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Pop-up card is an important way to express our project. By means of origami, two-dimensional plane is transformed into three-dimensional space. Use three-dimensional space to tell the history of Victoria and the spatial structure of the church. Miniaturize the large structural nodes and express them more clearly.

It's also an interesting way to engage people in this Event. In this process, visitors can deeply understand the construction and structure of the church by folding themselves. Also, we could use 3D folding cards to tell the timeline of the history of Victorian buildings. In addition, practical operation and game like experience can make boring content more vivid and fascinating.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 20:51

This process plays an important role in our Event. The hollow terracotta form of the church roof is redesigned by typology. Explore different combinations of different ‘pot vault’. At last, modern combination design is used to reflect the ancient roof. So as to pay homage to history and cater to the aesthetics of the new era.

We aim to develop a modern roof with parametric method which improves the whole structure of the church roof. The new combination type will be more fantastic for a holly and sacred space.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 20:07
Unfortunately, due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, Events20 will be cancelled. However, the rest of the "Hello Future" project will not stop at this point.

We would like to thank the collaborators, Stephen McCusker at Loop Systems Co-operative, and the Manchester Museum team for their constant support and enthusiasm they have shown to the project. We hope that the work we have produced so far inspires the "Hello Future" project further. We would be happy to help the project if it is needed again in the future.

The ManMus team have learnt a lot from the project, from understanding the budgeting needs of a live project to materiality of the gift shop, which is a welcome change from our studio work. We have enjoyed working together in the planning stages of the event, though we are saddened that we cannot continue any further.

You can read more about the continuing wider project of "Hello Future" to see how you can be involved!

Thank you once again to everyone involved in the project!
Posted 31 Mar 2020 16:57

The whole team compile a presentation to the museum representative last day on Events. We will share what we observed from site visit, our trials and investigation on different wood assemble methods and how future construction team could take advantage of the 1:1 model. Everyone would “walk around” our 1:200 site model and bring some meaningful discussion with the client. LET'S SHOW THEM WHAT WE HAVE DONE!
Posted 31 Mar 2020 16:56
So, what do you wish to learn here?

Posted 31 Mar 2020 16:55
How Women Build THANKS YOU ALL!

It is with great shame we are sad to announce that due the recent outbreak that is COVID-19, the How Women Build Events programme will no longer be running in accordance with the national requirements due to the pandemic.

Events 20 has brought overwhelming liberality and enthusiasm from our collaborators and special guests. The How Women Build Conference was the perfect chance to celebrate the female contribution in its many formats, whilst the EasyPeelStudio collaboration was a great opportunity to network and learn a new design and build approach. We have had assurances that these connections will continue to be developed in the future, so fear not! Our posts shall continue to encourage your thirst for feminist and building knowledge, as well as an in depth look into the work of the guests and precedence shown. Don’t forget, these concepts are forever changing!

The feminist value embedded within the development of the built environment profession has been an evolving subject matter. It has been a pleasure introducing you to several figureheads that serve as introductions to this conference which aims to broaden the discussion and bring a comparative, multidisciplinary approach, that allows the examination of not just individuals, but also networks of professionals stretching across disciplinary boundaries.

Thank you to Helen Aston, Dr Luca Csepely-Knorr, staff, students, and other collaborating bodies involved in the project of the past few months.

Lastly, we would like to apologise to the prospective students who will no longer benefit from the opportunity to learn valuable skills this project presented.

Was always a pleasure, never a chore. Stay safe!

How Women Build 2020
Posted 31 Mar 2020 16:46
Not only is the exhibition content important, the space planning is equally vital in providing an interesting and dynamic user experience.
As architects we must think about, dimensions, routes, experiences, heights, different types of users all at the same time. This exhibition space plan exercise will be fantastic experience at visualising spaces!
Posted 31 Mar 2020 16:42
As part of our events project, we will be designing huge 30ft long super-graphics to hang from the columns in the conference space! These banners will celebrate the life and work of several female alumni from the Manchester School of Architecture.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 16:42
During this event, you will be able to spend time figuring out and making specific joint types.
As a key feature of the Exhibition Stands is the need for them to be dismountable and transportable, it is vital that we learn from the technicians about the best method of manufacture and that includes clever joinery. It is also a key skill in allowing you guys to build at 1:1.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 16:39
How Women Build: Exhibition is an opportunity to experience a live build project. During our time in Undergrad, many of us were lucky enough to work on similar projects. Here's one Angus was involved with in Liechtenstein.

for some nice photos of the final build head to -
Posted 31 Mar 2020 15:54
Prefiguration is a key concept in Dr Leandro Munichin’s Research Methods module, which was an important primer for this the Trees Not Cars Events 2020.
Prefiguration is a political concept that has recently been applied to architectural thought. To prefigure is to test out an idea in the present, in the 60’s social action groups used this to try out new political structures within their own group. Now it is being used when looking at marginalised communities and how they may develop new infrastructures in the absence of tradition provision.
If you'd like to learn more, some good starting points Neil Brenner, David Harvey and Warren Magnusson.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 14:48
- The project will involve working in groups to develop three alternate proposals for the Central Retail Park.

- Each group will present their development and research as 6 page A3 presentation document that will be delivered and presented to our main collaborator, Trees not Cars. The documents will cover analysis on :

⁃ Current site ,
⁃ Ancoats Community,
⁃ Affordable housing crisis in Manchester,
⁃ Lack of Green Space in Manchester,
⁃ Design Development,
⁃ Masterplan vision.

- For the final exhibition which will take place and North Tea Power, all groups will produce A1 posters to reflect their proposal with drawings of competition standards.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 14:15
Here you will find the exact outputs planned for this events group with notes on what prospects you should expect to develop
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:48
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:44
what you can do
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:44
VR Introdaction
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:43
Sessison plan week 2
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:43
Sessison plan week 1
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:43
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:42
Our site location
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:42
Manchester Art Gallery
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:42
Idea from young people
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:40
First meeting and discuss design
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:40
Facilities support
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:39
Through the use of wooden frame structures, a diverse set of practices including painting, sculpture, video, audio and writing, the work presented in After ISLAND takes inspiration from their experiences of Freespace, ISLAND, and the city of Venice. We can apply this notion to our concept of feminist principles, using the structure to explore wider
questions through the development of our own practice.

Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:30
Koehorst in ’t Veld is an editorial design practice that concerns itself with exhibits. They produce books, exhibitions, concepts and research for museums, publishers and other institutes. Their interest in history, place, and the mechanics of display are a driving force behind their work. They complement design with editing, writing and curating.

This exhibition is useful for us because it serves as an example of how information can be presented in a linear format. The frame allows for rotation of up to 45 degrees allowing the information to be viewed from multiple perspectives. It’s construction out of wood is fairly simple too, just what we love!

Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:25
Keeping everyone safe is our number one priority hence we can’t continue this event within the MSA, however:

- As the Trees not Cars movement launches into the latest phase of fundraising, you can help by donating to the campaign ( )

- Or if you would like to be directly involved in creating alternative proposals for the Central Retail Park, contact Reiji Nagaoka via email:

In brief, The campaign is looking to use sketch schemes based upon reliable data from equally reliable sources as a counter-argument to the current vision for the site.

Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:25
Location: North Tea Power

At the end of the events fortnight, we look forward to presenting our alternative masterplans to our collaborators, our guests, and the Ancoats community.

Each team will present their alternative vision with a presentation, an A1 poster, and a six-page design document.

Following the presentations we will have questions from the floor, followed by a celebratory drink.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:20
How Women Build: Exhibition is an opportunity to experience a live build project. During our time in Undergrad, many of us were lucky enough to work on similar projects. Here's one Martha was involved with in Liverpool.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:15

We have identified three female furniture makers for our three groups to research, and hopefully be inspired by. Each of these women has created incredible furniture and each of them can teach us a lot about being feminist makers.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:15

We have identified three female furniture makers for our three groups to research, and hopefully be inspired by. Each of these women has created incredible furniture and each of them can teach us a lot about being feminist makers.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 13:15
Thank You

Unfortunately, we are sad to announce that due to the outbreak of COVID-19, our project will no longer continue as planned.
Throughout Events 20 we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of support of our collaborators and guests. Given the circumstances and the involvement of a large group of students across MArch, BArch and external school participants working in collaboration, it wouldn’t be safe to run the project at this time.
The research and work we have compiled in developing the project, can hopefully still be used to develop a collaboration between the MSA and The Circus House in the future. We had the chance to visit the Circus House and to see the site up close. We would like to thank the Circus House, especially Sian who supported us throughout this process. We would also like to thank our guest Enrique for his support and time. We would like to apologise to the prospective students who will no longer benefit from the valuable skills and existing opportunity this project presented.
Thank you to our collaborators, and everyone involved in the project for helping us begin to create something special. Wishing you all well in this difficult time. Stay safe!
Posted 31 Mar 2020 12:55
Group 14 // Centre Stage // Session plan - Week 2

During week 2, spanning from the 4th of May to the 7th, we will be pushing on our deliverable of the Zine for NTWAC. During this time we aim to develop our understanding of how visuals can create emotions and how this publication can document our design process in an intuitive way. Working with Trevor, by the end of this week, we will have a fantastic document for NWTAC to show to funders and the community during consultation.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 12:02
Group 14 // Centre Stage // Session plan - Week 1

Introducing the finalised session plan for our team! Spanning from the 28th of April to the 1st of May, we will be touring SimpsonHaugh, Home and NWTAC to gain inspiration for our zine. We're really excited to get started and kick start funding for NTWAC to help the surrounding Moston community.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 11:57
A field trip
We recorded the details of the situation, including the treatment room hidden behind the mysterious cabinet door, the paintings on the walls, the rich Spaces, the black walls
Posted 31 Mar 2020 10:20
Students cooperative with skilled in different field. Acquiring knowledge by learning from each other or doing deeper research in the area of expertise. And students learn more professional professional skills under the guidance of professional architects.
Clients (42ND STREET):
Clients provide the opportunity and their feedback. Profesional skills are combined with clients’ request, constraint (eg. policy) and construction fee. Design-build project provides a space with contingent pedagogy to students in university.
In the process of communication between students and users, students can gradually understand what the user's needs are. Therefore, according to the user's opinions, the consultation room and waiting room are designed.
Strengthen the responsibility of the teacher as logistics. Logistical support provided by faculty in the cooprative model is important.
Posted 31 Mar 2020 05:31

We are saddened that we have to end the NEWTOPIA project prior to the exhibition in light of the national requirements due to Covid-19.

Throughout Events 20 we have been overwhelmed with the generosity of time and spirit our collaborators and special guests have been willing to donate. We hope that these connections continue to develop in the future, and that our posts will inspire you to take a deeper look into the work of the guests we had planned.

The social value embedded within the design, evolution and execution of new towns holds a fundamental role in the function of our country; and it has been a pleasure introducing you to the case studies that we were planning to display to the public. We are saddened that the people who live in the towns of the case studies, who contributed so willingly to the research, will no longer be able to visit the exhibition, but are reassured that their representation still exists within the case studies themselves.

We have thoroughly enjoyed working as a group together for the first time; coordinating our first student lead live project.
Although we have not had the chance to improve our skillset through the workshops and talks we had organised, we have enjoyed building our organisational, planning and management skills through the preparation and outreach work we have conducted over the previous months.

Thank you to all the staff, students, and collaborating bodies who worked together over the past few months.

Posted 30 Mar 2020 22:54
You are invited!

Invitation to the Newtopia event on the 7th of may 2020 6 - 8pm.

All welcome and free entry, just remember to grab a ticket from Eventbrine closer to the date!

Drinks and nibbles provided, we cant wait to see you there!
Posted 30 Mar 2020 20:56
"Architecture is increasingly conceived as a product divorced from the particularities of place and as transferable as a chair."- Edwin Heathcote, Is Architecture Furniture?
The essay demonstrates of how architecture in the current age is as movable as a chair. There have been trends on designing homes in shipping containers, which creates flexibility for space. We shall understand this project as a smaller scale of a real project, where furniture act as walls and internal rooms as the facade of the 'building'.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 17:40
The Manchester Museum clients wanted to create an identity for the shop. We have analysed several precedents to demonstrate how identity is created in the different shops below.
Venice Biennale
Basic wood furniture for display. Items sold were mostly branded for the Biennale which results commercialization. The items designed for the Biennale had really strong colors, therefore it really catches the eye.
Victoria Albert
The use of lighting is very strong in this precedent. The floating cube structure above creates an impression of the shop.
Fred Aldous, Manchester
The art supply shop is organised through the types of products that are sold. The design of the furniture shows the craftsmanship and simplicity. A lot of different types of furniture have been considered for the wide range of art supplies.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 17:38
We will be aiming to produce one 1:200 site model, detail models (ideally one to ones), and a pamphlet to present to the clients.
The following outputs will aim to......
1) 1:200 Site Model- To propose on the atmospheric qualities, colour schemes to give the shop an identity and attract more customers. Amount of actual cabinet required for the amount of stock the museum has shall also be resolved.
2) Detail models- To investigate durability and the potentials of re-using existing wood.
3) Pamphlet- To propose design ideas and aid the Museum team during the actual construction of the shop to accelerate the time of the project.
Physical models are the best way to communicate to non-professionals. In having something physical in hand, it is a lot easier perceive and understand space as we naturally perceive information in three dimensions.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 17:37
Rising Architects - THANK YOU!

Unfortunately, we are sad to announce that due to recent events regarding the outbreak of COVID-19, our EVENTS 20 project will no longer continue as hoped.

We were extremely excited about the opportunity to work with The Smallpeice Trust to inspire the next generation of Architects. Given the circumstances and the involvement of a large group of students across MArch, BArch and external school participants working in collaboration, it wouldn’t be safe to run the pilot of our summer school scheme at this time.

The extensive research and work we have compiled in developing the project, can hopefully still be used to develop a future collaboration between the MSA and The Smallpeice Trust. We would like to thank the Smallpeice Trust, especially Tariq who supported us throughout this process! We would also like to apologise to the prospective students who will no longer benefit from the valuable skills and existing opportunity this project presented.

Thank you to our collaborators, and everyone involved in the project for helping us begin to create something special. Wishing you all well in this difficult time. Stay safe!
Posted 30 Mar 2020 17:06
Rising Architects - Photography Competition

During the walking tour around the campus, we will also hold an individual photography competition and hold a workshop on how to use the basics of Adobe Photoshop. We will look at the importance of architectural features and 2D composition in photography. Bring along your cameras and phones to take lots of photos of the campus, it is filled with modern and historic architecture to explore!
Posted 30 Mar 2020 16:47
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, our POD project can no longer continue as planned.

We were extremely excited about this event, given its humanitarian and creative impact which would allow us to collaborate together and realize a proposal.
A good cause doesn't stop here. Through our research, we have achieved the extent of homelessness in Manchester. Taking charge is a collective work that can start with ourselves, raising awareness for everyone.

We had the excellent opportunity to collaborate with Dominic Sagar and Woah whom we thank for their patience, their time and their great work. We had the chance to visit Cornerstone charity, to see the truth up close, we talked with some homeless people, we were extremely well received by the staff and volunteers of the charity, whom we thank very much! A wonderful inspiration!
And lastly a special thanks to our guest architecture unknown, who were very excited to collaborate with us, always very available and attentive. Thank you for the awareness you raise about homelessness in the community.

We just want to say a very huge thank you to our collaborators, guest speakers and to all who were involved
Thank you and stay safe!
Posted 30 Mar 2020 16:09
The outputs of our Events 2020 will take the form of a printed publication, which will include, but not limited to, the following:

•reflections from the 1:1 POD outline competition
Design Charette at Cornerstone Charity
•Structural + Material strategies tested through physical modelmaking and 3D modelling
•Sourcing of materials and budgets
•Photocollages, sketches and visuals
Posted 30 Mar 2020 16:05
Working to produce a 1:20 site model for the Manchester Museum Shop. The model consists of a plywood exterior made prior to the events weeks ahead.
During events, we will separate into group to work on elements of the shop; from the refurbishment of the central cabinet to the build of the pegboards. Each team will produce tests and mock-ups of their selected elements and find the best solution for that specific furniture. We have listed several materials that we intend to use in the sketch models; Can you think of any more to add to the list?
Finally, each team will produce a final high quality model of their specific element at a 1:20 scale to be placed into the site model. We look forward to share the model with everyone.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 15:11
Covid-19 and homeless

At a time when we are all in quarantine, complaining that we are staying at home for the whole day, every day, for an indefinite period. We forget the luxury and the privilege that we have, a roof, which protects us from the cold, the wind, and the virus. At a time when the majority are thinking of stocking up on food and toilet paper, others are looking for a roof, a minimum of comfort for shelter. It is in these moments of distress that we realize the privileges that life has offered us.
Homelessness is a problem that has always overwhelmed as a major, but with the current conditions, the virus has appropriated the street, the shelter of many. The danger is more present than ever.

‘People experiencing homelessness are amongst the most vulnerable to life-threatening COVID-19 and our members are describing crisis conditions in the services dedicated to supporting them. The government must step up now to protect our vital services by taking the actions we outline below. ‘

Here some solutions that homeless link charity proposes to the Government to step up now to protect homeless people by taking the urgent actions below.

1. Protect and support people experiencing homelessness
1.1 Remove legal barriers to accessing self-contained accommodation for people facing homelessness.
1.2 Increase access to self-contained accommodation so that people facing homelessness can self-isolate.
1.3 Ensure that homeless people most at risk have rapid access to testing.

2. Enable homelessness services to operate effectively and respond safely
2.1 Urgently provide PPE, hygiene supplies and testing.
2.2 Offer an emergency grant fund for homelessness services
2.3 Provide bloc payments of Housing Benefit to accommodation providers in advance, rather than requiring monthly returns.

3. Prevent further homelessness as a result of COVID-19 
3.1 Follow through on promises for a complete ban on evictions from social and private rented
3.2 Provide Universal Credit advance payments on a grant basis.
3.3 Suspend Universal Credit deductions and sanctions.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 13:40
It is with great sadness to announce that Let's Play has been cancelled due to the recent Covid-19 outbreak.

Throughout university, we have always been asked to create our own clients and design for users formulated by our own imaginations. This project would have given us the amazing opportunity to engage with real life clients, effectively a glimpse for us into the real architecture world.

Up until now, we have been lucky to work with Laura Sanderson and the Friends of Beech Road Park, as well as receiving drawings from children in the primary schools near the park. It was amazing to see what they had come up with and it would have been great to see how we could have accomplished their visions for the park play area. The project has taught us to have a deeper understanding for the social value of the projects we work on and their impact to the local community.

The Let's Play team is happy to resume collaboration with Laura and the Friends after the Covid-19 threat has been neutralised, if we are ever needed again for them to apply for future funding.

We just want to say a very huge thank you to our collaborators, guest speakers and to all who were involved in Let's Play up until now.

Thank you and stay healthy, everyone!
Posted 30 Mar 2020 09:24
Join Us!

Be part of our team and our project to bring fun and excitement to the current and future generations of the Friends of Beech Road Park!
Posted 30 Mar 2020 09:23
Final Publication

One of our final output will be a printed publication that would be handed over to our client, Laura Sanderson. Within this booklet, we will compile our activities, design iterations and final outputs throughout the entire Event project.

We hope that our participation in the Event project will aid Friends of Beech Road Park to gain future public funding for the Play Area and enable the council to re-imagine the opportunities that this quaint, beautiful park is able of.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 09:22
Week 2 will start with a trip, a Guided tour of Granby Four Street developments with Community Land Trust representatives in Liverpool which will be used for a precedent study for grass roots movements and masterplanning. The following days will be focused around learning softwares while working on the masterplans, each team will keep updating the 6 pages presentation for their design. On the final day, we will exhibit and present the 3 different proposals to all of our collaborators and Ancoats community members, with focus on the developed theory and design drivers which led it.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 01:56
Week 1 will start with meeting the collaborators on site (Central Retail Park in Ancoats) in order to get an understanding of its existing conditions and brainstorm initial ideas. Following days we will have different collaborators (MAA+U, URBED and Leandro Minuchin) joining for tutorials and workshops that will help us make sustainable design decisions. Each team to keep working on their proposals and apply design techniques learnt from various activities led by collaborators.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 01:14
Rising Architects - The walking tour

On the second day of the taster course we aim to take the school pupils on a 60 minute walking tour of Manchester School of Architecture, Manchester Metropolitan University and The University of Manchester Campuses. The purpose of this is to show the pupils a variety of buildings at different stages of their life: from the Manchester Museum (1867), to the Arts and Humanities (MMU) and the Manchester Engineering Campus Development (UoM) buildings currently under construction.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 00:53
URBED led workshop
- Manchester based URBED (Urbanism, Environment and Design) Ltd are an award-winning design and research consultancy. URBED is also in partnership with Manchester School of Architecture, LULU Landscape and Urbanism is a newly formed March atelier embedded in URBED+, that combines academia and practice.
- They believe in “building sustainable towns and cities and enabling good design”.
- Teams of students will have the opportunity to have a tutorial session with URBED in an attempt to develop their masterplans digitally under professional guidance, focusing on urban design and landscape.
Posted 30 Mar 2020 00:07
Rising Architects – Competition Teams

During the design competition, all the participants, BA students and MA students will be distributed into 6 balanced teams. we hope this vertical learning will encourage conversations between different years and levels of experience. It will provide the opportunity to maximise the skill sets that each team has and learn new skills from others.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 23:53
MA Architecture and Urbanism students led workshop
- Masters students from the Architecture and Urbanism course at MSA will come in to share their proposals, analysis of existing site (Central Retail Park) and wider context
- The aim of this workshop is to produce initial sketch masterplans to show sustainable master planning principles learnt from MAA+U presentation
Posted 29 Mar 2020 22:50
Rising Architects - The Importance of 3D Modelling

2D sketches and drawings have always been key elements to design buildings, however they have their disadvantages. With the new technology improvements, both physical and digital 3D modelling have been made possible and have now become fundamental tools for architects. Our course will introduce the participants to 3D modelling with tours to the B15 workshop to familiarise them to the equipment available as well as SketchUp tutorials. At the end of the design and build competition, the students will have to present both physical and digital models to explain their ideas.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 21:53
Rising Architects - The Importance of Drawing

The ability to create both precise technical drawings and expressive sketches has always been an important part of the architectural profession. Our course, in collaboration with the Smallpeice Trust, aims to introduce students to the diverse role of drawing from quickly and efficiently sketching dimensions on site, to converting ideas within a design team, as well as demonstrating the need for accurate technical drawings to understand the built form in 3D. Whilst computers offer a valuable aid in this aspect, like other architecture courses, ours will introduce hand drawing as a practical way of understanding the drawing process and the necessary visual form of communication.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 19:35
Rising Architects – The Pavilion

For the build competition, the participants alongside with the students, will propose and design, in teams, a temporary pavilion. A flexible architectural open space that invites people to come in and spend time in it. It can be used as a shelter, seating, meeting point, café, theatre, events, exhibitions, play, relaxation and much more.
With this competition, and with further research on precedents, we are looking to explore the different aspects of Architecture, through the exploration of different materials, construction methods, forms, activities, scale and experiences.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 19:27
Rising Architects - The Competition Site

The site for our design competition (that will run during our 2-day course) is All Saints Park. We have chosen this particular site because we believe that it is currently underused, providing us with a great opportunity to come up with ideas on ways to bring it back to life. It’s close proximity to Manchester School of Architecture will allow us to visit the site easily with the school pupils. We want the participants of the course to create a pavilion that will make All Saints Park the focal point of Manchester Metropolitan University’s campus.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 18:50
Rising Architects - Social Value

Fundamental to our event are the social values which result in positive impacts affecting Manchester and its surrounding community through our educational programme. We promote engagement within education through a variety of creative and group work activities in our session plan, to spark interests in architecture and the arts, as participants learn fundamental architectural and interpersonal skills. Integrating people across a variety of expertise and backgrounds not only encourages interpersonal skills but promotes a collaborative environment where everyone can learn and exchange skills, views and knowledge. Utilising the university campus as a key site for task activities and as a workshop location is a great way to promote what the city of Manchester has to offer.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 18:47
At the end of the intensive weeks, we are planning a display and hands on workshop in the Central Library. The team will be setting up a space in the library to conduct the workshop. The general public is welcomed to join the session. Along with this, the team will approach the library users to engage with the activity and also to hand on the paper toy leaflets as a means of promoting the Town Hall. The tetrisceptional model will also be displayed to allow the public to interact with.

The discussions have been ongoing however subject to the availability of the Central Library.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 14:37
Discussions have been ongoing to organize a Clock Tower visit with the team. As the restoration of the Town Hall has moved to the construction phase in March, further considerations in terms of safety and capacity will be implied hence the confirmation for the tour is yet to be confirmed. However, the initial thoughts were to be within the 3rd week of March.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 14:33
To ensure that we are on the right track, we ensure that meetings were held every week or sometimes even twice! We had brunch over meeting and chats with coffee to maintain a friendly relationship alongside working in a project. This made us feel more comfortable working in a team and would expect this interaction to continue when the undergraduates are on board.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 14:28
We had 3 meetings with the collaborator at the Town Hall with the upcoming one (scheduled 8th April) being cancelled due to certain circumstances. Agendas were sent out prior to the meetings with a follow up meeting minutes after. The meetings were chaired by the MSA team with the support of the collaborator.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 14:27
Our very first visit to the Town Hall was on the 21st of January which also marks our very first meeting with our collaborators. We were fortunate to have a quick glimpse around the Town Hall and was guided by our collaborators, Peter and Westley. We noticed how intricately the details were designed to portray its quality of space. Lining the internal courtyard are 3 main wings of the Town Hall and main staircases that had so much character.
Posted 29 Mar 2020 14:23
Model Your Own Play Area!

In this session, we will be using simple classroom model making materials such as grey cards, plasticine or foamboard to design massing elements for our different design iterations.

Through this session, we will be able to analyse and critic the relationship between form, circulation and shape of our designs in 3D. This will help to prompt further ideas and solution among the group in order to reach our final design proposals.

"The model provides a shared focus for design discussion in a way that promotes interaction, the exchange of ideas and engagement with the messy, physical, creative process of designing the world in which we live " -Gavin Henderson
Posted 29 Mar 2020 10:07
Let's Design!

A design charrette is an intense period of design or planning activity. The word charrette is a collaborative session in which a group of designers drafts a solution to a design problem.

We will be using photo collages and sketches to in this fast-paced session to generate quick design iterations that may arise through online research or from our site visits to our precedent parks.

This session is to let our creativity flow and also to think outside the box of how a play area should be design!

Posted 29 Mar 2020 09:58

Dr Kim Förster is an Architectural studies Lecturer in the University of Manchester and member of the Manchester Architecture Research Group (MARG). His current project deals with architecture and the environment, i.e. notions of ecology, archives of energy transition, and the politics and economies of sustainability at different spatial scales over the last five decades.

Dr Kim Förster will be the key reviewer of the final presentation together with the Purcell Architects, having the opportunity to provide critical perspective from a larger context of the urban space for the project. He is extremely helpful and considerable and it will be a precious chance to discuss your personal study interests with Kim in an academical way.

Click here to get to know Dr Kim Förster better:
Posted 28 Mar 2020 11:16
Rising Architects - The Output

We will produce a booklet summarising our activities during the events programme that will be sent to both The MSA and The Smallpeice Trust. We will collate feedback from students of the course and suggest improvements that could be made in the hope that this will start a conversation to make the course a reality.
Posted 27 Mar 2020 19:53
With the Events finalising, we are excited to showcase the Event's schedule. It highlights all the points at which we have guest speakers and exercises.

Our Event is centred around networking and communicating with other parts of industry.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 18:19
One of the key speakers that we were able to invite was WONDRWALL, a complete solution to home automation.

They are the world leader in intelligent home management and renewable energy technology. Developing a range of modular home automation, clean energy and efficient heating products.

The system can take advantage of solar panels, heating systems and battery storage for complete clean energy throughout the home.

We are excited to talk to them about the cutting edge technology in sustainable architecture.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 18:10
CPD Technical tour of Europe's first EnerPHit Plus Retrofit home.

We are visiting the Zetland Passive house on the 30th of April to get an insight of a successful retrofit project. The director of Ecospheric, Kit Knowles will guide the tour and give us a presentation about the design & construction process. They’re passionate about sharing their knowledge so that everyone in the building sector has the skills to reduce carbon in the built environment.

Ecospheric is a company focus on pioneering eco developments that save carbon and drive technological change. Their mission is to create valuable case studies to progress the field of sustainable construction.

Link to Ecospheric website:
Posted 26 Mar 2020 10:17
The greenest Victorian house (Retrofit) in the UK!

Enerphit standard is the passive house benchmark for retrofit projects — Enerphit ‘Plus’ status is awarded to buildings that also generate at least 60 kilowatt hours in renewable energy each year per square metre of floor area.

The fabric of the Zetland Passive House contains practically no petrochemicals, all the materials and construction details are fully breathable, the dwellings still sit on their original footprints, and almost all 200 tonnes of brick in the property as well as all the original joists and rafters are still in place.

The finished houses are stunning to look at, inside and out. The front façade looks traditional, featuring what believes are the first stained glass external windows used in a passive house project.

Although our “Zero Carbon Empty house retrofit” project with the Manchester City Council focuses on social housings and has a significantly less budget for an intervention like the Zetland Passive House. Nonetheless, we are motivated to learn from their retrofit experience by arranging a CPD Technical tour of the house.

More information of the visit will be announced soon. Stay Tuned!
Posted 26 Mar 2020 10:16
Simplified Steps to a Zero Carbon House Retrofit.

Step 1. Find an architect or builder with experience of Passivhaus design and construction.

Step 2. Get planning permission- Passivhaus retrofit projects will probably need planning permission as they might require external insulation or changes to the roof etc. The commissioned architect can help with this – low energy Passivhaus projects should be looked on favourably by planning departments .

Step 3. Design the retrofit using Passive House Planning Package Software (PHPP)- it is important that a retrofit project is modelled using PHPP, PHPP modelling needs to go parallel with architectural designs as it will allow the users to see what is and isn’t possible within the parameters of the Passivhaus methodology. Key criteria to reach EnerPHit standard: Space heating demand: 25 kWh/m2/ year; Primary energy demand: 120 kWh/m2/ year; Airtightness n50: 1.0 air changes/ hour.

Step 4. Find funding for the project-The Ecology Building Society offers mortgages at preferential rates for houses built to the Passivhaus standard.

Step 5. Find Passivhaus products- Passivhaus buildings can be built using many conventional building materials found in any builders’ merchant. For the specialist Passivhaus elements such as windows, MVHR systems (mechanical ventilation with heat recovery ) and airtightness products, Green Building Store, a UK based supplier, offers a specialist range of Passivhaus products.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 10:15
Zero Carbon Retrofit Design Principle-

The three categories of ZCB Measures are: Passive, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Systems; these are shown as concentric circles in the poster.

The first principle in any ZCB design should be reducing the amount of required energy through passive approaches (Passive Solar Heat Gain & advanced glazing for heating; Sunshading & Natural ventilation for cooling; Skylights & Solar Tubes for lighting, etc.). With the needs for artificial lighting and possible heating and/ or cooling, the second principle aims at implementing energy efficient measures. (Heat Pump and Radiant Heating; Evaporative Cooling & Radiant Cooling; Advanced Lighting Control & Energy Efficient Lighting, etc.). Renewable energy systems are needed to offset the energy demand required for lighting, heating and cooling. (Solar Thermal & Biomass Powered Systems; Geothermal; Building Applied Photovoltaic Panels & Building Integrated Photovoltaics Panels; Wind Turbine, etc.).

Design with the Passivhaus standard-

The Passivhaus standard has been recognized as the highest standard for energy efficiency in a building, it reduces the building's ecological footprint, resulting in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling. A lot of the Zero Carbon building designs aim at complying this standard to achieve their Zero Carbon statuses.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 10:14
Research the precedent of low-carbon house renovation. This project is part of Carbon Co-op's Home Energy Training Programme organized by URBED. This precedent describes how to help community homes achieve energy transformation. Its architecture and related expertise will provide us with more inspiration.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 04:13
We will invite the architects of urbed to introduce their projects on retrofitting to cope with environmental changes.
URBED (Urbanism, Environment and Design) Ltd is an award-winning design and research consultancy based in Manchester.We believe in building sustainable towns and cities and enabling good design.
Urbed have developed expertise in low-carbon architectural design, particularly in the retrofit of existing buildings. We see this as integral to the environmental sustainability and the long-term success of urban
areas,improving health and well-being as well as climate and wider environmental outcomes.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 04:12
Our outcome should be a booklet which including Background of Manchester, Collaboration of MSA & MCC, Site visit analysis, Zero Carbon Technology Network, etc.
We hope this booklet can help MCC to Convince their superiors and the public as a guidance of social housing zero carbon retrofit.
Posted 26 Mar 2020 04:10
Glad to cooperate with MCC!
Posted 26 Mar 2020 04:09