, with plans to demolish this historic beacon of entertainment. Now the local community is stepping in, trying to convert it into a centre for the benefit of all nearby residents. In close collaboration with them, we radically re-imagined the place through a new design of the Warwick Street façade.

Using VR simulations, AI-generated images, and digital modeling, we managed to design a façade, that takes into consideration complex financial constraints and the needs of the local community. The final output was the proposal of a self-supporting green wall frame with pulley-system screens that can be used either for displaying advertisements or projecting movies.
Posted 17 May 2024 11:23
Experience the new Hippodrome!

Our group created a VR experience to provide our collaborators with even better ideas and experiences. Using Twinmotion and other applications, we transferred our ideas for the new look of Hulme Hippodrome into a virtual space. Through the VR device of M.Arch leader Winston, we could see the new facade design of the Hippodrome right before our eyes. Mr. Tony and Mr. Paul were also very pleased to directly experience the future of the Hippodrome that we prepared.
Posted 17 May 2024 17:57