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DAY 8: Final Renders and Publication

Before our presentation at Station South tomorrow, the team has been working together on the 3 designs to create renders and finalise the publication. At the end of the day, we went through our presentation as a group to make sure everyone had a part to say ready for tomorrow.
Posted 16 May 2024 18:00
Have a look at these amazing images created by the team to showcase the proposals in use!

The temporary team have developed a modular structure that can be modified and altered to suit all purposes with ease! The use case changes from a fun, playful seating area to market stalls with seating over the weekend to bring some of the heritage from Underbank and the Stockport markets into the site. The structures are made up from wooden rods with connectors allowing for easy disassembly for the Council, to store or install the proposal across the entirety of Stockport if this first intervention is deemed a success.

The permanent team has investigated a more extensive intervention with hard landscaping being proposed to deal with the site levels and make it accessible for all. The In/Between space is plastered with colour to reflect the playful nature of the space. The canopies drawing people into the site create a sense of play with the light projecting through the recycled plastic with local artists being brought in to help develop a sense of ownership for the site.

We cannot wait to show the collaborators what we have been working on since the first initial meeting and we hope they are just as blown away by the quality and quantity of work produced by the team throughout the action weeks! See you in the morning for the final day of an amazing journey!
Posted 16 May 2024 17:38
Day Eight!

Today was a pivotal day as we kicked off our one-and-a-half-day workshop at Oswald Road Primary School.

In the morning, we finalized our preparations and organized materials for the three groups: plan, elevation, and model. By the afternoon, we arrived at the school and were greeted by a lively and enthusiastic group of children.
Posted 16 May 2024 17:13
Day 8: Studio photos

With the models completed, this afternoon we took studio photos of the final prototypes.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:56
Day 8: Final touches

This morning the team worked on the cushion and fixings for the display stand, researching weaving patterns before settling on a checkerboard design.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:55
Pavilion Design Development
Our team has continued to design visual concepts for the pavilion building, showing how it can be used as a cafe space, for exercise activities, arts and games. These concepts show how the community can come together at the pavilion and how issues with security and vandalism can be addressed.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:47
We have been busy curating the final outputs to send to our collaborators and collaboratively producing our MSA Live publication. We came together for our last group discussion to reflect on our MSA Live experiences and celebrate all of the work that the student team had produced. During the reflection session we (the MArch students) asked for feedback from the BA students about whether the ‘action weeks’ had met their expectations and were happy to hear that they had all enjoyed it, particularly the freedom given to them in the brief!

We would like to to end our blog by thanking all of the BA students for their creativity and commitment over the last two weeks. We would also like to thank Marple Civic Society for their invaluable support and inspiration throughout our collaboration - we have really enjoyed getting to know Marple and working together to generate ideas for the town’s future!
Posted 16 May 2024 16:37
Day 8
Development of our concept views for the reuse of the pavilion. We have compiled new information booklets to work alongside the new maps we have produced. These contain information about the points of interest shown on the maps.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:35
Day 8 - Composition of the Final Project

Eye for Details_ Eliott's (BA2) modular cube was developed for construction. The exploded axonometry illustration depicts the construction and joinery details.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:30
Day 8 - Today we finalised preparations for tomorrow's public showcase. Our wayfinding and signage group painted our colour-coordinated floor map for Emporium M33, highlighting different traders zones and adding blackboard vinyl sections for traders to update their locations. We also created hanging ladder blackboard signage for key areas to guide customers around the building.
We further developed the website, updating trader profiles as more businesses showed intertest in being included, enhanced the FAQ section, and added information about the charities at Emporium M33 and ways to get involved.
We’re excited to present our efforts and celebrate with the Sale town community and Emporium M33 tomorrow!
Posted 16 May 2024 16:26
Introduction to our Collaborators: In-Situ

Artist led group In-situ was founded in 2012 by Paul, Kerry, and William with aims to integrate art with their local environment. Their work is centred around the intersections of ecology, youth engagement, and community discussion which informs their interdisciplinary approach towards placemaking. The idea of inclusivity guides their collaborative approach towards their sites of interest. As a company, In-Situ pursue a non-hierarchical directive, prioritising community engagement within the area of Pendle and reaching out as far as Lahore and Texas. The collaborators believe that design should be flexible and responsive, allowing for communities to take responsibility for spaces, allowing them to develop and evolve overtime to meet individual’s needs.

During these two action weeks, we'll collaborate closely with Calum from In-Situ. He'll guide our group's efforts and offer crucial feedback along the way.
Posted 16 May 2024 16:18
Posted 16 May 2024 16:10
DAY 8 - Final Post

After the productive action weeks, we completed all the tasks set for the project in a very timely manner. We are happy with the work produced and the enthusiasm from the students. It has been a pleasure meeting everyone in MSA LIVE. During the last day, most of the team was present and we had a final de-brief with everyone.

It was a moment to thank everyone for their contribution and exchange contacts for future communication. Well done guys!
Posted 16 May 2024 16:09
May 16, 2024: Design Presentation

Today we were privileged to present our final resolved design concept to Calum, a member of our collaborators In-Situ. Throughout the presentation each member of the team was able to focus on a specific element of our design process undertaken over the last two action weeks.

The feedback received from Calum was insightful and overall, he was extremely positive about the scheme proposed by our group whilst posing questions as to how In-Situ would be able to proceed further with the proposal in the future.
Posted 16 May 2024 15:53

We presented the completed designs from the last few days to the client today and they were very impressed with the ideas and outputs from everyone. They made some comments on our results that could be improved and we will make final adjustments based on the feedback.
Posted 16 May 2024 15:40

Today we have been refining the final outputs and curating a set of drawings for our collaborators. It was really inspiring and rewarding to see all of the work coming together and we are looking forward to sharing it with Marple Civic Society.
Posted 16 May 2024 15:26
Day8 - Checking final outputs and Cleaning up

Each group organized and discussed the output results and gathered them in the form of a portfolio to make final preparation for the presentation to Moss Side Millenium Powerhouse and collaborating architects tomorrow.
Posted 16 May 2024 15:06


After amending the designs based on the feedback from the staff and stakeholder meeting, the students did an exercise where they had to imagine their designs through time, and narrate it visually in the form of a scroll.
Posted 16 May 2024 14:39
Action Weeks- Day 8

Today, we focused on the final parts of our group model and compiling all the images we've created into our booklet. It was a day of detail work as we ensured everything was cohesive and visually compelling. With each page coming together, we are very close to the finish line.
Posted 16 May 2024 14:35

A full day of preparing the final drawings and diagrams for each site! There was a great atmosphere in MTC as everyone was looking back on how far we had come in just over a week, and gaining inspiration from the graphics styles of other group members.

The MArch students gave Photoshop advice to some of the Foundation and BA1 students in a series of informal tutorials, and the days ended with some great diagrams and visualisations produced!
Posted 16 May 2024 14:31
The second to last day of MSA began with a review of the booklet so far! The teams combined to discuss the narrative of the booklet and have further input into the work being added. With each member having favourite drawings and so much work to choose from, it will be a difficult task to decide what makes the final cut!

After the discussions, it was time to continue to develop the proposals! One of our outputs is measured drawings that could be used to submit a planning application to take each proposal forward. The team spent some time exploring the ins and outs of AutoCAD, learning about plot styles, line weights and shortcut commands! The elevations for the permanent team will be finished off later this afternoon and taken into Photoshop to have some textures added, whereas the temporary team will focus more in-depth on a shorter section of the elevation to highlight 2 different use cases for the proposal!

This morning has certainly been an interesting one, filled with discussions, learning and skill development. We hope the team have enjoyed learning a thing or two from us! See you later for another update!
Posted 16 May 2024 14:06


We presented three strong concept designs to NHS staff and stakeholders at the Postgraduate Building on Oxford Road. Our collaborators Dawn and Rosemary attended the presentation session and were very happy with the outcome of our action weeks. We received great feedback from NHS staff, as they were pleased that their suggestions from the questionnaires were included in the final outputs. A health and safety inspector joined us for the presentation and provided further insight into safety requirements, such as lighting, non-combustible materials, appropriate gradients of accessible ramps and slip and trip hazards.
Posted 16 May 2024 13:34

Students finalizing their leaflet design for the booklet!
These leaflet are then going to be printed off for the exhibition.
Excited to see the final outcome!!!

Posted 16 May 2024 13:06
On Wednesday we continued developing the sketch model for the storage rooms, and refining the extension ideas for the final presentation on Friday. Diagrams and images include construction details for the shelving designs, and the interior and exterior visuals for the concert hall.
Posted 16 May 2024 13:05
The final presentation day! It's our pleasure to have our collaborators - Tony and Paul today, to see our final output! Paul was excited to try out our VR, both futuristic style of out door cinema and nice relaxing plant wall are very attractive! It's also sad that this would be the last day of our activity.
Posted 16 May 2024 12:38
Action Week: Day 8

"We are The Hippodrome Savers"

Today marks a pivotal moment in unveiling the promising future of the Hulme Hippodrome. We had the pleasure of welcoming the incredibly kind and passionate collaborators, Tony and Paul, who were presented with our innovative façade designs for the Hippodrome. Both collaborators were immensely pleased and enthusiastic about the proposals. Beyond an array of visual materials, we also provided a unique opportunity to experience the transformed Hippodrome firsthand through our specially crafted VR simulation. Over the past ten days, M.Arch, MA AR leaders, along with BA and foundation course students, have dedicated themselves to this design project with fervent creativity and deep contemplation. Now, we eagerly anticipate the bright and dynamic future of the Hulme Hippodrome.
Posted 16 May 2024 12:30
DAY 8 - Reflections, Feedback & Finalising the Publication

As we are nearing the end of MSA Live, the students spent today collating work and reflecting on their contributions and experiences during the action weeks. They were encouraged to critically evaluate their contributions, considering what has gone well, what hasn't, and what they have learned.

Tomorrow we have a guest who currently helps coordinate the university-wide Arts Council Cultural Development-funded project Stockport Creative Campus, looking at how creative activity can make Stockport a better place to live and work. She will be having a look at the work we as a group have produced over the action weeks and provide feedback.

Overall, we are all very impressed with the overall engagement and attendance of the group, they have all been very motivated and full of enthusiasm.
Posted 16 May 2024 12:28
Posted 16 May 2024 12:13


Based on the feedback we received from Dawn yesterday, we further developed several suitable proposals. During the refinement process, we paid particular attention to the attributes of the plants, the scale of the space, and human activities. By deepening these three design points, we made the courtyard design more in line with the requirements and more reasonable and interesting. At the same time, we also prepared the content for the next day's report to Dawn.
Posted 16 May 2024 11:57
Day 7

Preparation & Design Refinement

Day 7 was another milestone in our journey towards revitalising the Underbanks. The team started the day with an informal catch-up session to share updates on progress made and any challenges faced.
Gap Site 1 Progress
The team working on Gap Site 1 made significant strides today. Our concept of creating attachable and detachable pieces for flexible space utilisation was refined further. By focusing on modular design, we ensured that the space can be easily reconfigured to meet various needs while staying within the client’s budget. Meanwhile, the digital 3D model has been completed as well to convey the design concept and dynamic interventions, and the team have now shifted their focus to producing high-quality renders and visualisations.
Gap Site 2 Progress
Over at Gap Site 2, the team continued their impressive work from the previous day. They refined the plan layout, incorporating feedback and ensuring every detail was meticulously accounted for. Their 3D virtual model is now near completion, offering a comprehensive visual representation that will be instrumental for the final presentation. The model is crucial for our final visual presentation of Gap Site 2, demonstrating both aesthetic and functional aspects of the design.
Wayfinding Team progress
The Wayfinding group made significant strides today as well. They finalised the overall plan, ensuring a seamless visual connection between interventions across the scheme. Additionally, the team has been working on the 3D model to get ideas implemented and ready to be there in the final visuals. The team has almost completed the templates for the A5 publication and made substantial progress on the presentation content for SMBC. The progress made is pivotal in conveying the project's vision and goals effectively.

Posted 16 May 2024 11:54
Day 7

On the morning of May 15th, we are putting the finishing touches on the physical models created by each group. Following that, we all began working on the illustrations, diagrams, and sketches required for the booklets and presentation board.
Posted 16 May 2024 11:22
Day 07

Final Note and Giving Thanks.

We would like to take a moment to thank our amazing students for their dedication, hard work, and efforts over the past two weeks. We are so proud of you and hope you have learnt from each other, and us.
We have really enjoyed working with you all and wish you the best of luck as you continue your journey through the MSA.

We would also like to give thanks to our collaborators: Manchester Climate Alliance and Ardwick Climate Action, who have been a huge part of our journey, having fortnightly meetings stemming from November through to now. We thank you for you patience, guidance and active approach throughout our MSA Live experience.
Finally, thank you to our client Bruntwood for providing this amazing opportunity and experience.
Posted 16 May 2024 11:21
Day 6

On May 14th, we got started on preparing CAD files and models for our physical model. After that, some of us went to B15 for laser cutting, while others stayed at the MTC to discuss the layout and content of the A2 presentation board in a big group. In the afternoon, when the laser cutting team returned, some groups began building the model.
Posted 16 May 2024 11:12
Day 07
Presentation day

Part 2

We headed to Circle Square in the afternoon for our meeting and met with our clients and collaborators. We gave a short presentation revisiting the brief, our outcomes and ran through our action weeks. The BA students stood up and presented their final outputs and with a floor of very impressed clients, we opened the room to any questions.
To say that Bruntwood were impressed was an understatement and we are so proud of all the hard work and amazing achievements which the students had put in, in only 6 days.
This was reinforced by Bruntwood who exclaimed that ‘We don’t even receive this level of work in 6 days by our paid architects!’

All in all, it was a fantastic experience and we all finished the day with a well-deserved pint at Yes Bar!

Posted 16 May 2024 10:54
Day 07
Presentation day

Part 1

As we geared up for our final day and presentation with Bruntwood, Manchester Climate Alliance and Ardwick Climate Action, we spent the morning composing our final boards and outcomes.
We had a final chat with our students to make sure they were comfortable with their role in presenting their work. It was the BA 1’s first presentation and we settled their nerves and assured them they would smash it… which they absolutely did! The BA 2's were excited and confident for their presentation and extremely proud of the work which they had produced.
Posted 16 May 2024 10:43
Action week: Day 7 - Public Consultant

All the preparations were for a public consultation at the site this afternoon.

We take great care of the people who come here to inquire about our projects. We also gain a sense of achievement in this.

At the end of the day, Chris also came to the venue to discuss our design with us.
Posted 16 May 2024 00:42
Action week: Day 7!

Hello, here is Keming. It is a busy Wednesday!

We’re all meeting this morning 10.00 a.m in MTC. After a brief meeting, we split into two groups to put the finishing touches on each.

Some people are rendering in the Cad lab, they got a busy morning to get everything completed and printed before 1.00 p.m.

The rest of the group designed and built the base of the physical model at B15.

Fortunately, we managed to finish everything before 1 p.m. Just waiting to go to the site for public consultation.
Posted 16 May 2024 00:34
Day Seven!

Today we wrapped up all preparations for the workshops. At B15, we finished the laser cutting of all building facades and the 3D printing of all the buildings which were to be used for the 1:500 site model. At the studio, half of the team worked on the presentations and illustrations required for the next day at the school. The main presentation and workshop prep were completed by the end of the day. The work for the final publication started off. We finished the day looking forward to tomorrow when we can finally reap the results of our work.
Posted 16 May 2024 00:34
Day 6
Today, we progressed with completing our reimagined street facades, which will be put to new function and use, using new colours and materials to try to make them come alive again.
Next up, the group prepares for the final model presentation and design drawings.
Posted 16 May 2024 00:11
Day 7 - Final Exhibition Proposals.

During today's day the students worked on their proposals for the exhibition, on the different alterations that the old library space can undergo and some furniture ideas that can be used to reevaluate the space.
Eliott (BA2) produced an illustration exploring a temporary structure for the 'theatre' space. While Naia (BA1) did some alterations in the plan of the old library.
Posted 15 May 2024 22:51
Day 7: Today the students were working on their exhibition pieces and refining their design explorations for their collaborators. Diona Iseini (BA2) produced an illustration exploring a temporary structure for the 'theatre' space.
Posted 15 May 2024 22:04
Day 7

The 2D outputs are coming together nicely with masters and undergraduate students working together in Adobe Photoshop today! We all learned a thing or two, thank you to the endearing team for your work!
Posted 15 May 2024 21:22
Just one more day until we meet our collaborators! Both the Tarp Team and the Green Team are giving it their all to achieve our final goal. We've decided to rename the Tarp Team to the Screen Team for a smoother, more fitting name!
Posted 15 May 2024 20:47
Action Week: Day 7

We’re working hard to finalise the proposal and completing the model, making sure every detail is spot on. More students are exploring the VR/rendering software - Twinmotion, discovering its capabilities to bring our project to life. On top of that, we’re hosting a portfolio workshop that everyone can share their work, exchange insights, and brainstorm fresh ideas.
Posted 15 May 2024 20:47

Inspired teamwork flourishes amidst the open work area, where creativity knows no bounds.

The transformed car park blooms into a lush green space, connecting people with nature. Vibrant event areas spark community engagement, breathing new life into unused spaces. 🤸

This design isn't just revitalizing; it's redefining society's landscape!
Posted 15 May 2024 19:53

Up close is our arch which serves as more than a mere structure, it is a dynamic space designed to inspire and connect the community of Stockport.🚗 The transformed car park breathes new life into the community.

This elevated design doesn't just shape spaces; it shapes futures! 🌟
Posted 15 May 2024 19:49
Week 02 Day 03

At the beginning of today’s session, everyone began to plan and create visuals of their final accessibility proposals in groups. We guided the students through this process, exploring various 3D visualisation methods together. Given the students’ keen interest in learning rendering techniques, we conducted a rendering software tutorial in the Computer Room this afternoon. In the meantime, we also began organising the students’ Week 1 proposal development work in the report.
Posted 15 May 2024 19:48

Today marks a significant milestone as all three of our sites have reached completion. Days of hard work and collaboration have resulted in stunning models that vividly portray our vision of stockport.

Gathered beneath the iconic arch, our model family beams with pride amidst the sleek office and bustling warehouse.

With its blend of modern design and industrial charm, our Stockport isn't just where we work—it's where dreams take shape.

Say cheese! 📸🖼️
Posted 15 May 2024 19:44

The warehouse model began to take shape and the concept of our design isn't just about work and social; it's a playground for innovation and a caring society!

Imagine a bustling hub where collaboration thrives amidst the laughter of children from the nearby nursery in our family play area. On the first floor, diverse studios offer a canvas for creativity to flourish, each one a unique space for inspiration and ideation. 🖌️

💼Let's blend work and play, fostering a culture where imagination knows no bounds, and every idea has room to grow! 🌟🌳
Posted 15 May 2024 19:36
Day 07: Closing in

Today the students continued to hone in on the final outputs for this MSA Live week, through digital models, visuals, diagrams and sketches - the document is being made ready to discuss and show off to our collaborator on the final day!

Happy to say we're proud of our students for their input! 2 Days left!
Posted 15 May 2024 19:33
Day 7: Physical model making - finish the site model

Today we continue to improve the site model on the basis of yesterday's work. In order to make visitors coming to station south clearer about the spatial layout of the site, we made a distinction between the different areas of the site by using different model materials, such as wood chips that were added to the model to represent the natural landscape. In addition, some 1:200 model of people and cars are placed within the model. We ultimately chose not to fully connect the building of cafe to the rest of the model so that people can see the bridge and bike path below it. The three places we focus on can be picked up and then a QR code or text will be added to the bottom to further add model's interactivity.
Posted 15 May 2024 17:18
With great success, we were able to print half of our posters for our exhibition tomorrow. Fingers crossed the printers don't break down mid-priniting tomorrow!
Posted 15 May 2024 17:04
Action weeks - Day 7

Today we dedicated our day to putting the finishing touches on our final outcomes. We poured our skills into perfecting our models and bringing our visions to life.

In parallel, we began crafting different pages for our group booklet, weaving together photos of our models with descriptions and explanations of our design process.

As we flipped through the pages and discussed our goals for the final outcome, each of us brought unique perspectives and aspirations to the table, but one thing remained constant: our shared commitment to creating something truly impactful and memorable.
Posted 15 May 2024 17:02
Heaton Mersey Park Map!
A new map our team has designed, zoomed in on the main Heaton Mersey Park area, identifying points of interest in a visually engaging way for visitors.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:58
Heaton Mersey Valley Map!
View our new map covering the Heaton Mersey Valley area, designed to encourage more movement and community interaction around the site.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:53
Day 7 - Group A’s Physical Model

After working over the past week to draw up the components for a physical bay section model, and then prepping AutoCad files for laser cutting, today group A completed the assembly of the existing physical model.

The group worked as a well-oiled team to organise and delegate roles, as well as employing problem solving skills in order to produce a successful 1:20 scale model of the existing building facade.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:46
Day 7
Design for Final Outputs

The team has been making progress with the development of their final drawings, while the Master students have been working towards the final presentation.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:44
Day 7: Test assembly

With every piece of the prototype now cut and sanded, we assembled the stool, bench and exhibition stand to test tolerances and improvements we can make over the final two days.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:42
Day 7: More Models!

Today we made more models to add to our suite, and test assembled the 1:1 stool, here are the 1:20 on the 1:5 on the 1:1.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:38
Day 7
The team has continued development of the new site maps. Following our conversations with collaborators yesterday, we have developed our concept designs for the pavilion, updating our plans, sections and elevations. We have also begun productions of 3D visuals showing how the building could be used.
Posted 15 May 2024 16:35
The afternoon session began with our visit from Gemma, she is involved with coordinating the university-wide Arts Council Cultural Development, which is a funded project for the Stockport Creative Campus. Matt introduced the project and talked through the brief from Stockport Council, explaining some of the intricacies of the site and the finer details required for the project!

The temporary team began the presentation explaining the narrative and how the initial ideas had been developed over the course of the past week. The presentation then moved on to a visual walkthrough of the site utilising Enscape as a design tool to emerge Gemma within the proposal and highlight the use cases for the modules! The permanent team followed on from that with an amazing presentation walking through the design stages and the latest iterations, with draft plans and elevations being showcased to help 'sell' the project.

Before the teams finished for the day, some initial cost estimates were completed for both the proposals to ensure that they are feasible within a local authority budget. By doing these cost estimates, it gives the collaborator an idea of what each scheme will cost and an idea of how elements from each design can be taken forward and combined to create a workable solution for them!

A massive thank you to Gemma for coming along and giving some insight in to creative brands located in Stockport to further strengthen the team's narrative. Can't wait to showcase what both teams have been cooking up later in the week!
Posted 15 May 2024 16:14
Wednesday began with models being finalised for a complete set of drawings to be produced. Both teams were working in separate spaces today, with the permanent team taking residence in the CAD Lab in MTC and the temporary team working in the studio space. The teams are both working hard to iron out the creases before the afternoon's session, where we will be receiving a visit from Gemma Porter who works in the Design Department at MMU.

The team began to collate images in to a presentation for the afternoon, to highlight and showcase the design intentions for both schemes with work well underway to creating the booklet! The morning session has certainly been action packed but it will be amazing to see all the hard work pay off in the afternoon!

See you after lunch! :)
Posted 15 May 2024 16:14

Finishing up on the last few posters before we showcase them at our exhibition tomorrow. Deep Dive has been a great team to work with and we definitely couldn't have pulled this off without the help of our BA1 and BA2 students. Big smiles from the team as we work towards the final drafts!
Posted 15 May 2024 16:06

Members of the two groups worked on the final outputs of Installation+poster and Signage+paths, expressing them through illustrations, renderings, etc., in preparation for the final presentation to the client tomorrow.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:53
DAY 7 - Wrapping up Technical Drawings and Continuing to Progress with Perspective Visuals.

The focus today for the students was on wrapping up the technical drawings, continuing to progress with perspective visuals for the facade and walkway groups, and ensuring all details were meticulously polished. At the same time, we made a lot of progress on the publication booklet, which is important for documenting the project’s development as the project moves towards its final stages.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:50
Posted 15 May 2024 15:46
Day 7 - Final detail CAD drawings

M.arch students provide visual and textual advice to BA students on the cad drawings presented using Illustrator and Photoshop software to achieve the final effect.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:33
May 15, 2024: Design Communication.

We continued finalizing the concept drawings in preparation for the review day, with our collaborator tomorrow. Students began working on the drawings and learned how to present them graphically. At the end of the day, we reviewed the required preparations for the final presentation and provided feedback.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:27
The afternoon's session began by continuing to model the proposals, working towards the next exciting step of the process! The developed model allowed the students to start producing diagrams of the site in use and how the proposal has developed from the initial sketches. It was incredible to see the progress made over the last week from initial sketches to the proposals you will see at the end of the week!

The groups have begun to populate the booklet with amazing hand and digital sketches. With both teams taking a different approach to capturing the design process, the permanent team opting for digital representations of sketches and the temporary team sticking to trace. This decision was made to play and experiment with the idea of temporality within our representations.

The afternoon concluded with a presentation from both teams to show the progress of each proposal and to strategise for the remainder of the week! What an amazing end to a day seeing boxes being ticked from both teams!
Posted 15 May 2024 15:22
After a enthusiastic and promising result from yesterday's presentation with the emporium, Group one carried on with website responding to the feedback we received, making tweaks and adding a section for FAQ's. Group two finished laser printing the final directory map along with the map stand and signage pieces which will help users navigate around the store. Group three got stuck into producing tote bags using heat transfer paper which was an exciting process.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:21
Developing concepts and detailing interiors based on the community's feedback. Creating proposals and floor plans that visualize the users' requests, as well as developing pricing lists and signage.
Posted 15 May 2024 15:20


The main focus of today was to present all our design proposals to Dawn and get her feedback, and then discuss how we can improve the proposals. Everyone was well-prepared to present their designs to Dawn, and Dawn was pleased with the work we had done so far. She also had a lot of feedback and ideas to share, and the meeting had a very positive atmosphere. Everyone was engaged and actively participating, and at the end of the meeting, we discussed how we can further improve the designs. This meeting will be very helpful in guiding our future work, and we are confident that we can do even better.
Posted 15 May 2024 13:56

Today we got a visit from someone in the MMU Design Department and Stockport Creative Campus Project Manager!
We presented the ideas we came up with last week for the project, and the leaflet designs we are working on! It was great to have some interesting conversations about the project and see how excited she was!

Posted 15 May 2024 12:53
Action Week: Day 6!

28. Today, we continued working in our output-oriented groups, successfully completing several drawings. It was both an educational and productive day, as everyone shared their skills and collaborated effectively, building on each other’s work to create different diagrams.

29. The BA1 students in particular have been learning all new skills from digital modelling, to illustrator and photoshop rendering. This image here was modelled by Tina (BA1), in collaboration with Boyu (MArch1) and rendered by her after learning from Emre (MArch1), in just two days!
Posted 15 May 2024 12:48
MSA Live Action Week Day 6

We launched the website! Still a work in progress but is visible for anyone that wants to check it. The QR code will lead you to it, but you can also visit the website at
Posted 15 May 2024 12:43
MSA Live Action Week Day 6

Today the model making team finished the audio walks physical model and we took pictures of it in the B15 Photo Studio. We added the audio walk post point numbers and the location of the Life Leisure Complex!

Meanwhile, the design team kept working on the design and renders for the park entrances and the logos for the city signs that we are proposing.

The audio for the audio walks was recorded! And we began to add it to the website.
Posted 15 May 2024 12:42
DAY 06

The day concluded with students sharing their progress from the day.
Posted 15 May 2024 12:33
We completed our day with modelling our modular strategy. We used greyboard and paper to build this model. Through this activity, we explored the different possibilities of the structure which can be elongated, as well as folded at different angles. We had discussions about the different configurations that can be achieved with this structure for an enhanced experience of the exhihibition space!
Posted 15 May 2024 12:21
Today, we have chosen the materials for the pop-up. We collectively decided that polycarbonate, glass, waterproof double-sided fabric, and metal should be used to construct our pop-up. Since the pop-up is outdoors, the materials must be waterproof. Polycarbonate is also light as the pop-up is movable. All the materials are durable, which is good for the pop-up in the long run. The material glass is also chosen as it is sustainable, which projects the sustainability agenda of Future Everything.
Posted 15 May 2024 12:21
Group sketch-up and adobe workshops in preparation to present to the client tomorrow
Posted 15 May 2024 12:14