Christopher B

Group 18

Day 2: Site Introduction & Sketch survey

Today we began on-site with a talk from Jonathan Hodgkinson, chair of the trustees for Birch Community Centre. Jonathan took the BA students through the history of the site, its community significance within North Manchester and its architectural merit from architect James Medland Taylor.

After this Jonathan took the students around the site and pointed out architectural moments and key details of the building. This included a tour of the building exterior and showing the various extensions that had been applied and a visit into the basement and up into the attic space that team C will be looking to replan as their key outcome.

After the tour each group focused on their outcome, group A looked to record dimensions and material details for their physical model, while team B and C began sketch exercises to record key architectural moments significant to lighting and the circulation of space. After this team B and C stayed on site to keep developing their outcomes whilst Team A went into university and divided up the tasks of model making and agreed the section cuts, manufacturing techniques and material approaches.
Posted 11 May 2023 12:35
Day 3 + 4: Material Experimentation + CAD preparations

Group A developed interior and exterior elevations based off the surveys undergone on site on day 2. This led towards production of several laser cut files that will be actioned on day 5 and 6 to manufacture the bulk of the model. Whilst this was done material experimentation was carried out to try and replicate the historic grain of Birch Community structure timber structure.
Posted 15 May 2023 18:42
Day 6: Client Presentation & truss assembly

Group A began the day with an early start to get onto the laser cutter, cutting 3 more sheets for the exterior façade of Birch community centre. We then met our full MSA live group at 11, to present our development thus far to the Birch Community trustees. The client was impressed with the progress made so far and enthusiastic to the final outcome, we agreed a collection date and means of transport. We finished on site by 12 and met again at B.15 at 14:00 to continue developing the truss façade and stained the truss.
Posted 17 May 2023 19:18
Day 9: Team A

On our final day of MSA live we looked to begin assembly of the model, on the previous day we had cut pieced for the concealed structure to shape. All internal and external walls were cut and painted, as were all window frames. The pivotal roof trussed and been cut, varnished and glued. Unfortunately construction of the model took longer than expected and we were unable to finish assembly before the B.15 workshop closed. Therefore final construction and assembly will be carried out early next week. This was in part due to only one laser cutter being operation in B.15. We had allowed a buffer period with the client coming to view the model on Friday the 26th of June. The client will come to Humanities Bridgford Street building to view the model and take a tour of the model making facilities, this was offered as Harry Spooner (trustee of Birch Community center) underwent a year of teaching in Architecture in the Bridgford Street building. The client also kindly agreed to loan us the model so the BA’s could exhibit it. This is a great opportunity for model team A to showcase their extensive hard work and commitment undergone during MSA project, alongside providing publicity for the architectural merit of Birch Community centre.
Posted 19 May 2023 19:09