Joanna Marie B

Group 19

The Pit Stop will work closely with In Situ to help re imagine the old signal box in Brierfield train station. The new signal box will include new event spaces that helps connect the locals and travellers along various modes of travel routes around the site. Through workshops aimed at generating and representing ideas, we will implement a primary intervention, developing alongside interested local community to ensure space use.
Posted 15 Mar 2022 12:41
In-Situ team working is underpinned by an ethos of equal value and equal say. This allows for fluidity of leadership and roles as well as a responsive, collaborative, and open-minded approach.
Posted 15 Mar 2022 12:43
Lancashire has four community rail partnerships (CRPs) that CRL look after and they are also closely involved with a neighbouring CRP in Yorkshire that cover a total of eight lines or routes and these are one of the biggest groups on CRPs in the UK.
Posted 15 Mar 2022 12:43
As a team, we hold a variety of types of skills and software's and we are happy to offer skill sessions through out the span of two weeks, to enhance the group knowledge for the project.
Posted 15 Mar 2022 12:53
Name :
Joanna Bulaong

Atelier :

Research Methods :
User Representations in Architecture

Dissertation Topic :
Lost Spaces in Infrastructure Transit

Skills :
Adobe, AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup, Model Making

Interested :
Parametric Architecture, Sustainable Architecture

Experience :
Bsc Architecture (2016-2019)
Architectural Assistant Part 1 (2019-2021)
Architectural Consultant (2021-present)
MArch Architecture (2021-present)

Outside Architecture :
Hiking, Travelling

2 Truths and a Lie (Travel Edition) :
- I dislocated my shoulder while riding the waves in Barbados
- I have bungee jumped over 220m at a dam in Switzerland
- I lived in Singapore for a year
Posted 15 Mar 2022 12:59
Name :
Riyan Chowdhury

Atelier :

Research Methods :
Smart city and Architecture

Dissertation Topic :
Urban resilience and big data

Skills :
Adobe, AutoCAD, Grasshopper, Sketchup, Hand sketching

Interested :
Sustainable Architecture and Urban design

Experience :
Bsc Architecture (2018-2020)
Graphic Designer (2020-2021)
MArch Architecture (2021-present)

Outside Architecture :

2 truths and a lie (Travel Edition) :
- I sailed to all of the Greek Islands
- I have never been to Scotland
- I lived in Egypt for 3 years
Posted 15 Mar 2022 13:02
Name :
Peter Staniforth

Atelier :
Infrastructure Space

Research Methods :
UMIST: White Heat

Dissertation Topic :
Urban Splash: The role of the developer in low-rise modular housing construction

Skills :
Adobe, Revit, Sketchup, Lumion, Model Making

Interested :
Residential Architecture, Master planning, Urban Regeneration, Construction

Experience :
BA Architecture (2016-2019)
Architectural Intern (2018)
Part 1 Architectural Assistant (2019-2021)
M.Arch Architecture (2021-)

Outside Architecture :
Fitness, Hiking, Music Gigs/DJ’ing

2 Truths and a lie (Travel Edition) :
- I once stole a pedalo on a night out in Prague
- I have hiked 103 miles around the base of Mont Blanc
- I have stepped inside an active super volcano crater
Posted 15 Mar 2022 13:06
Name :
Zheyi He

Atelier :

Research Methods :
Filmic Architecture

Dissertation Topic :
Fragmentation: Is China Town Telling the story of Whole China

Skills :
Adobe, Rhino, Grasshopper, V-ray, Blender, Model making

Interested :
Computational design, Biological Architecture

Experience :
BEng Hons Architecture
MArch Architecture (2021-present)

Outside Architecture :
photography, fitness, classical music
Posted 15 Mar 2022 17:19
Name :
Shadi Albaity

Atelier :

Research Methods ;
Green Cities in response to the pandemic

Dissertation Topic :
Modern Architecture : How Airports can be part of the city planning ?

Skills :
Adobe, Rhino, Revit, V-ray, 3D Max, Autocad, Photoshop, Illustrator

Interested :
Architetctural design and Project Development

Experience :
Bachelor of Design in Architecture – Deakin University, Australia
MArch Architecture – MSA (2021-present)

Outside Architecture :
Photography, Hiking, Travelling, Making coffee.
Posted 15 Mar 2022 17:21
Re-imagine what once was an important landmark in the area and Re-ignite the new propose signal box to allow community engagement and connection to the heritage and its surrounding transportation routes
Posted 15 Mar 2022 17:22
Week 1 - Plan for the week!
Posted 16 May 2022 19:40
Week 2 - Brief plan for the week!
Posted 16 May 2022 19:43
Day 1 - Landmark Pictionary!
Posted 16 May 2022 19:44
Day 2 - Site Visits to Brierfield!
Posted 17 May 2022 19:14
Day 2 - Studio Workshop!
Our external collaborators In-Situ was generous enough let us use their fantastic space as our studio for the day. Generating potential ideas for the purpose of re-imagining the connectivity of Brierfield.
Posted 17 May 2022 20:06
Day 3 - Site Sketches
Posted 19 May 2022 10:42
Day 3 - Historical Analysis
A historical dive to the story of Brierfield, Pendle.
Posted 19 May 2022 10:42
Day 3 - Schematic Proposal
Our initial agenda for the re-imagination of the old signal box and the re-activation of the railway station platform.
Posted 19 May 2022 11:25
Day 4 - Work in Progress...
Posted 19 May 2022 17:02
Day 5 - Environmental Strategy
A collection of possible environmental strategy to implement for the newly propose repurposed signal box.
Posted 20 May 2022 14:41
Day 6 - Year Out Presentation
To kickstart week 2, two of our MArch student Peter and Joanna created a presentation individually of an insight of their experiences and the projects during their time as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant.
Posted 23 May 2022 14:10
Day 7 - Ecological Study
Analysing the plant and animal biodiversity of the site in order to expand the environment of the site onto the platform creating a natural green space. The green space provides benefits to both the environment and the community.
Posted 24 May 2022 14:45
Day 7 - Skills Workshop
A Revit tutorial both beginners and advanced were taught to the first and second years. In addition of the introduction of Enscape for rendering.
Posted 25 May 2022 17:45
Day 8 - Rendering
A full day of rendering and finalising proposals and printing out 2x A0 banners, ready for the Exhibition in Brierfield tomorrow!
Posted 25 May 2022 20:28
Day 9 - Exhibition Day!!!
Scan for a walkthrough video!
After all the hard work from all the members of the Pit Stop team, we finally made it to this day, presenting our final proposal to our external collaborators In-Situ.
Posted 26 May 2022 17:57