Name: Sam Diamond
Role: Visual & Graphic Director
Course: Master of Architecture and Adaptive Reuse
Specialities: Adobe Creative Suite, Sketchup, hand sketching
Personal: Hello, I am from Manchester, and completed my undergraduate in Interior Architecture and Design in Leeds last year. I specialise in the reuse of existing buildings and sites, with a strong interest for visualisation and model making :)
Posted 13 Mar 2023 14:32
Day 03 - Final preparation for the Public Consultation

Prepping resources for the stakeholder engagement activities!

The afternoon was spent preparing materials for tomorrow’s public consultation. We then finished the day by allocating groups for the proposed activities and ran through each activities ensuring each member understood their responsibilities for the day ahead.
Posted 11 May 2023 15:51
Day 08- Assemble the Pergola Model

Let's build a pergola!

This afternoon, we assembled our pergola model. We started by assembling the structure using the pre-cut pieces prepared by Sam in the morning and then began by constructing the pergola facade. The model assembly experience throughout this MSA Live project has taught us a lot, including teamwork, meticulous planning, and execution skills. This model will be a source of pride for our group.
Posted 18 May 2023 15:40
Day 09 – High quality scaled model

The physical model of the Ponky’s Park design proposal produced by the team.
Posted 19 May 2023 15:31