Group 25

This project aims to conduct a feasibility study for a residential facility attached to Kingdom Life Church, supporting Manchester’s homeless. The facility will aid those transitioning from short-term housing. The desired output is a robust feasibility study for the new building’s design solutions on the identified site, marking a significant step in addressing homelessness and strengthening community bonds.

Download Final Report

Olivia Man Ting C / Ali A / Jinke Y / Andreea R / Manya D

Hello! My name is Olivia, and I am currently a Master of Architecture student in the Continuity atelier. I have been a student at the Manchester School of Architecture since my undergraduate days, and so Manchester has become my second home since then!

During my time off, I love to get lost in fictional worlds and draw to my heart's contempt. I hope with this project I can provide some of my creative ideas, and in combination with my experience in the healthcare sector, add my two cents in creating comfortable and welcoming spaces for the homeless as they transition to independence and start their new journey ahead.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 15:42
Greetings! I am Ali, presently pursuing my Master's in Architecture at the Flux atelier. Previously, I studied at Azad University in Iran, completing my undergraduate degree there. Being in Manchester, immersed in a new culture while studying, is an enriching experience.

I hope to contribute meaningfully to the project, working with our team to advance it and ultimately provide safe, comfortable, and well-equipped shelters for the homeless.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 16:09
Hi! I'm Jinke, a master's student in architecture at Flux Atelier. At the start of my professional career, I completed my bachelor's degree at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University and gained valuable professional experience in China. By now, it's super exciting to be continuing my architecture adventure in Manchester.

Our MSA LIVE project attracts me particularly due to its unique opportunities for collaboration and involvement in assisting the homeless. I'd love to contribute my interest and creativity to the development of well-designed spaces that consider all the complexities of the site.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 16:22
Heya! I'm Manya, currently immersed in pursuing my Master's in architecture at Continuity Atelier. Originally hailing from India, I completed my undergraduate studies there and gained some valuable experience in the field of architecture. Now, finding myself in Manchester, I'm struck by the immense potential this city holds. Its vibrant and diverse culture stands out as one of its greatest strengths, offering endless opportunities for exploration and inspiration.

I aim to contribute to this project by crafting innovative and inviting spaces tailored for the homeless, fostering a sense of welcome and inclusion within society. These spaces serve as transitional environments, easing their journey towards stability and integration.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 17:55
Hi there! My name is Andreea, I’m in PRAXXIS Atelier at the Manchester School of Architecture where I’ve been studying Architecture since 2019. I did my RIBA Part 1 year out in practice at Stockport Council, where I got a lot of hands-on experience. I’m a lover of all things creative, including photography, drawing and creative writing. I am particularly interested in the social aspects of architecture, as I believe the spaces we design have, at the very least, the potential to tell stories, raise awareness and improve important aspects of people’s lives.
Posted 11 Mar 2024 18:14
Day 1:

For the first day of our MSA LIVE project, we had some introduction and ice breaking activities followed by a site visit to Kingdom Life Church. We split into 3 groups focusing on access, contextual and environmental aspects for the site analysis. We ended the day by concluding our observations and research on the site.
Posted 8 May 2024 19:05
Day 2:

On the second day we focused on summarizing and visualizing the site analysis. Each group produced a series of diagrams to show their output from day 1, and had a brief presentation to share the final results.
Posted 8 May 2024 19:08
Day 3:

Building off our site analysis, each group on Day 3 began developing their design proposals for the site. We began testing the spatial arrangements for each 'accommodation unit', learning about the spacial requirements needed and thinking about what amenities are required to help the homeless live independently and start getting back on their feet.

Students then began creating 'site strategy plans' to further develop their designs, coming up with basic massing forms, and establishing the relationships between the accommodation units and the other elements of the site - testing and defining the boundary between private and public.
Posted 11 May 2024 15:39
Day 4:

Today's activities kicked off with further refinement of each massing iteration developed on day 3. In the morning we started reviewing the 3 different options created, and worked on developing these with considerations such as access points, refuse disposal areas and fire strategies.

Using simple tools, we started to arrange each living unit on a site plan, to best test each possible arrangement to maximise the site's potential. The day ended with two strong proposals, with each design beginning to be fleshed out with exterior sketches and floor plans.
Posted 11 May 2024 15:54
Day 5:

The fifth day began with a review of the various design options that had been considered throughout the project. The team provided a brief overview of the selected design, highlighting its key features and advantages over the options. Following this, we outlined the required outputs for the upcoming feasibility study. Each team member then selected one specific output to focus on, ensuring that all necessary aspects of the feasibility study would be thoroughly addressed and completed. This collaborative approach allowed for a more efficient division of labor and ensured that each output received the attention it needed.
Posted 15 May 2024 11:56
Day 6:

The day started with a morning catchup session to discuss the team's progress. Following the catchup, we resumed our work with sketching and brain storming to get an ideal strategy for the site and continued working on plans, the digital massing model and internal vignettes.
Posted 15 May 2024 12:00
Day 7:

As we start to wrap up MSA Live, we continued working on the final outputs, creating key interior and exterior views for each option and refining the site plans to demonstrate each site strategy. As we began to finish the feasibility study, we spent the afternoon reviewing our past portfolios with the students, reflecting on how we applied for jobs after completing a part 1 degree, and sharing experiences from working in practice.
Posted 16 May 2024 20:17
Day 8:

With most of the outputs complete, we begin wrapping up MSA Live by adding the all the work into the publication.
This publication encompasses the 'Street Root' journey we took, and how the design has developed from initial site analysis studies to 2 conceptual designs - providing a potential design and place to live for the homeless to transition into independence.
Posted 16 May 2024 20:25

Option one reflects a semi-private arrangement, with the primary focus on a central courtyard. Two entrances connect the accommodation to the church and the public pathway, with the main entrance being framed with an arch, reminiscent of the church’s existing vernacular.

Exterior arcades create a boundary between the private and public realm, and external walkways on the first floor allow a opportunity for social connections between residents and those in the courtyard below.
Posted 16 May 2024 20:31

In Option 2, the ground floor blocks are broken up and unified on the first floor, featuring an open-air courtyard. This layout encourages plenty of ventilation and air circulation, and each unit receives ample sunlight from all sides.
The first floor provides cover for the areas below and serves as a overbridge. The church, youth center, and accommodation buildings are all interlinked by the glazed reception block, which serves as the focal piece, enhancing the site's cohesiveness and inclusivity.
Posted 16 May 2024 20:32