On 10/02/25, We took an exciting first trip to the Victoria Baths in the north of Manchester with our clients.
Victoria Baths is Grade II* listed and widely recognised as Britain’s finest historic swimming pool. First opened in 1906, the Baths has played an important part in the health and well-being of local people and is now a very popular heritage, events and community venue.

When the Baths closed in 1993, the local community campaigned vigorously to try to prevent the closure. The Friends of Victoria Baths set up the Victoria Baths Trust, a charity which aims to repair and maintain the building in order to bring it fully back into public use.

Since then significant restoration has taken place and the building now has over 30,000 visitors a year enjoying a wide range of activities including exhibitions, festivals and weddings. There is still a lot of work to be done and the Trust remains determined to bring the amazing building back to its full potential.

We will focus on the current community value of historical heritage and try to utilize and revitalize it in a sustainable and green way. We will also explore the possibility of using historical buildings to provide community energy.
Posted 10 Mar 2025 01:22
Hi there, I’m Roy!

Course: MArch 1
Atelier:Some kind of Nature

I am from China and completed my undergraduate RIBA I studies at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. I have worked at Daniel Stisen Studio in Shanghai and Cocoon Studio in Suzhou. In my practice, I focus on the adaptive reuse and renovation of old buildings, as well as the research and exploration of the locality of architectural culture.

I chose to join the Manchester Climate Alliance because I believe that the climate is critical to the future of each and every one of us. Creating environmentally friendly design solutions that also bring value and meaning to each member of the surrounding community is as important as architecture's role in creating better spaces. Spaces that not only bring about positive change for humans, but also for the other species that share this planet.

I am also very interested in the morphology and structure of buildings. For more information about me,welcome visit my Instagram account: Roy.Wang7
Posted 10 Mar 2025 15:02