Jobey Keene

Atelier: &rchitecture
BArch: MSA
Experience: 5Plus, AndArchitects
Skills: Adobe, Rhino and Modelmaking
Interested in: Sustainability and socially driven architecture.
Posted 1 Mar 2021 17:32
Todays task was to continue developing both group's designs to the point of achieving a core selection of visualisations. The day began with the fifth years giving advice as to how concepts can be showcased beyond just using rendering software. The goal was to understand how other mediums of producing work can be utilised to achieve stylistic, impactful results. The day's task encouraged both an understanding in the value of establishing an individual style of work as well as pushing beyond our comfort zones.
Posted 19 May 2021 16:17
Thursday began with a photoshop tutorial from Angel who explained how adjustments can be made to images to provide depth and realism. She walked us through using brushes, masks and other render elements and how they can immediately add atmosphere. This was done with the intention of having the visualisations completed in time for the client presentation tomorrow.
Posted 21 May 2021 08:42
Team A had the opportunity to present their work to our MSA LIVE partner Bryony this afternoon. They presented through their development from the meeting last Friday, explaining their diagramatic exercises and ending with their engaging visuals that showcased their concept. Bryony was pleased with the outcome!
Posted 21 May 2021 15:19
Team 1 also had the opportunity to showcase their work to Bryony, our MSA live partner. Similar to the other group, they talked through their development work and how they got to their final concept. They then showcased their visualisations, explaining the core features of their concept. A similarly positive response from Bryony!
Posted 21 May 2021 15:20