Group 30

Chorlton: The Green Gateway The core values of this project focus on rejuvenating Chorlton High Street to transform it into a GREENER place to be. Chorlton is the Gateway to Manchester City Centre; improving the public realm for shop keepers, residents, and visitors our proposals will be pivotal in creating a more welcoming entrance to Manchester. We will be working together to determine an overall zoning masterplan strategy and breaking off into specialised teams to create a brochure, a physical model and virtual reality model. The variety of this content will showcase the scheme to its best potential as well as equip you with a plethora of skills in which to aid you in your future studies.

Download Final Report

Froilan John P / Samuel M / Olivia W / Deenesh G

Name: Olivia Walton

MArch Atelier: Infrastructure Space

From: Worcestershire (Not. Birmingham.)

Undergraduate: Nottingham Trent University

Skills: Drawing, Indesign, Sketchup, Photoshop & Cross Country Swimming

About : This project is a great opportunity as master planning is something that really interests me.
Within this project I will be running the InDesign & Photoshop workshop to:
- Establish a foundation level of understanding
- Offer you some tips and tricks
- General advice for putting together a professional portfolio.
These skills will aid my sub-team in creating the brochure for the project.
Posted 14 Mar 2022 16:52
Name: Deenesh Gungaphul (DEEEE)

MArch Atelier: CPU [Ai]

From: Mauritius

Undergraduate: Nottingham Trent University

Skills: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, SketchUp, Rhino, Lumion, Model-Making & Professional Speed Eater

About: During my year out, I worked for a multidisciplinary firm in Kent at Rayner Davies Architects. I was a part of the residential team, and worked on projects on various scales, with different clients and contractors. My time was spent on different stages of projects, whether it was meeting clients, surveying the site, designing or modelling.

I have a passion for modelmaking, which stemmed from my product design years in school. I continued to develop my skills throughout my undergrad, with models being places in degree shows. This is why I am proud to be a part of the modelmaking team on this project, with hopes to share my skills.
Posted 14 Mar 2022 16:53
Name: Froilan Palacio (Froy)

MArch Atelier: CPU Ai

From: Philippines

Undergraduate: Nottingham Trent University

Skills: Model-Making, Hand-Sketching, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Revit, Sketchup, Body Building

About: I have previously worked as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant at a firm that specialises in master-planning and architectural design advice. During this time, I saw first-hand, projects that centres the importance of sustainable and green infrastructure. I hope to utilise and develop my skills in this exciting project with the Chorlton Community Land Trust. I am looking forward to be part of the Model making team that will aid the visualisation of the design overall, the success of the project.
Posted 14 Mar 2022 16:53
Name: Ryan Ehlers

MArch Atelier: CPU Ai

From: South Africa

Undergraduate: University of Bath

Skills: Revit, Lumion, InDesign, Photoshop & Figure Skating

About: This project appealed to me as it seems to have a lot of potential. The opportunity to breathe life into such a lovely area, whilst also getting an opportunity to engage in master planning is very existing. I’m looking forward to developing concepts as a group and giving Chorlton a second life. My role in the team will be co-managing the virtual model making and VR element of the project alongside Sam.
Posted 14 Mar 2022 16:54
Name: Sam Mason

Atelier: Some Kind of Nature

From: Oxford

Undergraduate: Leicester School of Architecture, De Montfort University

Skills: Photoshop, Indesign, Rhino, Revit, Autocad, Model Making, Pub Golf

About: I was attracted to the Chorlton land trust project as it closely aligns with my atelier and looks at bringing nature back into urban areas around greater Manchester. I believe there is great potential to develop a green masterplan as well as a focused concept of greening store frontages which can positively give back to not only the people of Chorlton but also the environment. My role within the team will be working alongside Ryan to help you create a virtual model and implement the VR experience.
Posted 14 Mar 2022 16:54
We will be offering the opportunity to learn and try a variety of types of skills and software's across the project . Graphics and document preparation through Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. Hand drawing and model making in the workshops along with digital modelling and VR using Revit and Lumion.
Posted 14 Mar 2022 18:09
Meet The Collaborator:

We our working alongside Steve Goslyn of "Chorlton Community Land Trust" to transform Chorlton into a GREENER town. Community Land Trusts or CLT's are a group of people within the community that run to develop and manage homes as well as other assets important to that community. CLT's are formed to allow the people of the community to make their town's or area's a better place to live in and have more control over how this happens.

Chorlton Community Land Trust's aims and social impacts:

Provide a variety of housing types and tenures to meet local need.

Prioritise affordable housing, primarily for local people affected by rising house prices.

Create shared community spaces to foster neighbourliness, wellbeing and environmental awareness.

Invest in low/zero carbon technologies and building efficiency.

Protect and enhance the natural environment through habitat diversity, wildlife corridors and sustainable drainage.

Promote the use of car free areas, car sharing initiatives, electric vehicle charging points and cycle infrastructure.

Seek opportunities to engage with other community organisations and the wider community for mutual benefit.

Employ age-friendly design and management principles.

Retain land and property in permanent community ownership through a Community Land Trust (CLT).

Operate as a not-for-profit CLT accountable to its members.
Posted 14 Mar 2022 20:36

Introduction to The Green Gateway Project!

Ice breaker activities to bring the group together and communicate better during introduction stages.

Year 5’s introduced the brief, the client, and the final outputs. We also provided an overview of the next 2 week schedule, which described how the group will be split up into different teams to create the brochure, VR model and physical model.
Posted 16 May 2022 16:27

Started off with a run down on the activities for the day and what to expect
Presented precedents and talked thought the thought process behind how and why we model make.
Started the model making activity with sketching and design concepts, then moved onto developing sketch models as concept design for the street rejuvenation.
This created the output to then start the photoshop tutorials.
Photoshop tutorial covered the basics, the tools we wish we’d known as undergraduates and general tips and tricks.
This led to the output of edited images of the model outputs created by the undergrads
Lunch Break
InDesign tutorial, covering the same basics and tools that we wish we’d known to create a good base level of understanding before more we create more sophisticated outputs later in the project.
Following this we ran a crash course in Revit to introduce its functionality and demonstrate the skills we’ll be developing further over the course of this project.
Posted 17 May 2022 17:21

Site Visit with Steve!

The Green Gateway Team visited the site to look at the target areas that will be re-imagined for this project!

Steve of the Chorlton Community Land Trust took us around various areas of Chorlton Highstreet to discuss different ideas including:

New Cycling Infrastructure
Various ways of Greening
Master planning ideas
Posted 19 May 2022 14:32

What we did!

Mock up brochures were created to plan out the InDesign document. The InDesign document has been prepared ready for content production next week.

Three shop fronts were chosen from Chorlton, using photos and survey notes the students created sketch elevations with dimensions. Information was gathered ready for modelling next week.

Initial draft Masterplan for the redevelopment of Chorlton’s public realm.
Identifying areas to introduce greenery / art murals and sign-age.
Posted 20 May 2022 15:11

When: On the Friday 27th May 2022 at 5pm-6:30pm!

Where: CHORLTON LIBRARY, Manchester Rd, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, M21 9PN

Who we are:

We are students from the Manchester School of Architecture working alongside Chorlton Community Land Trust in re-imagining Chorlton, to enhance ways of getting around, improve the environment, and ultimately develop the public realm.

The core values of this project focus on rejuvenating Chorlton’s main thoroughfare to transform it into a GREENER place to be. Improving the public realm for shopkeepers, residents, and visitors, our proposals will be pivotal in creating a more welcoming place for people to spend time in - to work, shop and play.
Posted 20 May 2022 15:16

Master Planning

The students finalised the masterplan for Chorlton, ready for the final masterplan map to be created next week.

This involved creating visuals of our vision and zoning areas on the high street.
Posted 23 May 2022 11:26

The students concentrated on finalising the designs for greening the chosen shop frontages.
We brought together ideas from the precedents and as a group finalised designs to propose ideas such as additional green landscaping features, seating and cycle storage
Posted 23 May 2022 17:23

The students modelled the façades of the chosen shop frontages using revit. Detailing the windows, roofs, doors, etc.

Final masterplan map was created for the brochure. A combination of zoning the map with diagrams illustrated the students’ vision of Chorlton’s public realm.

Street furniture modelled for the redevelopment of the bus stop. Integrating seating and greenery into a single modular unit that can be expanded and continuously built upon.
Posted 24 May 2022 17:19

Model Making:
Students taking photographs of their finalised 1:10 Scale models of the Interventions for Chorlton’s High-street.

Brochure Design:
Brochure layout has been finalised on in design for Friday’s exhibition with the collaborators. Students are continuing to create the outputs for the completion of the Brochure.

Lumion Visualisation:
Students have started to implement their designs of the shop fronts on Lumion, starting to bring to life the Virtual model that will be presented on Friday! This will be used to recreate a virtual reality experience.
Posted 26 May 2022 11:32

Final Intervention Models:
Students completed their final intervention models for the streets of Chorlton and used Photoshop to create atmospheric visualisations. Its exciting to see the interventions come to life!

Virtual Modelling:
The Revit and Lumion team have completed their models and design of the shop fronts ready for the exhibition tomorrow!

Virtual Reality:
Testing the Virtual Reality model renders have begun! Using the Oculus Rift we are able to roam around a virtual Chorlton, exhibiting the students designs and interventions!

Posted 27 May 2022 12:02

The students have finalised their designs of the interventions for the streets of Chorlton. Each design was specific to the 3 different typologies of the shop fronts, however it was designed to be as flexible as possible so they could be places all around Chorlton! It is very exciting to see the models they have created and will be ready for the exhibition in Chorlton community centre for the whole community to see!
Posted 27 May 2022 12:30

The masterplan map demonstrates the locations for the visuals as well as suggesting places for the improved, green bus stop structures, recycling bins, cycle storage etc.


The students produced a brochure to bring together the masterplan,
and the shop frontages visuals which showcase their green intervention designs. This brochure will be handed out at the final drop in event where the students presented their final ideas to the community and the client
Posted 27 May 2022 13:03

Three separate shop fronts were selected for their unique typologies
and potential for learning. The students first had to survey the façades to lay out the dimensions. These were then used to re-create
the individual typologies.

This created the opportunity to teach various different modelling
techniques which will be vital for the students going forwards at
university and in practice.

Once the survey information had been incorporated into the revit
models, we ran an exercise of materially and setting up Lumion
scenes. Creating a series of renders and panoramic views for the VR demonstration.
Posted 27 May 2022 13:03

Today the students prepared their exhibition materials and information for the final presentation!

It is great to see the visitors of the community engaging with the students designs of the masterplan and vision of Chorlton!

10 + people from the Chorlton community spoke to the students about their ideas and vision of Chorlton. The VR experience was successful and "wowed" the public!
Posted 27 May 2022 17:19