Hi there, this is Siqi from Atelier USE. After graduated from the University of Liverpool I spent a year in Sheppard Robson LLP doing plenty of Commercial projects. Now I am just fond of everything that's not Architecture. Looking forward to working with passionate and energetic partners.
Posted 1 Mar 2021 15:53
It is an honour to announce our guest talk, with Jee Liu, co-founder of WallaceLiu, an architecture and landscape design company with an international reputation for its innovative and creative approach to the adaptive reuse of buildings and landscapes.
Posted 4 May 2021 19:11
Today we had a lecture about comics and architecture. The lecture starts from the difference of closure in comics to the history of comics-related to architecture. This lecture aims to provide another view for BA participants to explore their stories with certain technics. Make their drawings more coherent and stand out.
Posted 11 May 2021 23:29
Imagine a space with different users and users in different spaces. This is our origional intention when starting the journey with Tetley. during the last three days, BA students were asked to find the identities of different users to Tetley, explore their activities in the space and test their stories with the Tetley building.
Posted 14 May 2021 13:35
Greetings, have a look at our session plan of this week. We are going to meet our collaborators to review our progress from last week and carry on towards our final submission
Posted 17 May 2021 11:41