Group 41

The Infinity Football project is all about designing a sustainable, community focused football stadium for the collaborators Infinity Initiatives F.C. in Audenshaw, Tameside. This project works to enhance individuals’ mental health and well-being, empowering them and keeping them intellectually and physically active through football. We will explore designs for a football stadium to accommodate around 1000 seats, along with some facilities for the comfort of the players and staff.

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Khadijah Binti N / Ashwiin Shrinivaas K / Vaishnavi Reddy P / Janos Mark KB / Mohammed Amin P / Mohit Vasudeo P

Infinity is working in partnership with the community in the Tameside area of Greater Manchester on a project called Infinity Initiatives Football Club. Infinity was founded in 2015 to assist persons who were caught in the "revolving door" of support, moving in and out of agencies or falling between ever increasing thresholds. Soon after, they expanded the team members, offering various services and Infinity as part of the platform for the community, particularly across Greater Manchester and North Wales. The members comprise an experienced specialist and multi-skilled team associated with volunteers and clients. The main strategic aim is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for individuals and to offer bespoke support without timeframes and thresholds.

Posted 13 Mar 2023 11:56
To address the challenges frequently associated with the areas' high unemployment, poverty, and conviction rates, IIFC offers support and campaigns to bring young boys together by offering communal football to those who might benefit health-wise. Health and well-being are significant concerns in our project, and physical activity is proven to improve both physical and mental health. We want to make community football available to everyone, but especially to those who are most at risk in the community, those who would benefit from being on a team in terms of their physical and mental health, and those who may have previously encountered obstacles.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 14:19
Members of the community of different backgrounds unite, sit on various panels and groups throughout Tameside, which allows them to keep up to date with local developments but also provides a forum for them to be the voice of their clients and champions for local system change. Over the past 18 months, IIFC has been working with partners to identify gaps and opportunities and has been able to support young men in the following areas:
• Asylum seekers and refugees
• Individuals in temporary and supported accommodation
• Individuals struggling with mental health
• Those who are socially isolated
Posted 13 Mar 2023 16:34
Name: Khadijah Binti Norizan
Atelier: Some Kind of Nature
Undergraduate Study: University of Technology Malaysia
Hobbies: Travelling, Hiking
Posted 13 Mar 2023 16:59
Name: Mohit Patil
Atelier: CPU [Ai]
Undergraduate Study: University of Mumbai
Hobbies: Cooking, Sports & Skill Development.
Posted 13 Mar 2023 17:29
Name: Mark Kovacs-Biro
Atelier: CPU [Ai]
Undergraduate Study: University of Nottingham
Hobbies: Basketball, Football & Films
Posted 13 Mar 2023 18:15
Name: Ashwiin Shrinivaas Kalyanraman
Atelier: Infrastructure Space
Undergraduate Study: CARE school of Architecture, Tamil Nadu, India
Hobbies: Travel, Cooking, Tennis, Movies
Posted 13 Mar 2023 18:23
Name : Vaishnavi Reddy Pinnamreddy
Atelier : Infrastructure Space
Undergraduate Study : School of Architecture DSATM, Bangalore, India.
Hobbies : Dance, Music, Sports, Films
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:00
Name: Mo Amin
Atelier: Flux
Undergraduate Study: DMU, Leicester
Hobbies: Sport, Tea/Coffee
Posted 13 Mar 2023 19:10

This is our first official group meeting, and we had a brief introduction session in the morning where we shared our professional experience, the bachelor student expectations throughout this MSA Live Action Week, the presentation of the Infinity Football Project, and the site location allocated before going on a site visit in the afternoon. Our first step in ensuring bachelor's students are able to visualise the project is to have them sketch the football stadium without any restrictions based on their creative imagination.
Posted 10 May 2023 02:49

Kicked the day off by discussing the observations gathered on site from yesterday’s site visit as a whole group, sharing individual insights, concerns, and initial ideas. We then split into groups to deliver site context and site analysis diagrams, sketches and maps, alongside precedent studies for the form, structure, and materiality of the proposed stands for the Infinity Initiatives Football ground.
Posted 10 May 2023 21:13

In the afternoon, we followed up with a presentation from MArch 1 student, Mohit Patil, on the key considerations in football stadium / football stands designs based on previous professional experience. The BA1/2 students also got a chance to present and discuss their initial ideas and sketches, arising from the research exercise undertaken in the morning, with the whole group.
Posted 10 May 2023 21:16
To begin the day, we formed groups consisting of BA and one MA student to facilitate the design development process. The MA students provided guidance and instruction throughout the process, resulting in the creation of three design iterations. This activity enabled the BA students to gain a better understanding of the design regulations for a football stadium and to incorporate them into the design from the outset. Additionally, the students were able to visualize the design in both 2D and 3D formats.
Posted 11 May 2023 20:29
Our day commenced with the preparation of a presentation for the client briefing. The presentation comprised three iterations of massing. Along with massing, we were developing structural and Material studies. Additionally, we assigned an exercise to the BA students, wherein they had to develop sketches of the facade and roof of the stadium.
Posted 12 May 2023 15:51
In the second half of the day, we had a meeting with our collaborator. We presented the massing iterations that we had produced so far and engaged in a productive discussion with the collaborator. After careful consideration and analysis, we concluded with one iteration that we would further develop. The meeting proved to be very fruitful and helped us to make progress toward our project goals.
Posted 12 May 2023 15:57

The day began with a productive conversation with the client, where we discussed and finalized the site massing. This involved carefully considering the layout and positioning of the various structures within the stadium and its surrounding context.

Throughout the second half of the day, we focused on refining and detailing the stadium design. One of the key areas of attention was the roof shapes and forms. We explored several iterations to ensure we created an aesthetically pleasing and functional design. After careful evaluation, we selected one iteration as the final choice.

As the day came to a close, we successfully completed the schematic design phase, providing a solid foundation for further development. This milestone marks an important step in the project, setting the stage for more detailed planning and implementation in the future.
Posted 15 May 2023 17:00
A productive day indeed! We started by developing the existing and proposed 3D site. During this time, students were also exploring the detailed build-up of our proposed materials and updating the 3D stadium model with relevant features at a larger scale. Site functionality was also finalized today, ready to be built and completed in 3D tomorrow.
Posted 16 May 2023 16:33
Today's mission continues. The final 3D design model was polished in greater detail to scale; the roof structures, number of seating in the stadium, design of the clubhouse, and 3D stadium model were placed into the site context. The 3D design is in the process of being 80% completed, and 3D rendering is expected to be produced by tomorrow.
Posted 17 May 2023 15:33
Today's outcome, based on several iterations of the roof design, is that we have come out with a final roof structure. Working out the roof design in response to the spectator stands, clubhouse, and other structures within our specific site.
Posted 17 May 2023 16:54
The day begins with the model being completed, including the placement of the stands, clubhouse, park, and roof with all of the surrounding site elements.
Posted 18 May 2023 17:50
Axonometric views of the entire site, 3D models, cost estimates, and other preparations are being made for the client presentation.
Posted 18 May 2023 17:58
Having developed the final iteration of the stadium, the group has arranged for a final meeting with the collaborators to showcase the end product.

The BA1/BA2 students had the opportunity to lead the presentation, showing off their hard work over the past 2 weeks, which was met by very positive comments from the client team.

Overall, the project has been a successful one, working to deliver the expected outcomes for the project and going even beyond by producing a proposal for future expansion with the expected raise in popularity for the club overtime, as it grows bigger and attracts a larger fan base
Posted 19 May 2023 11:58
The MSA Live event came to a close as the team engaged in a brief discussion, reflecting on the final design. The focal point of the conversation was the seamless integration of the CLT roof structure into the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious blend. Additionally, the carefully chosen color palette was praised for its ability to uplift the mental well-being of the community.
Posted 19 May 2023 12:07