Within our project we will be studying how parks are represented through different media by studying them through pop culture, social media, films and poetry. After these studies we will create abstract diagrams and use artistic methods to present our observations.

Our team will be able to pick up skills such as:

Abstract visualisation
Alternative research approaches
Different visualisation techniques
Networking with partner company, LEAF, and other BA, MArch and MLA students

Alongside these methods, we will be presenting our ideas using abstract techniques which can be done by sketching, painting or drawing. We will also be using softwares such as:

Posted 2 Mar 2021 13:20
Meet our team- Nadia Alshawi

Education & experience:
Part 1 Placement - Allison Pike, Manchester
MArch - MSA

Skills & interests:
Photoshop, InDesign, Revit, Rhino
Interested in digital cities and landscaping

Hiking, traveling & reading

Ideas about parks:
A park is a place where you can go to be surrounded by nature and wildlife
Posted 2 Mar 2021 13:22