Abbigayle Y

Group 16

The core social values aim to strengthen the co-existence between the public realm and the local ecosystems by creating enriched spaces that are designed to facilitate both collaborative and friendly interactions between people and the local environment.

The space will be a therapeutic haven for people and local wildlife, encouraging pollinators to group and flourish. The synergy between people and nature, where people can plant and invest into the garden, is a mood boosting atmosphere for both people and the wildlife that inhabit the space.
Posted 15 Mar 2022 07:15
Day 3 of MSA Live Dragonscapes! Today we began exploring ideas concerning the materiality and physical construction of the garden. As well as creating a low-maintenance pollinator- friendly garden, we also plan to create a seating area where the Dragoneers can sit and relax. We plan to recycle materials (such as wood, tires, rope etc.) and use them as an integral part of the gardens construction. We plan to utilise these materials and create seating, dragon themed sculptures and bird boxes which will encourage the local species to thrive.

By designing our garden with recycled resources from local garages and second-hand furniture stores, we are able to reduce material waste in the local area, whilst lowering our project’s carbon footprint.
Posted 18 May 2022 19:12
Day 6 of MSA Live Dragonscapes! The design team met on sight to collaborate their ideas and began construction.
Posted 23 May 2022 15:02
Day 6 of Dragonscapes! The team have begun to bring our proposal to life! The day began with preparing the site for construction and ended with a creative day of making and experimentation of ideas.
Posted 23 May 2022 22:41
Day 10 of Dragonscapes! Today was the final push. Where the team finished up constructing the benches, varnishing, painting, last minute touches to the mural and additional planting. To ensure our design maintained a low carbon footprint. We made all of our structures from recycled and waste materials found lying around on site and from materials we re-used from second hand furniture stores.
Posted 27 May 2022 18:16
Posted 27 May 2022 18:36
Today marks the final day of Dragonscapes! Thank you so much to our team over the past two weeks for all your hard work. Everyone has put in some amazing effort to make this garden possible! Well done everyone! You have been such a fun team to work with!
Posted 27 May 2022 18:42